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Uranium Mineralization on the Makapuu Claims

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1 Uranium Mineralization on the Makapuu Claims
The Makapuu Claims have two areas where there is uranium mineralization. Both of these areas are at the same elevation and are separated by about 500 feet. The first occurrence is in a test pit that we believe was dug in the 1980's. The uranium mineralization is in a bedding plane of the Kaibab limestone and looks to have a definite horizontal extent. The uranium was assayed to be 54ppm U. The second occurrence of uranium is a 30 foot horizontal extent near the top of a slope above where the breccia pipe is located. The uranium mineralized rock is exposed on the surface and has weathered to such an extent that it resembles the surrounding limestone rock. This uranium mineralization was discovered in March The area has not yet been dug out to determine the extent of the mineralization. The rocks collected along the 30 foot exposure assayed between 90 and 130ppm Uranium.

2 Uranium in Test Pit

3 Uranium on Slope The rocks along the 30 foot stretch measure from 90 to 130ppm Uranium.

4 Mapping The Makapuu Breccia Pipe Using
Controlled Source Audio-Magnetotelluric - CSAMT Controlled Source Audio-Magnetotelluric or CSAMT is a geo-magnetic method to determine the conductivity of the earth (rock)‏ at a single point at various depths - from the surface to greater than 3000 ft. Multiple sounding can be made and the results modeled as 2-D slices of the earth. The different conductivities are shown as different colors. Multiple 2-D slices can be put together and a 3-D model of the earth's conductivity in the study area can be shown. The more stations at which data was acquired, the more accurately the models can be rendered. The data stations for the Makapuu breccia pipe target are shown on the left.

5 Makapuu Breccia Pipe Target CSAMT 2-D Results

6 Makapuu Breccia Pipe Target CSAMT 2-D Results

7 Makapuu Breccia Pipe Target CSAMT 3-D Results
These are the 2-D Models of the data stations spliced together. From this model, a 3-D cube model can me made. The 3-D model uses the interactions of the various 2D slices and the Geophysicist uses his experience to create a model that best represents the acquired data. The more data points, the better the model. The following 3 slides show the 3-D cube model cut- aways for the Makapuu breccia pipe target.

8 Makapuu Breccia Pipe Target CSAMT 3-D Results

9 The AIEA Breccia Pipe Target

10 SOIL GAS HYDROCARBON (SGH) Analysis for the Makapuu Target
The SGH analysis on the Makapuu breccia pipe target was an analysis of 81 soil samples taken on perpendicular transects on a 15 meter sample spacing. Each transect was 600 meters long and bisected each other. Basically a big cross. The origin of the transect was placed by the NAU Project where the uranium ore body was thought to be located from the CSAMT data gathered and analyzed in Activation Laboratories performed the analysis and was only given relative coordinates. The following is an excerpt from the SGH analysis report: After review of all of the SGH pathfinder class maps, the SGH results for these soil samples suggest a“rating of 5.5” within the solid black oval (see Graph next page), in relation to the presence of a Uranium based target in the Makapuu project area. This rating is based on a scale of 6, with a value of 6 being the best. This rating represents the similarity of these SGH results to case studies for Uranium from study sites over Dawn Lake and McArthur River Athabascan uranium deposits in Saskatchewan, roll-front uranium deposits in Nevada and Mongolia, and breccia pipes in Arizona. The degree of confidence in these ratings only starts to be“good” at a level of 4.0.

11 The graph on the left represents the results of the SHG analysis
The graph on the left represents the results of the SHG analysis. The dashed oval represents the area of Uranium Mineralization. It is elongated in the N-S direction due to the polarization of the SGH response. The actual ore body is probably more round in shape.

12 Top left is the CSAMT data overlay for the Makapuu target at the 900ft depth level. The dotted area is where the pipe is located. Top right is the SHG graphic data overlaid on the Makapuu target. Bottom left is the combined overlays of the CSAMT data and the SGH data that clearly shows that the Uranium deposit found with the SGH analysis is at the same location as the breccia pipe.

