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Key Figures in the Cold War

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1 Key Figures in the Cold War
World History II

2 Indira Ghandi Prime Minister of India
Developed close ties with USSR during Cold War. Developed nuclear program for India Assassinated in 1984.

3 Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister of Great Britain
Pushed for less government involvement in business and free trade. Close relationship with U.S. and our foreign policy.

4 Margaret Thatcher (Continued)
Demonstrated British military might during Falklands War (1982). Britain defeats Argentina quickly, regaining control of the Falkland Islands.

5 Mikhail Gorbachev Last and youngest Premier of USSR.
Glasnost (brought West to USSR) and Perestroika (economic/government reform) are his key ideas as premier.

6 Mikhail Gorbachev (Continued)
Saw USSR unravel: Fall of Berlin Wall Solidarity Trade Union forced elections in Poland. Germany Reunited Elections held in USSR USSR dissolved rather than risk civil war.

7 Deng Xiaoping Communist leader of People’s Republic of China.
Instituted economic reforms. Changed from command economy to mixed/market economy (limited private ownership of property/business). Maintained Communist control of government.

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