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Presentation on theme: "TYSOE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN REPORT"— Presentation transcript:

TYSOE – A village for the 21st Century and beyond Recommendations of the Voluntary Group Meeting Tuesday 19th July

2 Contents The Brief Importance of the NP The LSV boundary
Housing Needs Survey Identifying Sites 55+ dwellings Site Allocation 1-2 Consultation 1-4 Conclusion Next stage

3 The Brief Tysoe Parish Council (PC) asked the Voluntary Group (VG)to review and make recommendations on the 2nd draft of the NP in respect of: Following planning guidelines SDC’s core strategy Look at what other PCs have done Consider the process for Site Allocation Review / recommend Local Service Village (LSV) boundary Housing Needs Survey update Consultation – involving the village

4 Importance of the NP The Neighbourhood Plan helps to:
Decide where and how new developments take place Influences the type of housing built by adding conditions which improve quality and sustainability Makes Tysoe a harder target for rapacious developers Ensures contributions by developers are reinvested in the village, rather than going elsewhere Safeguards against known problems like the risk of flooding by avoiding high risk areas Contain the size of the developments to maintain the village character

5 The LSV boundary The VG recommends the boundary of the Tysoe Local Service Village (LSV) should include Upper, Middle and Lower Tysoe, as the residents of Lower Tysoe feel that they “belong” to Tysoe. Safeguards: Create a “green buffer” between Lower Tysoe and Middle Tysoe To preserve the distinctive and historical separation Restrict any single development in Lower Tysoe to three dwellings Ensure all new build in Lower Tysoe fits with rural residential style Public consultation: Give the residents of Lower Tysoe the opportunity to have their say with the pros and cons of inclusion in the LSV made known to them.

6 Housing Needs Survey Last Housing Needs Survey carried out December 2011. Showed level of need for various categories of dwellings. Tysoe’s housing target far greater than the Housing Needs Survey New NP may require a recent Housing Needs Survey Action Find out how the last survey can be updated cheaply and efficiently  Talk to Sarah Brooke Taylor, Rural Housing Enabler at SDC to investigate options

7 Identifying Sites Action
Contact Matthew Neil to obtain the Tysoe ‘Call for Sites’ information Use Local knowledge to speak to known local land owners regarding potential sites – (need to decide best way to do this) Consider the incorporation of appropriate SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) sites into the plan Engage a planning expert (Neil Peirce) to assist in the production of the Site plan and its supporting documentation based on updating draft 2 of the current Plan.

8 55+ dwellings* Action Produce a plan of potential sites within LSV, combining: Call for Sites Local knowledge SHLAA sites Incorporate outcomes Housing needs survey Add a timeline showing when sites put forward i.e. through to 2031 Number of dwellings actual number (plus 20%). * (This actual figure may now be fewer than 55).

9 Site Allocation 1 The VG recommends the Site Allocation is a two pronged process: Small scale developments Invite Tysoe residents to propose sites up to 3 houses Cross-reference sites to mapping to eliminate "sensitive" areas / green buffer Ensure sites comply with core strategy Large scale developments Incorporate appropriate any new SHLAA sites into the plan.  Identify larger sites (up to say 20 dwellings) Obtain the owners agreement to include in NP

10 Site Allocation 2 The process outlined on previous slide means:
Sufficient sites are identified to meet the housing target Residents are given the opportunity to participate in the process Via consultation all residents to comment on the major sites The VG recommends using a consultant as doing so will: a) help to accelerate this process and create level of ‘buy in’ b) offer an objective view, separate from village politics 

11 Consultation 1 – Aspirations & Opinions
The VG recommends that there should be further consultation with the village about their aspirations and opinions with a view to defining a Vision for Tysoe.  What kind of village do you want to live in? What aspects of the village are precious to you? What excites you about living in Tysoe? Which views are special? What are the known problem areas i.e. flood? What changes, if any, would you like to see happen? “We have to find 55 houses where do you think they should be? The aim is not only to identify sites but to engage and enthuse the village about creating a vision for the kind of village Tysoe should be.

12 Consultation 2 - Interactive consultation
Aim: To find out residents aspirations and opinions Set up an interactive consultation using maps, coloured pins post-it notes, flip charts and a list of open-ended questions to elicit the wide- ranging answers needed. Writing on the maps will be encouraged. Need to decide how we go about this: 3-4 focus groups Open sessions in the Village Hall / Tearooms A no holds barred process The process needs to be dynamic and energetic.

13 Consultation 3 - Views on the Site Plan
Aim: To arrange a consultation to enable the village to give their views on the Site Plan: Present draft Site Plan with potential sites and “visionary” element combined Highlight the location of different types, sizes and styles of dwellings – (This can also be explored at this consultation) Include ‘Areas of Restraint’ i.e. green buffer between Lower and Middle Tysoe NB: Plan will need aligning with SDC planning policies and the NPPF.

14 Consultation 4 –With Developers
Aim: To arrange a consultation to engage with and obtain views from major developers. Why is this necessary? As a reality check on the final Site plan i.e. to see if the visionary aspirations are feasible To encourage developers to do some of the work To identify house building companies who are sympathetic to Tysoe’s values as described in the NP.

15 Conclusion The shared objective of both the Tysoe Parish Council and the Voluntary Group is to complete the Neighbourhood Plan for Tysoe as swiftly and efficiently as possible. There is no time to lose . . .without a plan we have no defence! Tysoe needs to take charge of defining its shape and destiny.

16 Next stage Checklist of points discussed and decisions taken
Need to decide composition of NP Working Party Agree next steps and allocate responsibilities Agree timing plan Date of next meeting


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