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Chapter 11 Introduction to Atoms.

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1 Chapter 11 Introduction to Atoms

2 February 7, 2011 Chapter 11 Vocabulary Notes Chapter 11
Purple Packet Page 1 Activity: Electrons in Action!

3 Chapter 11 Vocabulary Atom: the smallest particle that an atom can be divided and still be the same element. Theory: a unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations that have been supported by testing. Electrons: The negatively charged particle of an atom, found orbiting the nucleus. Model: a representation of an object or system.

4 Atom An atom is the smallest particle which an element can be divided and still be the same substance.

5 Atoms can make up elements, which can make up compounds.
ALL known elements are found on the Periodic Table of Elements.

6 Facts about Atoms Atoms are VERY small!!!
They are mostly made of empty space Most have an overall charge of ZERO Are made of 3 particles: Protons Electrons Neutrons

7 Protons Are found in the center of the atom Have a +1 Charge
Have a +1 Mass The number of protons present in an atom determine the elements identity

8 Atoms This atom has 1 proton, a charge of ZERO, a mass of 2 and is the atom Hydrogen!

9 Neutrons Are found in the center of the atom Have a charge of ZERO
Have a mass of +1

10 Electrons Are found moving around the outside of the atom (NOT in the nucleus) Have a charge of -1 Have a mass of ZERO


12 The image of the atom shows that the protons and neutrons are located near
the center and electrons are located around the outside of the atom. NOTICE that most of the atom however is EMPTY SPACE!

13 What element is this? What is the charge? What is the mass?

14 Your turn!

15 Quiz 11.1 Directions: Label the parts of the atom pictured below. Electron, Nucleus, Neutron, Proton.

16 Just for Fun! The three particles of an atom appeared recently on a talk show, and they stood behind a screen to hide their identities. (Not that you could see them anyway.) Identify their statements below, based on what you know about their characteristics. I don’t mean to be negative all the time, but, well, I’m always on the go. __________________ b. Me? I stay positive. It’s the only way I know how to be. _________ c. I have almost no mass—no weight to throw around. And just once I’d like to be at the center of things. _______________ d. I stay neutral on most nuclear issues. _______________________ e. When we (other particles just like me) outnumber the electrons, the whole atom has a more positive energy. _______________

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