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Curriculum Cart Management IMaST Lead Coaches IMaST Lead Coaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Cart Management IMaST Lead Coaches IMaST Lead Coaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Cart Management IMaST Lead Coaches IMaST Lead Coaches

2 The Curriculum Cart will be housed in a secure room and available to you by schedule. What do you need to know about the Cart? How will you manage the Cart? The Curriculum Cart

3 What is in the Curriculum Cart? What is in the Curriculum Cart? Apple iBooks Apple Airport iBookChargers

4 How do the computers connect to the Internet? How do the computers connect to the Internet? Airport (housed inside the cart)

5 Power Cable Ethernet Cable

6 Powering the Cart Notice there are two power cords to be plugged in.

7 Securing the Cart Securing the Cart CartLock Cart Lock

8 Securing the Cart Do not give code to students! Code Wheels

9 Securing the Cart Securing the Cart

10 Laptop Security Laptop Security Number the computers and the cart shelves Check out computers by that number. 1 1 1313 1313 1414 1414 1515 1616 1212 11 1515 1717 13 12 11 10 1919 1818 1212 18181717 14 1919 12 13 14 1616

11 Moving the Curriculum Cart Guide the mobile lab cart over obstacles such as door jambs, bumps in floor or pavement surface. Avoid sudden starts and stops while moving cart. Keep cart door locked while in transit.

12 Managing the Curriculum Cart Before Class Reminders: Student acceptable use/liability forms must be signed. Plug in cart for charging the day before use. Inspect the connections and the range of the Airport. Assign students the same unit daily.

13 Managing the Curriculum Cart Mobile Lab Setup: Find a location in your classroom near ethernet drop and two free electrical outlets. Plug ethernet cable into drop and plugs into outlets. Set wheel brakes Careful placement of student desks is important.

14 Curriculum Cart Management During Class: One or two students should be assigned and taught to take the computers from the cart. Class students should carry no more than two computers to or from desks. Careful placement of laptops on student desks is important.

15 Curriculum Cart Management During Class: Continually circulate around the classroom to supervise and help the students.

16 Curriculum Cart Management End of Class: Complete any printing processes at least 10 minutes before the end of class. With 5 - 8 minutes left, start proper shutdown procedures. Quit programs, close laptops (sleep mode). Reverse laptop distribution procedures.

17 Laptop Cart Security At the end of each period At the end of each period - Check the laptop cart to make sure all laptops are returned and charging. Lock the cart at the end of its use - essential to protecting the equipment. At the end of each day At the end of each day - All laptops must be shut down

18 Keys to Success Be familiar with the cart and laptops. Prepare in advance. Build student ownership in the technology.

19 Keys to Success Supervise the distribution and collection of laptops and equipment. Supervise student use and focus.

20 Rules to live by…. Or How to avoid that sinking feeling. Practice, practice, practice. Have a fallback plan. If stumped, ask for help. Have fun !!!

21 Questions ?

22 Thank you ! IMaST Lead Coaches

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