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Economic Systems.

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1 Economic Systems

2 Economics: The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Economic Systems: How a country decides the following: - What will be produced? - How will it be produced? - Who will it be produced for? …and who decides these questions?

3 1. Traditional Economy “Because that’s the way we’ve always done it!”
Economic decisions based on tradition and custom Production done the way it has always been done Examples: Rural, tribal areas of South America and Africa

4 Market Economy: “Capitalism” Command Economy: “Communism”
Mixed Economy: “Socialism” Less Government Control More Government Control

5 2. Command Economy: “We do what we’re told!”
COMMUNISM -All economic decisions are made by the government Government controls all economic activity Father of Communism: Karl Marx Examples today: North Korea, Cuba, old Soviet Union

6 3. Market Economy: “We do whatever we think is best!”
CAPITALISM -All economic decisions are made according to the wishes of buyers and sellers Individual choice, not government direction Father of Capitalism: Adam Smith Examples today: United States, Australia, Canada, Great Britain

7 4. Mixed Economy: “We can usually do whatever we think is best, guided by the government
SOCIALISM -No system in the world is purely Communist or Capitalist A mix of command and market economies The government is involved in some aspects of the economy Examples today: France, India, Sweden, Venezuela

8 Communism Capitalism Socialism United States Great Britain North Korea
Canada Sweden United States Great Britain France Venezuela China Cuba North Korea Communism Capitalism Socialism

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