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Areas Under Any Normal Curve

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1 Areas Under Any Normal Curve
Section 8.3

2 Objectives Compute the probability of “standardized events.”
Find a z score from a given normal probability (inverse normal). Use the inverse normal to solve guarantee problems.

3 Normal Distribution Areas
In many applied situations, the original normal curve is not the standard normal curve. Give probability that a x will fall into an interval from a to b. Convert the original measurements x, a, and b to z-values.


5 Example–Normal distribution probability
Let x have a normal distribution with  = 10 and  = 2. Find the probability that an x value selected at random from this distribution is between 11 and 14. Find P(11  x  14).

6 Example–Solution We use the formula
to convert the given x interval to a z interval. (Use x = 11,  = 10,  = 2.) (Use x = 14,  = 10,  = 2.)

7 Example–Solution P(11  x  14) = P(0.50  z  2.00)
= P(z  2.00) – P(z  0.50) = – = Interpretation The probability is that an x value selected lies between 11 and 14.

8 Example–Normal distribution probability
Let x have a normal distribution with  = 42 and  = 7. Find the probability that an x value selected at random from this distribution is between 39 and 48.

9 Example–Solution P(39  x  48) = P(-.43  z .86)
= P(z  -.43) – P(z  .86) = – .3336 = .4715 Interpretation The probability is 47.15% that an x value selected lies between 39 and 48.

10 Inverse Normal Distribution
Sometimes we need to find z or x values that correspond to a given area under the normal curve. Find an area then find the corresponding z value, this is the inverse normal probability distribution.

11 Example–Find x, given probability
Magic Video Games, Inc., sells a video games package. Because the package is so expensive, the company wants to advertise an impressive guarantee for the life expectancy of its computer control system. The guarantee policy will refund the full purchase price if the computer fails during the guarantee period. The research department has done tests that show that the mean life for the computer is 30 months, with standard deviation of 4 months.

12 Example–Find x, given probability
The computer life is normally distributed. How long can the guarantee period be if management does not want to refund the purchase price on more than 7% of the Magic Video packages? Distribution of lifetimes for the computer control system Shade the portion of the distribution when the computer lasts less than the guarantee period. 7% of the Computers Have a Lifetime Less Than the Guarantee Period

13 Example–Solution Area in a left tail, we can use Table 5.
The area value is Area is not in our table, use the closest area, which is , and the corresponding z value of z = –1.48 Excerpt from Table 5 of Appendix II

14 Example–Solution Now translate this value back to an x value (in months) x = z +  = –1.48(4) (Use  = 4 months and  = 30 months.) = months Interpretation The company can guarantee the Magic Video Games package for x = 24 months. For this guarantee period, they expect to refund the purchase price of no more than 7% of the video games packages.

15 Example–Find x, given probability
Let x have a normal distribution with  = 13 and  = 3. Find the x value given an upper 45% probability. Distribution of x - values Shade the portion of the distribution x is the upper 45%

16 Example–Solution Now translate this value back to an x value
x = z +  =.13(3) (Use  = 3 and  = 13) = 13.39 Interpretation 45% of the x – values is greater than x =

17 8.3 Areas Under Any Normal Curve
Summarize Notes Read section 8.3 Homework Worksheet

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