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A Successful Second Semester Part 1

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1 A Successful Second Semester Part 1
Westport Middle School

2 Welcome Back! We hope you had a restful and fun break!
Today we’re going to review school expectations and procedures so that you can have a successful second semester.

3 Icebreaker Before we begin, everybody take a half-sheet of paper and write down your New Year’s Resolution (school-appropriate). Include your name at the bottom of the page. Now crumple the paper into a ball and throw it into the center of the classroom. I will randomly call a student’s name. That student will go choose a paper ball, open it, and read it aloud, along with the name of the person.

4 Why do we have expectations?
Think SILENTLY for thirty seconds about why we have expectations. Talk to an elbow partner about why we have expectations for thirty seconds. Share what YOUR PARTNER said about why we have expectations.

5 Why do we have expectations?
To keep us safe. To allow us to learn. To help us be successful. To prepare us for adulthood.

6 Activity Complete the graphic organizer with a partner or group of three. Choose a procedure from the list below. Be ready to share with the class in ten minutes. How to enter the classroom What to do when entering the classroom When to know to pay attention to the teacher How to get the teacher’s attention Where/how to turn in assignments Where to find assignments if absent What to do upon dismissal of class

7 Comprehension Check Choose one of the procedures discussed today and identify it. Describe the steps to following the procedure. Explain the importance of the procedure.

8 A Successful Second Semester Part 2
Westport Middle School

9 Icebreaker Take a piece of paper and fold it into four quadrants.
Under each important person/thing, write down what you need to do to honor that person or thing. In the squares, write down the four most important people/things in your life. For example, if you put “family,” underneath you could put “represent my family well by being respectful” or “treat them with respect.” Ideas: Family Friends Education Pets Sports

10 School-Wide Expectations
Be on time. Be prepared. Listen and follow directions. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Respect everyone.

11 Activity Your teacher will give you a blank graphic organizer and will assign you one of the school-wide expectations. Complete the graphic organizer and be prepared to share it with the class.

12 Comprehension Check Rate yourself in each of the school-wide expectations in each class. In which expectations/which classes are you most successful? In which expectations/which classes do you need to improve? What are your next steps?

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