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Hook-Bridge-Thesis: Mastering the introductory paragraph

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1 Hook-Bridge-Thesis: Mastering the introductory paragraph

2 CJ—perspective “We all get so caught up in the moment of what we're doing every day, it's hard to hit that reset button and get pulled away from all that and see life from a different perspective.” ~Tony Stewart Write what this quote means in your own words. What pieces of your life do you need to change your perspective? What can changing our perspective do for us?

3 Short Story Literary Analysis Essay: Outlining
Highlight the key words in your chosen prompt. In other words, what is the prompt asking you to do? Now, mark your text with this prompt in mind. Look for instances in which the author deals with what the prompt is asking you to do. On your graphic organizer, choose THREE ways that the author illustrates this topic: Explain why you chose each. Select two quotes to support EACH point. Write these on your graphic organizer.

4 Use your brainstorming to write a THESIS statement.
Now, on your outline, use your notes, timed writings, and the formula below to write your thesis: Topic/observation + power verb + meaning/purpose What observation can you make about the short story The protagonist of Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Storm” has a brief, yet powerful sexual tryst with an old lover… Now pick a power verb: conveys, demonstrates, depicts, illustrates, enlightens, creates, develops, justifies, informs, represents, exhibits etc. challenging What is the purpose--what did he hope to gain or persuade people to do or think? societal gender roles and depicting women as having identity and purpose beyond their roles as wife and mother. Write this thesis on your graphic organizer. Impacted Commanded Motivated Declared Allowed Developed Granted Inspired Created Produced Changed Ordered Resulted in Presented Produced Established Triggered Limited Contributed 22. Made Led to Moved Influenced Increased

5 Now, put it together: The protagonist of Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Storm” has a brief, yet powerful sexual tryst with an old lover challenging societal gender roles and depicting women as having an identity and purpose beyond their roles as wife and mother. Chopin reveals this theme through religious symbolism associated with Calixta as well as the powerful and provocative diction surrounding the storm, itself.

6 Introductory Paragraph
Let’s work on establishing a hook for your essay. Choose ONE of the options below to begin your essay: An analogy or important image/symbol you will revisit throughout the essay (What important images/symbols are present in the story?) A brief discussion of an idea/concept that is central to your thesis (What is the role of the individual in society? If you do this, you have to tie every point back to it.) This “hook” should be no more than 2-3 sentences long. A thunderstorm can be a destructive force, it is true, but a momentary passing cloud can also offer a refuge from the day-to-day routine. It can become a passionate and much-needed respite from the drudgery of daily existence.

7 Bridge Now that you have a hook, you need to create a bridge that leads smoothly into your thesis statement: Remember my hook? A thunderstorm can be a destructive force, it is true, but a momentary passing cloud can also offer a refuge from the day-to-day routine. It can become a passionate and much-needed respite from the drudgery of daily existence. A bridge could be: A brief, yet powerful storm functions as just such a break in routine in Kate Chopin’s short story.

8 Completed Intro Hook A thunderstorm can be a destructive force, it is true, but a momentary passing cloud can also offer a refuge from the day-to- day routine. It can become a passionate and much-needed respite from the drudgery of daily existence. A brief, yet powerful storm functions as just such a break in routine in Kate Chopin’s short story of the same name. The protagonist of Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Storm” has a brief, yet powerful sexual tryst with an old lover, challenging societal gender roles and depicting women as having an identity and purpose beyond their roles as wife and mother. Chopin reveals this theme through religious symbolism associated with Calixta as well as the powerful and provocative diction surrounding the storm, itself. Bridge Thesis

9 Body #1 Let’s work on your topic sentence.
This sentence should be VERY clear in establishing your topic (look at your outline—what is strategy #1?). Now, you want to introduce this topic—but make it interesting, don’t just rewrite ideas from your thesis. EXAMPLE Strategy: religious symbolism Topic Sentence: The use of religious imagery in association with Calixta and Alcée’s sexual encounter imply their actions are not sinful, but rather sacred in nature.

10 Body #1 Continued Now, introduce your first idea from the text, be specific (don’t use a quote yet). Through carefully articulating Calixta’s newly found passion and sexual liberation with the Feast of the Assumption, Chopin reveals that a woman’s sexuality is not sinful, but a vital and natural part of her identity. Now, follow this idea up with a quote from the text. Do not “drop” it in—imbed it into your own writing. Lead in + quote. Now, in about two sentences, you need to explain this quote—how does it support your idea from the previous sentence AND how does it tie into your thesis? Remember to use “spicy” or in-depth commentary that specifically analyzes the quote rather than restates it.

11 BODY #1 continued You’re halfway done!!
Now, introduce your second idea from the text, be specific (don’t use a quote yet). Now, follow this idea up with a different quote from the text. Do not “drop” it in— imbed it into your own writing. Now…that’s right, explain that sucker! Remember to stay focused on the ideas from your thesis.

12 BODY #1 continued Great! You’ve provided support for your ideas, now you need… Yep! A concluding thought. Look at your topic sentence and go back to that idea/assertion. End with a strong final thought on why this idea is important or essential to society.

13 For Wednesday: Complete introduction and TWO body paragraphs!
Essay will follow a four paragraph format: *Introduction *Body Paragraph 1 *Body Paragraph 2 *Conclusion

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