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Co Chair, BetterAid Open Platform for Development Effectiveness

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Presentation on theme: "Co Chair, BetterAid Open Platform for Development Effectiveness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Co Chair, BetterAid Open Platform for Development Effectiveness
The right to development promoting the struggle for human dignity and development Antonio Tujan IBON Foundation Co Chair, BetterAid Open Platform for Development Effectiveness

2 The right to development has become even more urgent to be consciously promoted and monitored by all in the face of economic crisis, climate change, conflict and social dislocation. On its 25th anniversary, Right to Development is a beacon for all who aspire for well being and development of humanity.

3 Development Cooperation and the Development Effectiveness agenda
CSOs have consistently used human rights framework and RTD in monitoring aid and development cooperation Beyond aid effectiveness – challenge the effectiveness of Aid and development cooperation in delivering rights- based development – the challenge of Development Effectiveness of development cooperation and development programs and action

4 Promoting development effectiveness
Achieved a number of limited but significant gains at Accra High Level Forum for Aid Effectiveness Recognition of internationally agreed development goals as MDGs and HR including gender, disability and environment Recognition of CSOs as independent development actors in their own right

5 Country level action CSOs through IBON, Reality of Aid and Betteraid conducting activities in more than 90 countries Promoting government and multistakeholder recognition of CSO involvement and voices Promoting CSO participation into all levels of development planning, implementation coordination, monitoring and evaluation Focused processes for women, trade unions, rural folk and marginalized populations

6 Global Partnership for Development Effectiveness – the Busan High Level Forum
Expiration of Paris Declaration in 2010 A new compact for development cooperation to be forged at Busan CSOs campaigned for rights-based Development Effectiveness Countries campaign for more inclusive aid architecture and more reforms

7 Global Partnership for Development Effectiveness
Adopted at Busan but expanded agenda effective state institutions climate finance, aid for trade, private sector catalytic role of development cooperation CSOs advocating for operationalization of HR framework and R2D policy coherence for development cso participation in an inclusive development cooperation architecture cso accountability framework (Siem Reap framework)

8 Beyond Busan A new development cooperation architecture and complementary role of UN Development Cooperation Forum – for monitoring, coordination, intermediation/facilitation The HR Building Block and thematic session How can aid have a catalytic role for R2D and development effectiveness Proposal for a Convention on Development Effectiveness

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