13 Below is the 3D SGH results for the Makapuu breccia pipe target as analyzed by Activation Labs of Canada. The graphs show a Highly Polarized Nested Halo anomaly for Uranium. The high degree of polarization has been found in other Uranium targets to be the result of massive sulfide ores with the Uranium deposit. It is highly likely that the Makapuu breccia pipe has a greater than normal Sulfide ore potential.

14 This Graphic shows the relationship of the SGH results and the CSAMT for the line of stations that went through the breccia pipe. The North-South line of the CSAMT survey and the SGH survey are the same and were made that way by design. Serendipity let the polarization of the SGH response express itself along the N-S transect. Therefore the CSAMT and SGH data can be compared on a one to one basis as in the graph on the left. The uranium anomaly as defined by the SGH analysis resides directly over where the CSAMT survey determined the pipe to be. The NAU Project has concluded that a Uranium mineralized breccia pipe exists on the Makapuu claim, making this target a high priority for exploratory drilling.

15 Drilling is the Only Way to Know if Valuable Minerals Exist
Five to ten drill holes, up to 2000 feet deep need to be drilled on a Breccia pipe target to determine if Uranium or other valuable metals are present in economically recoverable amounts. Drilling is the most expensive exploratory expense - costing up to $1,000,000 per breccia pipe.

16 Radiological Logging of the Drill Holes
To determine whether there is Uranium in the breccia pipe, a down hole radiological logging probe is lowered into the drill hole and continuous radiation level data are taken while the probe is lowered then raised the depth of the drill hole. The probe is calibrated to equate the radiation level detected to the percentage of U3O8 present. In this way, it can be determines if there are large enough ore bodies at a good enough concentration of Uranium to have an economically viable mine. The results from the first exploratory drill holes are used as a first cut to see if there are good values of Uranium or other minerals to make a viable mine. 60 or more surface drill holes will be drilled and logged and possibly as many or more holes drilled from underground locations to prove and quantify ($$$) the resources of the mine.

17 The Makapuu Pipe could be a Denison “Canyon Mine”
The Denison Mines “Canyon Mine” shown as a 3D model. The pipe was surface drilled with 45 holes with an average depth of 1364 ft. Four holes were drilled about 2000 ft. Radiometric logging of the drill holes every 0.5 feet created 37,422 U3O8 equivalent values used to estimate the total tonnage of ore, where it is located, and what value this ore may be worth.

18 The Denison “Canyon Mine”
The Canyon mine is a relatively small breccia pipe. The diameter of the pipe in the major Uranium bearing area is about 80 feet. The ore extends into the ring fracture zone at this depth however and so the ore body is about 150 ft in diameter. This ore body accounts for about 70% of the Uranium so far delineated. Canyon Mine > 70,500 tonnes of Ore U3O8 averages 1.08% 1,523,000 lbs of U3O8

19 Past Uranium Breccia Pipe Mines
Production and Value

20 The Makapuu and Aiea Claims

21 The Northern Arizona Uranium Project, LLC
The NAU project has three properties: The Makapuu Claims, Aiea Claim, and the new Pu'u Naonao Claim. The Makapuu Claims have a confirm Breccia Pipe (CSAMT) with a supporting Geochemical Survey and SGH survey that indicates that the pipe is mineralized with Uranium. Other SGH results indicate that the pipe is mineralized with copper as well. The Aiea claim has a promising CSMAT survey that indicates the possibility of a Breccia Pipe. The Pu`u Naonao claim is interesting in that it hosts a large and densely concentrated field of Goethite Psuedomorphs after Pyrites which can be a primary indication of a mineralized breccia pipe. A SGH analysis is under way and results are due at the end of July 2009. All properties need additional CSAMT work performed. The Makapuu breccia pipe needs to be better defined and other areas on the claims with tilting limestone beds need to be investigated. The Aiea claim needs additional CSAMT work to show the existence of a pipe. The Pu`u Naonao claim needs work to confirm a pipe.

