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Recent Progress in Astroparticle Physics

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1 Recent Progress in Astroparticle Physics
Roger Blandford KIPAC Thanks to Lukasz Stawarz, Paul Simeon Decadal disclaimer 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

2 Progress Descriptions of what they are, why they are interesting. Take home messages 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

3 Fermi Launched 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

4 New Facilities Auger-S H.E.S.S. PAMELA VERITAS 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA
Decadal survey 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

5 The Pulsing g-ray Sky ~50 g-raypulsars ~2000 radio pulsars Radio Quiet
Millisecond Pulsars 40?? Pulsars in 47 Tuc Crab pulses detected by MAGIC Anatomy of magnetosphere Outer gap emission Computing magnetosphere Pulsars as tools Mass-radius relation 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

6 Supernova remnants Multi-wavelength studies
Protons (pions)and electrons (Compton) Some shocks are very efficient accelerators >50% Magnetic amplification mG->mG Emission coincident with X-rays, molecular gas Hadronic vs leptonic emission debate unresolved RCW86 Not the Pevatrons? W51C 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

7 Association with Star Formation
Large Magellanic Cloud Starburst Galaxies 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

8 Cosmic Ray Source Spectrum
Much new data CREAM, PAMELA, Kaskade Grande, ACE GALPROP is great but… Many complications Different sources SNR, PWN, OB stars Propagation may not be diffusive Limiting speed? TeV isotropy =>L[R] not a power law? Local effects -MILAGRO anisotropy Need better cross sections! However believe C,P symmetry- Spatial transport in sources, IPM,ISM,IGM is just a function of rigidity (momentum per unit charge ~ Larmor radius) Features in electron spectrum may be seen in M nuclei (Seo) at same rigidity Dawn of Precision Cosmic Ray Propagation? 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

9 Shock Modeling PIC, Monte Carlo codes Conceptual advances
Magnetic amplification mechanisms Only the highest energy particle escape promptly Magnetic bootstrap? Most CRs decompress until expansion sub-Alfvenic Pulsars, stars more complex! 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

10 Pulsar Wind Nebulae Pevatrons? Common sources especially at TeV
Displaced from pulsar Synchrotron nebulae Compton -CMB/synchrotron Accelerating >10PeV electrons Larmor radius – ~0.1pc Cooling length - ~0.01pc Requires E>~B!! Pulsar wind –relativistic beaming? Pulsar magnetosphere – ground-states of gyration synchrotron Crab Nebula Compton Pevatrons? 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

11 Gamma Ray Bursts Three types Fermi (Swift) Short -- NS coalescence
Long – Collapse of massive stars Magnetars _ 0.3PG neutron stars Fermi (Swift) 240 GBM Broad spectral coverage 9 LAT (7 long, 2 short) 5 solar mass isotropic energy GeV photons -> G~1000 Late emission (2000s) Short bursts also SN?? 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

12 Blazars Relativistic jets from massive black holes pointed towards us
Blazars =BLLacs +FSRQ Most Fermi sources ~ 1000 so far, ~5000 eventually,~ 200 identified TeV variation as rapid as 5 min! Hadronic vs Leptonic again Multi-wavelength science Radio monitoring to X-correlate with g-ray M87 misdirected GRB 6 billion solar mass hole Radio emission from ~60 grav radii Gamma ray flare 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

13 UHECR Auger-S completed GZK cutoff seen! Better spectra
Composition measurements Not photons Protons vs iron 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

14 REGRESS Importance of understanding astrophysical backgrounds 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

15 Dark Matter No GeV excess in g-rays Background fully accounted for by
astrophysical sources ????DAMA???? No ~600 GeV electron bump Is a similar “feature” seen in cosmic ray spectra? 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

16 Extragalactic Background
Is this all unresolved cosmic sources like AGN? 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

17 UHECR Anisotropy Anisotropy still exists but field of cosmic ray astronomy not yet created Correlations with LSS in general Cen A, cluster??? Clusters? 60 events! Higgs (w+1) DM above on and below ground No positron spectrum 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

18 INGRESS Upper limits LHC 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

19 Dark Matter Sources Galactic Center Galactic center
Many sources, diffuse background to remove WMAP Haze Galactic dwarfs Where are they Should they show up? No detections yet Clusters Primordial cosmic rays, AGN and dark matter annihilate – upper limits 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

20 VHE Neutrinos Ice Cube deployed and working well No sources yet
Leptonic vs hadronic jets GZK neutrinos (unless Fe) Cosmic ray detector Geophysics… Radio, sonic detection 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

21 Gravitational radiation
Energy graviton ~ /-3 TeV! LIGO achieved design sensitivity S5 run analyzed – no detections Some useful upper limits Enhanced LIGO (2010) Advanced LIGO (2014) Great progress in computational relativity Test GR in strong field regime First detections likely to be NS binaries Short GRBs? EoS for cold nuclear matter LISA 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

22 Neutrino mass and number
CMB observations => Neutrino mass sum < 0.67 eV Planck working Will need to know H0 cf KATRIN (0.2 eV) EXO, MAJORANA… 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

23 TRANSGRESS 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

24 Radical ideas (not just particle theory)
Gordy Kane Supersymmetric dark matter already detected and will be seen promptly by LHC Eli Waxman Don’t need additional sources to explain PAMELA data Non dark matter sources Young stars? g-g pair production Positron luminosity density ~ 0.1 g-ray density Violation of Lorentz Invariance, Modified Gravity Dark matter stars ~1000Msun Many new projects all excelllent I can’t comment furtther 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

25 CONGRESS! 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

26 DIGRESS 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

27 The Illogic of Scientific Discovery
Two disciplines astronomy or astrophysics particle physics come together in field of particle astrophysics Which came first second oldest cosmic ray now astrophysics is the young and immature field Many differences in cultures learn Hofmann Finkbeiner Astronomers eager to make discoveries and open up new arenas of exploration Thanks Particle physics more mature disciplinetaught much greater patience in going after big questions and not getting distracted a higher sophistication in detectors in data analysis Particle physicists have taught In return astrophysicists are rekindling a joy in making unanticipated discoveries Science cannot be stovepiped dm Astronomers love the LHC not only because it opens up a new frontier and they fully expect to be surprised but because they know that this is where the mystery of dark matter may be solved. The people are getting Hofmann Finkbeiner U(1) gauge forces These two commu 17 vii 2009 TeV-PA

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