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Presentation on Communication Process and communication issues of Digicon Technologies limited Presented By Name ID Md. Monjur HossainRahat 1121053030.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on Communication Process and communication issues of Digicon Technologies limited Presented By Name ID Md. Monjur HossainRahat 1121053030."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on Communication Process and communication issues of Digicon Technologies limited Presented By Name ID Md. Monjur HossainRahat TasmiaTabassumTaspia MourushiTabassum Md. Taijul Islam Nipa Al Kapi Fariha Nasrin Shormee TahrimMozammel

2 Company Overview Company Background Goals & Objectives Mission

3 3. Areas of Research Purpose Statement: To analyze the communication procedures of Digicon Technologies Ltd. and the communication issues encountered by them.

4 Reason for Exploration
Helps us to understand better why business are not able to communicate effectively Things that should be avoided if you want to set up a business of your own Helps us to formulate effective solutions that would remove barriers of communication

5 4 Research Methodology Primary Source: Interview Secondary Source:
Internet Class Lectures& slides

6 Communication with Internal Stakeholders
1. Top to Bottom Communication Phone Calls Letters Text Messages

7 Communication with Internal Stakeholders
2. Bottom to Top Communication Formal Letters

8 Communication with Internal Stakeholders
Lateral Communication 3. Social Networks Short text messages Phone Calls

9 Communication with External Stakeholders
Suppliers Regulator Customers Industry Partners

10 Analysis Communication issues faced by the company
Follows Chain of Command Use of technical language Use of stereotype language No employee participation in decision making process Department to department communication is very lengthy Ineffectiveness of communication with external audience

11 Factors that impede smooth operations of a business
Bad Work Relationship 1. Inaction 3. 2. Misinterpretation 4. Emotion

12 Factors that impede smooth operations of a business
Language Difficulty 5. Manipulation 7. Lack of Feedback Loss Of Transmission 6. 8.

13 Interpretation of the Findings
May cause the employees to fail to act. May cause confusion among the employees due to misinterpretation of the messages. Conflicting and disengaged relationship among the manager and the employees may create negative environment. Ignorance of the emotional state of the employees can affect the communication process adversely. The top level management will never receive the actual objective information due to manipulation of the message by the manager. Slow transmission of the message, resulting in ineffective communication. Recruitment and selection strategy of the company is inefficient. Centralized decision making. Hence, no participation from the employees are encouraged.

14 RECOMMENDATIONS Use Simple Language Clarify the Doubts
1. Remove Inaction and Misinterpretation Use Simple Language Clarify the Doubts Active Listening

15 RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Create a Friendly Relationship
Consider the Emotional State of the Employees 3. 4. Increase authenticity and speed of the message being transmitted

16 RECOMMENDATIONS Formulate Proper Recruitment Strategies 5.
Train the existing employees to teach them English 6. Encourage Feedback from employees 7.

17 What we have done throughout the project?
Conclusion What we have done throughout the project? What we have found after completion of the project?

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