22 The Northern Arizona Uranium Project, LLC Drilling Proposal Submitted
At this time The NAU project, LLC has submitted a proposal to the US Forest Service to conduct drilling operations on the Makapuu and Aiea breccia pipe targets. The proposal will need to be updated to include the Pu`u Naonao claim should a pipe be confirmed there. There is a lengthy review process and it is highly likely that several studies may have to be funded (Archaeological and Biological $7 to $12K) to facilitate the approval process. The drilling operation is to determine if there is sufficient evidence of Uranium mineralization to pursue the development of a mine or mines.

23 The Northern Arizona Uranium Project, LLC New Member Participation
The NAU Project, LLC is interested in having experienced investors with an interest in mineral exploration as new members. At this time we are interested in new members who can contribute $550,000 in cash in return for a 20% interest in the NAU Project, LLC. All confirmed pipes that have supporting topography, geochemistry, and CSAMT work that would indicate a high probability for success when drilled will be let out for a Joint Venture Partner Investment. A Joint Venture Company will be formed for each pipe or pipes. The JV partner will earn a 50% interest in the new JV company with an investment of $1,000,000 per pipe. The funds for the JV company shall be used to fund the permitting, drilling, and analysis of the pipe or pipes transferred to the JV company. The NAU Project will earn a $30 to $50 thousand dollar transfer fee for each pipe transferred to a Joint Venture company depending on the quality of the target. A $100,000 bonus will be paid to the NAU project if the target is shown to be of commercial quality based on the initial exploratory drilling.

24 The Northern Arizona Uranium Project, LLC Investment Returns
Investors can make money on their Membership Interest in two basic ways. 1. Upon the development and operation of a producing mine, there will be distribution of profits per the Operating Agreements of the NAU project, LLC and the JV company. 2. The Members can sell their Membership Interest in The NAU Project, LLC in accordance with the Operating Agreement. Note: Membership in the LLC is NOT a registered security. There exists no ready market for selling a Member's Interest. It is likely that upon proving that a viable resource exists that there will be opportunities to sell a member's interest.

25 Breccia Pipe Anatomy Breccia pipes are vertical or near vertical, circular to elliptical bodies of broken rock. The roots of a breccia pipe lie within caverns created in the Mississippian Redwall Limestone and extend up to 3000 ft vertically. Dissolving of the Redwall Limestone 330 million years ago formed numerous caves in the thick Redwall Limestone. When the cave roof collapsed, overlying formations subsided into or were deposited in the resulting sink hole. After later formations were deposited, later periods of cave formation and limestone dissolution renewed the collapse features. This gravitational collapse produced steep-sided, pipe-like bodies that are filled with brecciated rock. While the structural depression over a beccia pipe may range in diameter up to 0.5 mi. or more, the breccia pipe diameters range up to about 600 ft.; the normal range being 200 to 300 ft.

26 Mineralized Breccia Pipes
Not all breccia pipes are highly mineralized. Ore forming fluids rich in metals flowed into the forming breccia pipes along different rock strata. There were several mineralization events that took place over geologic time. After the ore forming fluids entered the breccia pipes, hydrological variations in water pressure moved the ore forming fluids up and down the pipe. The primary direction for the ore forming fluids was upward however. The metal rich fluids encountered environments within the pipe that caused the metals to precipitate out of solution and form various minerals. Mineralized breccia pipes are enriched in a large suite of elements. Mineralized breccia pipes have been mined for Uranium, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and Silver. Some pipes have also been enriched in Cobalt, Molybdenum, Nickel, and Vanadium. The ore body of a mineralized breccia pipe is generally located between 900 and 2000 ft below the current ground surface. Trace amounts of the metallic elements found in the pipe were carried further up the pipe to what is now the surface. The soils above a mineralized pipe are generally enriched with many of the metals present deeper in the pipe. The metallic halo of a mineralized breccia pipe can be found by comparing the concentration of the metallic elements in the soils above a target pipe to the concentrations of soils away from the pipe.

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