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Author(s): Rahul Sami, 2009 License: Unless otherwise noted, this material is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial.

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1 Author(s): Rahul Sami, 2009 License: Unless otherwise noted, this material is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 License: We have reviewed this material in accordance with U.S. Copyright Law and have tried to maximize your ability to use, share, and adapt it. The citation key on the following slide provides information about how you may share and adapt this material. Copyright holders of content included in this material should contact with any questions, corrections, or clarification regarding the use of content. For more information about how to cite these materials visit 1 1 1

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3 Lecture 13: Manipulation; Privacy
SI583: Recommender Systems

4 The Influence Limiter: Key Ideas
[Resnick and Sami, Proceedings of RecSys ‘07 conference] Limit influence until rater demonstrates informativeness Informative only if you’re the first to provide the information This is main point of departure of our work from prior work. The high level idea we want to use is to limit the influence a rater has on recommendations until she has demonstrated informativeness, The main point of departure from prior work is that we explicitly use a dynamic measure of informativenss. You are considered informative only if you are the first to provide a piece of information. In particular, copying the ratings of another rater doesn’t earn you influence.

5 Results we cannot achieve
Prevent any person J from manipulating the prediction on a single item X. Cannot distinguish deliberate manipulation from different tastes on item X “Fairness”, ie., two raters with identical information get exactly the same influence, regardless of rating order. Cannot distinguish second rater with identical information from an informationless clone.

6 Predictions on an Item: A Dynamic View
1 predicted probability of HIGH In words: Mention that we use not the raw distance, but a loss function to measure this contribution, because it has an information-theoretic basis and good incentive properties Here’s what the dynamic view of our sysetm Recommender algorithm ratings

7 Predictions on an Item: A Dynamic View
1 predicted probability of HIGH In words: Mention that we use not the raw distance, but a loss function to measure this contribution, because it has an information-theoretic basis and good incentive properties Recommender algorithm ratings

8 Predictions on an Item: A Dynamic View
1 predicted probability of HIGH In words: Mention that we use not the raw distance, but a loss function to measure this contribution, because it has an information-theoretic basis and good incentive properties Recommender algorithm ratings

9 Predictions on an Item: A Dynamic View
eventual label by target: HIGH 1 predicted probability of HIGH In words: Mention that we use not the raw distance, but a loss function to measure this contribution, because it has an information-theoretic basis and good incentive properties Recommender algorithm ratings

10 Predictions on an Item: A Dynamic View
eventual label by target: HIGH contribution 1 predicted probability of HIGH In words: Mention that we use not the raw distance, but a loss function to measure this contribution, because it has an information-theoretic basis and good incentive properties. Mention that if your rating doesn’t *change* the predicted probability, you haven’t made a contribution. So just copying won’t make it look like you’ve made a contribution. Recommender algorithm ratings

11 Our approach Information-theoretic measure of contribution and damage
Limit influence a rater can have had based on past contribution This limits net damage an attacker can cause eventual label contribution 1 predicted probability Recommender algorithm ratings

12 Our Model Binary rating system (HIGH/LOW)
Recommendations for a single target person Any recommender algorithm Powerful attackers: Can create up to n sybil identities Can “clone” existing rating profiles No assumptions on non-attackers: Attacker’s sybils may form majority Do not depend on honest raters countering attacks When say can clone, remind them that the clones won’t have the same influence as the original, because they wouldn’t have moved the prediction the same way.

13 Overview of Results “Influence-limiter” algorithm can be overlaid on any recommender algorithm to satisfy (with caveats): Limited damage: An attacker with up to n sybils can never cause net total damage greater than O(1) units of prediction error Bounded information loss: In expectation, O(log n) units of information discarded from each genuine rater in total. We present an “influence-limiter” algorithm that can be added to any recommender algorithm, and prove three properties: The first is a worst-case bound: We show that an attacker with upto n sybils (fake identities) cannot do much damage

14 Influence Limiter: Architecture
target rating Scoring ~ ~ to target q0 q1 ~ qn reputations Rj Influence Limiter q0 q1 qn Recommender algo Here’s our solution. We add two components to the basic recommender system -- the influence limiter and scorer, and use reputations Rj to track j’s contribution. Initially, all reps set to a very small value e^-lam. Now, the influence limiter works as follows. At each point of time, keeps track of the current influence- limited prediction. Now, when j puts in a rating, teh recommender generates some q0. If rep > 1, qjtilde set equal to qj. If not, the influence-limited prediction qjtilde is a weighted average of the previous prediction and the new rediction, weights determined by j’s reputation. Eventually, target rates, and reputations are updated, This is done in the scoring.. i’ve written it as if it was in the same componen here. Score is based on loss of predictions, with a twist: Rj scored not on his influence-limited prediction, but as if he had moved it all the way to q_j. But the score itself is scaled by j’s initial reputation beta_j (if less than 1). Fairly simple algorithm -- a little anticlimactic as it took us a year and many more complicated alternatives to get to it. (lets call it elegant). ratings

15 Influence Limiter Algorithm: Illustration
1 limited prediction ~ qj-1 Influence Limiter 1 raw predictions qj-1 Recommender algorithm ratings

16 Influence Limiter Algorithm: Illustration
A rater with R=0.25 puts in a rating 1 ~ limited prediction qj-1 Influence Limiter 1 raw predictions qj-1 qj Recommender algorithm ratings

17 Influence Limiter Algorithm: Illustration
A rater with R=0.25 puts in a rating 1 ~ ~ limited prediction qj-1 qj Influence Limiter 1 raw predictions qj-1 qj Recommender algorithm ratings

18 Manipulation: summary
Increasingly important problem Range of techniques to defend: Detecting and filtering attack profiles Influence Limiter Incentive schemes Strong identity verificiation Combinations of these methods

19 Privacy in Recommender Systems
Privacy: your right to control dissemination of personally identifiable information Privacy hazards: Monitoring behavior without user’s consent Persistent storage of information in cookies Data leaks Data leaks from anonymized datasets

20 Privacy-preserving CF [Canny]
High-level idea: distributed computing of recommendations User-specific information not available outside the user’s computer uses neat cryptographic protocols (“zero-knowledge” protocols) to compute an SVD

21 Review: Topics we have covered
Eliciting ratings Using implicit ratings Collaborative Filtering methods Implementation/Architectures Evaluation of Recommenders Explanations; task-based evaluation Manipulation Privacy

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