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CALPADS Updates January 2018

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1 CALPADS Updates January 2018

2 Contact Information Brandi Jauregui Senior Info. Systems Analyst CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office

3 Agenda Fall 1 and Fall 2 Updates and Reminders ELPAC Update
CASEMIS to CALPADS Updates ESSA Teacher Data Collection Update General updates and discussion

4 Fall 1 Updates and Reminders

5 Final certification deadline is January 26, 2018
Fall 1 Deadline Final certification deadline is January 26, 2018

6 Things to check for… Graduates (for Career and College Readiness Indicator) Met All UC/CSU Admission Requirements? Received the Seal of Biliteracy? Received a Golden State Seal Merit Diploma? Report 1.9 – CTE Completers (CANNOT BE UPDATED!!! Certified in EOY ) NSLP record eligibility start dates Applications – date received Local DC match with county welfare office - date list was generated Local DC for homeless, foster, migrant -date list was certified by local liaison or date family submitted documentation Records with start dates 7/1-10/31 are counted for LCFF

7 Things to check for… Was student identified as homeless on information day? Was student an English Learner on information day? Was the student in any of the following programs on information day: Special Education Migrant Gifted and Talented

8 2017-18 Enrollment/Exit Guidance
CALPADS Flash #132 provided the following guidance on enrollments and exits to ensure our guidance was consistent with current law

9 Scenario 1 - Truants When a student attends and subsequently becomes habitually truant: LEA is responsible for determining what happened to the student: If student’ whereabouts are KNOWN: Should be exited on the date they are referred to the SARB with an E140 – NoKnownEnrollTruant If student’s whereabouts cannot be determined after investigation: Should be exited on the date the investigation was completed with an E140 – NoKnownEnrollTruant If the student is 18 or over and NOT on an IEP, use E400 – NoKnownEnroll This is the ONLY appropriate use of E400 since students 18 and over are no longer subject to compulsory education laws

10 Scenario 2 – Same School No Shows
When a student is expected to return but never shows up: Students who were exited with an E155 who do not show up on the first day of school and cannot be located should be exited with an E140 – NoKnownEnrollTruant. The student can be exited within the first few days of school so that those student enrollments do not impact class scheduling. Students who were exited with an E155 who do not show up on the first day of school and are found to be enrolled elsewhere should have their Exit Code from the prior year changed to the appropriate code. If the student is enrolled in a CA public school, you may leave the E155. DO NOT USE N470 – No Show

11 Scenario 3 – Pre-enrolled and Matriculating No Shows*
When a student has pre-enrolled at a school but never shows up (first time CA public enrollments and matriculating students): Use N470 – No Show This is the ONLY scenario in which the use of N470 is appropriate Student has NEVER had an affiliation with the school *Slightly different guidance from Flash 132

12 Questions and Issues If we report students as dropouts (E140) instead of no-shows, our dropout count may significantly increase. Keeping students enrolled until they are referred to the SARB will increase our chronic absenteeism rate.

13 Accurate Information is a Powerful Tool
State’s intent is not to be punitive but to provide LEAs the assistance they need to improve attendance and dropout rates We can’t help the problem if we can’t SEE the problem

14 Pre-K Students with Disabilities Pending Evaluation on Dec. 1
LEAs MUST obtain SSIDs for any Pre-K students who were referred for services before Dec. 1 but who have yet to be evaluated. These students must be reported as “pending evaluation” in CASEMIS Do NOT submit an SPRG record until eligibility is determined

15 Fall 2 Reminders

16 Teacher Librarian Reporting
Staff Type Description Credential(s) SASS (Staff Assignment File): Staff Job Classifi-cation Code SASS (Staff Assignment File): Non- Classroom Based Job Assignment Code CRSE (Course Enrollment File): CRS - State Course Code Teacher Librarian Manages library and provides instruction to students as a departmentalized, scheduled class in the library or in a classroom. Teaching and Library Science and Special Class Authorization 12 N/A 6026 Teacher Librarian (pull-out) Manages library, and students are pulled out of regular class to receive instruction in the library. Teaching and Library Science 27 Teacher Librarian (push-in) Manages library and provides instruction to students in another teacher’s classroom.

