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One theory: Flashbulb Memory One Cognitive Process: Memory

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1 One theory: Flashbulb Memory One Cognitive Process: Memory
3.8 Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process. One theory: Flashbulb Memory One Cognitive Process: Memory

2 Do you remember where you were when you heard Michael Jackson had died?


4 Flashbulb Memory (FBM)
Brown and Kulik, 1977 Memories of the circumstances in which one first learned of a very surprising and emotionally arousing event NOT the memory of the event Based on reception context (circumstances) Sitting on your couch watching TV

5 Formation and Maintenance of FBMs
Form in situation where we encounter surprising or highly emotional information Maintained based on rehearsal Overt: talking about it Covert: private thoughts Different than other memories More vivid Last longer More consistent and accurate Specialized neural mechanism Permanent storage in a unique way

6 What event is this drawing depicting?

7 Research Notes Page 92-93 Keep track of… Researcher (s) Date Method
Implications (how does it support/dispute the FBM Theory

8 Strengths of FBM theory
Explains why emotional memories are more vivid over time Cannot explain why they are not more accurate than any other memory Except central details Many research studies Theory has been modified Emotional events are better remembered than non emotional events (supported) Events should have specific personal relevance

9 Limitations of the FBM theory
The term “flashbulb” is not appropriate Photo  Everything in the scene is preserved Not true for memories FBM are reconstructed memories Emotional state may influence accuracy If it is discussed (confabulation) Memory does not have personal interested

10 Current Status of Brown and Kulik’s theory?
Brown and Kulik overestimated the durability and consistency of FBM Long lasting but not permanent May not be longer lasting than important everyday memories More vivid than most ordinary memories Recalled with a greater level of confidence Today’s research Doesn’t support that it is a “different memory system”

11 What causes FBM? High importance/consequence Strong emotional feelings
SURPRISE! Shows mixed results Not supported by relevant research FBM is seen in expected events Landing on the moon

12 In Conclusion… Evidence doesn’t support that emotion greatly impacts the initial encoding of the event Emotion effects memory at a later stage Rehearsal Social sharing What memory model would you use to connect the statements above with FBM?

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