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A Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security

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1 A-902569 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
International experiences on social security training INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE OF THE ILO 20 JULY 2010 TURIN, ITALY

2 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Participant’s profile Continent? Africa Americas Arab States Asia Europe Oceania 50

3 9 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Participant’s profile Academic background? Accounting Finance Law Political sciences Management Economics Other 9

4 EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions Do you think social security institutions in your country are properly run? Yes No It’s a scandal!!! 000

5 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions Who’s at fault? Social security institutions’ staff members Government Board members representing the workers Board members representing the employers 50

6 10 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions Main problem? Political interference Poor investment return Inadequate benefits Low level of coverage Compliance with legislation High administration costs Long term sustainability Inadequate administrative services Other 10

7 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions On a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent), do you think social security institution staffs' skills and knowledge are up-to-date? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50

8 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions On a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent), do you think skills and knowledge of board members representing the workers are up-to-date? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50

9 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions On a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent), do you think skills and knowledge of board members representing the employers are up-to-date? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50

10 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions On a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent), do you think Government officials' skills and knowledge are up-to-date? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50

11 50 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security institutions Most important training need for social security institution staff members? Information system Management Investment Actuarial techniques Extension strategies Customer Service Legal Service Governance Other 50

12 50 Standard Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Standard Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Board members Most important training need for board members? Social security policy Management Investment Financial techniques Extension strategies Social security reform Legal Service Governance Other 50

13 ILO response to training needs and ITC courses on social security
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training ILO response to training needs and ITC courses on social security Short-term trainings (1-3 weeks) Open courses Tailor-made trainings Training as part of technical cooperation projects Long-term trainings (1-2 years) Partnership with Maastricht, Lausanne and Mauritius University Training projects Quatrain Africa and America

14 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Short-term training offered by the ITC Types of open courses offered by the ITC Pension courses in Arab, French and English Social health insurance in English Social security financing and governance in Arab, English and Spanish Social security extension in English, French and Spanish

15 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Pension course Objectives Improve the skills of pension planners, managers and social partners’ representatives involved in the governance of social security institutions and in the design and administration of pension schemes; Increase awareness of the economic and financial implications of pension systems and understand the challenges posed by the financial and economic crisis for social security schemes. Target participants The workshop is aimed at managers and personnel of pension schemes, officials from key ministries responsible for the development and monitoring of social protection systems and representatives of the social partners involved in the governance of social security institutions.

16 Social health insurance course Objectives
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social health insurance course Objectives To enhance the capacity of planners and managers to design, implement and manage a social health insurance scheme, To increase understanding of the financial aspects of health insurance, Target participant The workshop is aimed at executives, managers, planners, financial officers and other responsible professionals of health care and health insurance schemes, both in the government and non-governmental sectors as well as persons in research functions within health systems

17 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security financing and governance course Objectives To increase awareness of the economic and financial implications of social protection systems; To enhance knowledge of the techniques and methods used for establishing financially sustainable social security schemes; To develop expertise and knowledge on best practices on governance and investments of institutions

18 Social security financing and governance course Target participants
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security financing and governance course Target participants Managers and personnel of social security schemes; Tripartite members of the governing bodies (trustees, fiduciaries, directors) and other staff involved in the administration (investment committee members, internal auditors, legal and compliance advisors) of social security funds, civil servants' pension schemes and pension funds sponsored by state-owned companies; Officials from key ministries responsible for the development and monitoring of social security systems or pension funds for civil servants' and state-owned enterprises; Staff of finance, treasury and human resource departments of governments, and state-owned sponsoring companies involved in pension plan administration and pension fund management; Pension fund regulators and supervisors.

19 Social security extension course Objectives
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security extension course Objectives The main objective of this interregional training course is to strengthen the capacity of key actors and stakeholders to design and implement strategies to extend social protection, in the framework of the social protection floor initiative and other extension channels, as a response to the crisis but also as a sustainable strategy for growth and development.

20 Social security extension course Target participants
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Social security extension course Target participants Policy planners from relevant governmental structures such as: Ministry of Labour, Financing and Planning, Health, Social Protection and Social Affairs Planners, advisers and professionals working in social security institutions or with social protection mechanisms; Representatives of workers and employers‘ organizations involved in the extension of social protection coverage; Practitioners and consultants of UN agencies of the coalition responsible for the social protection floor initiative who will be involved in its promotion and implementation at national, regional or global levels; Leaders and key members of associative or non-governmental organizations engaged in social protection policy formulation; Other international organizations and sponsors who wish to gain new technical insights and expertise relating to their interventions in the area of social protection.