17 Teacher Librarian Reporting
Staff Type Description Credential(s) SASS (Staff Assignment File): Staff Job Classifi-cation Code SASS (Staff Assignment File): Non- Classroom Based Job Assignment Code CRSE (Course Enrollment File): CRS - State Course Code Teacher Librarian (non-instructional) Plans and coordinates school library programs with the instructional programs of a school district through collaboration with teachers; selects library materials, develops, delivers library staff development. These teachers do not provide instruction to students in either classroom-based or pull-out or push-in settings. Teaching and Library Science 12 or 27 6027 N/A Administrator - Library Media Services Responsible for Library Media staff evaluations Administrative Services and Library Science 10 0139 Library Supervisor or Assistant (classified) Manages or assists in the library. none Not reported in CALPADS. Reported in aggregate on the CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Classified Staff Count Section

18 New CTE Course Codes for 2017-2018
Ensure local CTE courses have been mapped to new CTE course codes New codes have a new numerical range ( ) ALL CTE courses must be remapped to the new codes, all codes were RETIRED as of 6/30/2017

19 Identifying Course Attributes
Make sure courses are appropriately flagged: All courses English learner services (if course has ELs enrolled) – Field 9.20 Education Service Code College-credit bearing (dual enrollment) Field 9.19 Course Section Instructional Level Code OR Field 9.07 State Course Code – Dual Enrollment Course Codes CTE courses Course Content Code 154 – Career Technical Education (high quality) – Field 9.10 CRS-Course Content Code Articulated Indicator – Field 9.12 CRS-CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator Certified in End-of-Year

20 Dual Enrollment “Dual enrollment course” for state accountability purposes means: Any articulated or non-articulated core academic or CTE course for which a student earns college credit upon successful completion of the course with a C- or better. Courses that count for high school AND college credit; AND Courses that count ONLY for college credit

21 Dual Enrollment for CCI
CALPADS Field #9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) equals any of the following:  2190: Dual Enrollment College Course – English Language Arts 2290: Dual Enrollment College Course – Foreign Languages 2490: Dual Enrollment College Course – Mathematics 2690: Dual Enrollment College Course – Science 2790: Dual Enrollment College Course – History/Social Science 2890: Dual Enrollment College Course – Visual or Performing Arts 6090: Dual Enrollment College Course – Other   OR

22 Dual Enrollment for CCI
CALPADS Field #9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) equals: Any of the career technical education course codes AND CALPADS Field #9.19 (Course Section Instructional Level Code): Courses marked with 16 – “College Credit”

23 Dual Enrollment Per CALPADS Flash #131
LEAs should report voluntary college courses if possible CDE plans to collect college course completion directly through the community colleges in the next few years Many of the students who take college courses already meet the CCI “prepared” criteria in other ways

24 CCI – Prepared Critieria

25 End-of-Year Updates

26 Collection of Military Service Program Record
IF AVAILABLE, submit these data using Education Program Code 192 – Armed Forces Family Member in the EOY 2 submission Will NOT be visible on EOY 2 reports since Dept. of Finance permission to collect this was granted so late in the year

27 NEW EOY Certification Validation
ALL students MUST be exited prior to EOY 3 certification Data will be used to inform November 2018 Dashboard Data will be pulled in September 2018

28 New CTE Validations All students reported as completers in the SCTE file must have completed the CAPSTONE course in the same pathway and year in the SCSC file FATAL All students reported as concentrators in the SCTE file must have completed the CONCENTRATOR course in the same pathway and year in the SCSC file FATAL

29 New CTE Validations LEAs who have been receiving Perkins or CTEIG funding for 2 years or more MUST report concentrators and/or completers in the SCTE file FATAL

