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Computer Lab Rules & Procedures Deer Park Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Lab Rules & Procedures Deer Park Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Lab Rules & Procedures Deer Park Elementary

2 Treat Computer Lab Nicely
Leave the computer lab neat and clean. No eating or drinking in lab!

3 Treat the Equipment Nicely
Clean hands Don’t chew cords Don’t touch screens Gentle with Mice & Headphones Print with permission ONLY Click PRINT once

4 Treat Teacher Nicely Come in quietly, have a seat and wait for instructions. Raise your hand for help

5 Treat each other nicely
Kindly help others with your mouth not mouse Hands on your computer only Open ONLY your work

6 Treat Yourself Nicely Save your work to the right place so you can find it again Use the Internet properly-only approved sites Follow dismissal procedures properly. Give Me 5!

7 When on the Internet Stay on approved websites No email No chatting
Never give out personal information

8 If You Stumble on Something Inappropriate
X out immediately and tell an adult what happened Don’t call your friends over to see it

9 Leaving the Lab-Give me 5
1. Exit programs 2. Put headphones up 3. Push in chairs 4. Gather materials/trash 5. Stand behind chair until dismissed

10 Thanks for coming to the lab!
Come back soon!

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