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The Charity Sector Today: Changes and Challenges of the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "The Charity Sector Today: Changes and Challenges of the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Charity Sector Today: Changes and Challenges of the 21st Century
Margaret Harris Professor Emeritus, Aston University and Visiting Professor Birkbeck, University of London

2 My evidence base UK Civil Society: Changes and Challenges in the Age of New Public Governance and the Marketized Welfare State Published Online: | DOI:  Sets out research evidence for trends cited in this presentation

3 Report Published by CENTRIS 1993

4 The Changing Shape of the sector in the 21st Century
Contextual features = changing national governments 2008 global banking crisis Brexit Features linked to changes in policy, funding and regulatory environment Impact different for larger, more formal charities and smaller more informal charities

5 Five studies re-examined
A study of a major organizational crisis in a small local residents’ association (Harris, 2015) A study of the early development of a small organisation which matches volunteers to opportunities (Harris, 2013) A pilot study of an initiative to encourage gender equality in small voluntary organisations (Harris and Miller, 2018) A participant observation exercise of experiences as a volunteer during the 2012 London Olympic Games (Harris, 2012) A study of spontaneous volunteering in times of flood emergencies (Harris et al, 2017)

6 Four areas of challenge
resource procurement; competition; inter-organizational collaboration; organizational issues.

7 Implications for Practice
Changes in operational environment impact differently on large formal charities and smaller informal charities and groups Increasing competition for resources of money and time Regulation and risk management

8 Public Policy Implications
Distinguish different kinds of charities for regulation purposes? Threats to charities as components of an independent civil society?

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