30 CTE Reminders Report completers in the year they complete – you do not have to wait until 12th grade LEAs should report concentrators and completers even if they do not receive Perkins or CTEIG funding

31 Cohort Report four year cohort report will be available in CALPADS in May of (tentatively) four year cohort process will remain the same as last year. (private preview)

32 Cohort Data will be used for Nov. 2018 Dashboard
Cohort data should be reviewed extensively Data for the November 2018 Dashboard will be pulled from the ODS in CALPADS In , goal is to establish a projected graduation year for each student to provide progression reports on each cohort


34 English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) Updates

35 Preparing for the Summative ELPAC 2017-18
Students with an ELAS of EL (from CELDT testing) are eligible to take the summative assessment in Spring 2018 First administration of initial ELPAC in late summer 2018 (July 2018)

36 ELPAC Initial Assessment – Draft Proposed Interim process
Administration begins July 2018 LEAs will administer initial assessment to eligible students locally Scores will be entered into TOMS Local Scoring Tool (LST) LEAs will enter ELAS (determined by scores entered in TOMS) into SIS and submit SELA to CALPADS All EL and IFEP records with ELAS Start Date 7/1/2018 or greater can NEVER be deleted or modified

37 Eligible Students Grade level of K-12, UE, US

38 ELPAC Initial Assessment – Draft Proposed Interim process
Student tested with initial TOMS/Local Scoring Tool ELAS extracted from TOMS, uploaded to SIS ELAS extracted from SIS, uploaded to CALPADS SIS CALPADS LEAs submit ELAS corrections

39 English Language Proficiency Assessment for CA (ELPAC)
New ELPAC regulations provide a process for correction to an English language acquisition status (ELAS) determined in the initial ELPAC administration

40 ELPAC Correction Process
Corrections must occur prior to administration of the summative assessment New ELAS codes are necessary in to capture the corrected statuses

41 NEW ELAS Codes for ELPAC
EO1 – HLS mistake EO2 – Administration Error (Student misidentified for testing) EO3 – Correction Other EL1 – Score Discrepancy (can only apply when initial status is IFEP) FEP1 – Score Discrepancy (can only apply when initial status is EL)

42 Example: Parent made a mistake on HLS
Reporting LEA SSID ELAS Start Date ELAS Primary Language ABC Unified 7/1/2018 EL – English Learner Spanish 9/1/2018 EO1 – HLS Mistake English Initial EL or IFEP record can never be deleted or modified if date is 7/1/2018 or greater For EO1, EO2, EO3, primary language must = English.

43 Example: Score discrepancy
Reporting LEA SSID ELAS Start Date ELAS Primary Language ABC Unified 7/1/2018 EL – English Learner Spanish 9/1/2018 FEP1 – Score Discrepancy Initial EL or IFEP record can never be deleted or modified if date is 7/1/2018 or greater For EL1, FEP1, primary language must NOT = English.

44 Draft Proposed Final Process
Student tested with initial TOMS/Local Scoring Tool TOMS sends ELAS to CALPADS ELAS extracted from CALPADS, uploaded to SIS CALPADS SIS LEAs submit corrections to CALPADS


UPDATES CASEMIS file layouts have been MODIFIED for to mirror names and code values proposed for C2C January 18, 2018 Student Information System vendors will participate in a webinar explaining the CASEMIS file layout changes for CDE is forming a best practices workgroup for LEAs who are good at managing student data in SIS and special education data systems collaboratively

Additional Issues Certification of data (SELPA/LEA) Retirement of “ungraded” grade levels in How do we capture CASEMIS “Postsecondary/Transition” grade level in CALPADS? What’s the best way to capture private school enrollments? New enrollment status New “NPS-like” school code “ ”

48 State-Level Data Matching

49 State-Level Data Matching
CDE will implement a new and improved matching algorithm: Will be modified to include new non-binary gender option ( ) CDE will perform all state-level matches CDE will provide LEAs new information on: Migrant-eligible students CDE will improve current data matches: Directly certified students Foster students

50 Additional Questions?

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