21 1 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Short term open courses From your point of view, which of the ITC open courses on social security is the most likely to be useful for the trade union leaders of your country ? Pension Social health insurance Financing and governance Extension 1

22 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Tailor-made trainings Types of tailor-made courses offered by the ITC for worker representatives How to read an Actuarial Report Financial governance for board members Types of tailor-made courses offered by the ITC for social security institutions Tailor-made training for a social security institutions

23 How to read an Actuarial Report course Objectives
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training How to read an Actuarial Report course Objectives The training course is designed to help workers‘ representatives and their advisers understand actuarial reports so that they can better fulfill their roles as governors or potential governors of social security schemes. Target participants Trade union leaders - members of Social Security Institutions' Board of Directors Technical managers of CSI-Africa Representatives of International Unions Federations

24 Financial governance for board members course Objectives
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Financial governance for board members course Objectives Understand the social and economic importance, and the potential of social protection schemes; Analyze the operations of a social security organization; Identify the responsibilities of governing bodies of social protection schemes; and Establish the criteria for effective performance of a board member of a social protection scheme. Target participants Tripartite members of social security scheme governing bodies (trustees, directors, etc);

25 1 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Tailor-made courses From your point of view, which of the ITC tailor/made courses on social security is the most likely to be useful for the trade union leaders of your country ? Actuarial report Financial governance Other None 1

26 Tailor-made training for a social security institutions Objectives
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Tailor-made training for a social security institutions Objectives Design training programme based on the need assessment conducted jointly with the social security institution and the ITC Methodology An action-oriented, highly participative approach is employed throughout the training, with particular attention paid to sharing international experience with a view to adaptation and practical application. Training methods combine lectures and discussions, case studies, role-play exercises and group work. Target participants Very often, middle and high management level

27 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training as part of technical cooperation projects Types of training in the context of larger project Actuarial valuation project Social budgeting project Social insurance project Social protection floor project Legal advice

28 Long term training in partnership with Universities
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Long term training in partnership with Universities Maastricht University The one-year Masters in Social Policy Financing programme was initiated by the ILO in 2001 and its realization actively supported by the Universiteit Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (Maastricht, The Netherlands). The programme is now self-sustaining and enjoys the attendance of between 20 and 25 students every academic year. The ILO continues to support the programme by covering close to half of the teaching load of courses. The roots of the course lie in the Social Security Department's long standing experience in financial and actuarial advice to its constituent countries. The aim of the course is to further train professionals in social protection/policy financing who already work (or who intend to do so) for social security institutions, insurance companies, governments, research institutions and consultancy companies. In pursuing this approach it is hoped (a) to contribute towards improved governance of social protection schemes (b) to reduce country dependence on international or other advice on social protection/policy financing and on related policy issues, and (c) to improve the conditions for continuous collaboration on issues pertaining to social protection/policy financing between the ILO and its constituents.

29 Long term training in partnership with Universities
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Long term training in partnership with Universities Lausanne University This course has started in autumn of It was established as a result of the Europe-wide Bologna process of reforming and coordinating academic programmes in European universities. As an element of this process, the Université de Lausanne, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) established the programme as a two-years Masters degree course, which, as a standard requires as a prerequisite an acknowledged bachelor degree. The Social Security Department has been invited to complement the programme by lectures focusing on social protection from an international perspective and providing international experience in actuarial practice and social policy analysis.

30 Long term training in partnership with Universities
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Long term training in partnership with Universities Mauritius University The University of Mauritius, in partnership with the International Labour Office (ILO), has established a new post graduate programme that will award an Executive Master of Science in Social Protection Financing degree. The Executive Masters Programme is part of the ILO’s QUATRAIN AFRICA project, which is financed by the Federal Republic of Germany. This intensive one-year degree programme is designed to equip social security managers and financial specialists to meet the challenges of financing national social protection programmes.

31 1 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security
EdiVoteStart EdiVoteStop Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Long term courses From your point of view, which of the university programme on social security is the most likely to be useful for the trade union leaders of your country ? Maastricht Lausanne Mauritius None 1

32 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects Quatrain Africa Quatrain America

33 Training projects – Quatrain Africa
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Africa 3 years project funded by Germany 12 African countries covered by the project The objectives of QUATRAIN AFRICA is directed to help governments: Coherently plan social protection systems based on identified priorities; Forecast and analyze the financial and fiscal implications of their choices; and Organize, control and evaluate experience over time so social protection systems remain effective, or adopt timely reforms to ensure the sustainability of national social protection systems. QUATRAIN AFRICA training concept is tailored to the situation of African countries, with the objective of strengthening financial governance through stronger capacities and better tools at the institutional level.

34 Training projects – Quatrain Africa Outputs
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Africa Outputs Master programme on Social Security financing in French and English 50 scholarship awarded 160 board members trained Publications published

35 Training projects – Quatrain Americas.
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Americas. QUATRAIN AMERICAS is the ILO's new training programme in quantitative methods applied to social protection. It was launched by the Social Security Department of the ILO (Geneva) in cooperation with the International Training Centre of the ILO (Turin Centre). Through QUATRAIN AMERICAS, the ILO contributes to the promotion of specialized training related to technical cooperation by means of developing tools and methodologies adapted to national situations, exchange of information and dissemination of international best practices. The strategy of QUATRAIN AMERICAS is to develop synergies within the Social Protection Sector and with employers' and workers' representatives in the ILO. It also aims to promote technical cooperation and partnerships with other international and academic institutions.

36 Training projects – Quatrain Africa Outputs
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Africa Outputs During its 30 months of activity, the Programme has already contributed with the training of 969 individuals from 35 countries who participated in 26 training activities. Approximately 93 per cent of the participants came from the Americas and 7 per cent from Africa through South - South activities – basically from Portuguese –speaking countries.

37 Training projects – Quatrain Americas
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Americas Distribution of participants by sub region

38 Training projects – Quatrain Americas
Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Training projects – Quatrain Americas Distribution of participants by area of training

39 Interregional Trade Union Training on Social Security International experiences on social security training Thank you…

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