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CS 522: Human-Computer Interaction Lab: Formative Evaluation

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1 CS 522: Human-Computer Interaction Lab: Formative Evaluation
Dr. Debaleena Chattopadhyay Department of Computer Science

2 Formative Evaluation Assessing a product during its development or early implementation. Formative evaluation results should inform your design revisions before high-fidelity prototyping or full-fledged implementation.

3 Getting the design right
Sketches using the elaboration-reduction method. —Getting the right design (to meet the functional requirements) Testing with users/ user representatives. —Getting the design right (to meet usability goals and provide a user-friendly design solution.) still focusing on ideas, not system’s performance or visual design

4 Formative evaluation methods
Heuristic Inspection Think aloud protocol Cognitive Walkthrough Pluralistic Walkthrough GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection) Interviews Observational task analysis ..... Many more

5 Before Evaluation You need prototypes

6 Prototypes Paper prototypes Wizard-Of-Oz prototypes
General overview:  Paper prototype A person simulates the computer’s operation in putting down and picking up paper mock ups. Tips: Make it larger than life. Keep pieces organized. Wizard –of – Oz Interaction simulation using human in the loop. Wizard of Oz = Man behind the curtain Wizard has to be mechanical and fake the computer’s interaction The user should think that they are interacting with a computer, but a developer will respond to the input. Figure out how to fake the functionality you need to give the user an authentic experience from their viewpoint

7 Methods we will use in class
Cognitive walkthrough with paper prototypes Think aloud with Wizard-of-Oz prototypes

8 What we need for the evaluation?
Assign roles to your design team: Computer, Facilitator, and Observer. Revisit your user scenarios and define 3 to 5 tasks. Tasks should be real, complete, independent, and representative. (For CW) A complete, written list of the actions needed to complete each task. Computer: Simulates prototype Doesn’t give any feedback that the computer wouldn’t Facilitator: Presents interface and tasks to the user Encourages user to think aloud by asking questions Keeps user test from getting off track Observer Keeps mouth shut, sits on hands if necessary Takes copious notes

9 Lab Create tasks Plan your evaluation
If you have prototypes, test with your peers as evaluators* *recommended, NOT required

10 Formative Evaluation 2 members from each project group should participate in 2 formal evaluations of another group (mention in your report who participated in which group’s evaluation) Find one evaluator outside class. Deliverables: Images of the prototype/setup you used for formative evaluation Changes that you will make to the prototype based on testing Observations that will inform your application development

11 To do: Due 11/2— Formative evaluation
Nov 2: Shneiderman et al., Chapter 15 (Information Search), pp. 478—502.

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