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Text Structures and Text Features
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Required Knowledge: Text Structures
Students must be able to know and understand the following terms To be able to identify the correct text structure: Cause and Effect Compare and Contrast Time and Sequence Description Problem and Solution
Required knowledge: text features
Students must be able to know and understand the following terms To be able to identify Correct Text Features: Table of Contents Title Bold Italics Captions Photographs and Illustrations Glossary Index Headings and Subheadings
Strategies Each strategy is fully explained with examples.
All strategies must be modeled before having students complete on their own. It is recommended after modeling a strategy that students practice with a partner before independently applying it on their own.
Text Structure Charts Explicitly teach each text structure one at a time. The instructional process, questions to focus analysis, advanced signal words, and sample graphic organizers are only to be used as a teacher resource. In groups and as a class, new posters should be created for walls that teach. An example is located in the curriculum.
Advanced Signal Words After the explicit instruction of each text structure, use the advanced signal words from each text structure chart and have students create an advanced word sort. They will have 5 headers: cards- Sequence, Compare/Contrast, Description, Problem/Solution, and Cause/Effect. The signal words will include words such as: Sequence- before, after, first, second, next, to begin with, then, finally, etc. Compare/Contrast- both, different from, alike, however, like, as well as, on the other hand, similarly, etc. Problem/Solution- cause is, solved by, conflict, resolution, etc. Cause/Effect- because, as a result, if, then, etc. Description- any 5 W words, also, another, etc.
Graphic Organizers Have students create graphic organizers that correlate with how a text is structured. For example, students could create a timeline for a chronological text structure. sample graphic organizers are located in the curriculum and lesson plans. Examples include Anticipation graphic organizer, character perspective chart, Looking at our options graphic organizer, compare/contrast questions frame, C3, Content Brainstorming, etc.
Note Card Representations
Give students note cards and explicitly teach each text structure independently. For each text structure, students will have 3 note cards. The first one will contain the text structure signal words. The second will contain the text structure graphic organizer, and The third one will contain the steps to identify the text structure. An Example is located in the curriculum.
Mission Impossible Students will work on a mission to identify all 5 text structures. Give students five pieces of text. They will be required to read the texts, highlight advanced signal words, write summaries, and utilize a correct graphic organizer to prove their text structure answers. the Mission Impossible theme music Could also be played and prizes awarded for completed missions.
Scavenger Hunts Students will use a variety of texts to identify purpose and locate text features. Reference Material Scavenger Hunt: create a list of questions that will require students to utilize multiple reference sources such as dictionaries, atlases, thesauruses, almanacs, etc. Take students to the library and have them complete the “hunt” for answers. Award the first or top three students that accurately complete the hunt. Examples of questions: Write at least TWO definitions for the word contempt. What ocean is located by Asia? Who won the world series last year? What was the score? There are Examples located in the curriculum.
Text Feature Journal Detailed lesson found in the curriculum.
Students will create a journal that incorporates multiple text types and features.
Looping Game give students text features and definitions. Play the looping game by cutting the cards apart. The first student says, “I have italics. Who has the title of a book?” The next person would say, “I have the title of the book. Who has…?” Refer to the Read-Around Review example in the curriculum.
Textbook Walk This is a Great strategy for activating prior knowledge.
Have students go through a textbook chapter and look at how the chapter is structured. This can be used with news articles and other texts as well.
PQR2ST: use with a KWHL graphic organizer
Preview the text by viewing text features such as headings, subheadings, graphs, pictures, captions, etc. have students write questions based upon what they encountered in the preview. These will be questions addressing what they want to know more about or what they need explained. As well, Questions can be written in Cornell style notes. Read the text For remembering, students will store text by writing down important events they remembered and answering questions from their cornell notes. students will scan notes and make sure they did not forget any important information. This can be done in partners or with the whole class. Students will go back through the text and Touch up their notes by adding any important information.
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