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Southern Cotton Kingdom

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1 Southern Cotton Kingdom
Section Three Southern Cotton Kingdom

2 A) Rise of Cotton Kingdom

3 The southern Economy The South was divided up between the Upper
South and the Lower South with thriving agricultural economies relying on slave labor

4 Upper South Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina
Tobacco was the main cash crop.

5 Lower South Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas Cotton was the main cash crop.

6 King Cotton Cotton became the most important cash crop taking over tobacco, rice and indigo, especially after the invention of the cotton gin.

7 Eli Whitney & the Cotton Gin
The cotton gin did the work of 50 slaves, allowing planters to cultivate more land to grow cotton.

8 Cotton Production: 1820 and 1860

9 Florida’s Cotton Kingdom

10 Florida’s Black Belt Blackbelt name comes from the amount of slaves in the region. Jackson, Madison, Leon, Jefferson, and Gadsden were the leading “blackbelt” counties.

11 Upper South Tobacco The Upper South concentrated on tobacco, wheat, and vegetables.

12 Deep South Cotton, Rice, & Sugar Cane

13 B) Southern industry

14 Cotton The economy of the South revolved around agriculture and had little industry of any kind.

15 Southern Industry Some Southerners wanted to begin businesses, but most remained with agriculture.

16 William Gregg William Gregg began a textile factory in the South.

17 Joseph Reid Anderson Joseph Reid Anderson had an iron foundry in the South that was used to make ammunition during the Civil War.

18 U.S. Railroad Lines The South did not have as many roads, canals, or railroad lines as the North.

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