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SC/SVNTP (Silicon Valley) Steering Committee April 23, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "SC/SVNTP (Silicon Valley) Steering Committee April 23, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 SC/SVNTP (Silicon Valley) Steering Committee April 23, 2018

2 Where Are Today’s Materials?
The Administrator Tab of Our Website SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

3 Introductions Name Role District
In a sentence, name one success you have had this year. Introductions SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

4 Purpose: To set the stage for our work together
Overview Purpose: To set the stage for our work together

5 Outcomes Analyze preliminary data from the SC/SVNTP Annual Survey, consider trends in the data and possible next steps Clarify the qualifications for a teacher to participate in Induction; brainstorm ways to provide support to our teachers Share resources that may support districts/schools in planning for Induction success in Celebrate the work of Dr. Emily Davis Review Agenda. SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

6 Agenda SC/SVNTP Preliminary Survey Data Review
Who Qualifies for Induction? Planning for Next Year Announcements Closure Review Agenda. SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

7 Questions to Consider What information do you want to take back and share with your district? Who might you invite to our first Steering Committee of 18-19? Review Agenda. SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

8 SC/SVNTP Preliminary Annual Survey Data Review
Purpose: To analyze preliminary data from the SC/SVNTP Annual Survey; to consider trends in the data and possible next steps

9 SC/SVNTP Survey* 3 Stakeholder Reports Mentors: 56/75
Teachers: 503/648 Site Administrators: 97/238 Goal is 70% response rate for SAs Last year we reached 71% (187 Responses) *Data Reports as of 4/18. Survey closes on 4/27

10 Survey Analysis Process
Review responses from PTs, MTs and SAs around: Frequency & Format, Supportive Atmosphere, & Effective Learning Environment Improving Instructional Practice Through Induction Processes Part 1 Improving Instructional Practice Through Induction Processes Part 2 Deepening Professional Practice Overall Experience & Open Ended Responses

11 Silent Analysis Where do you see the most alignment or discrepancy amongst stakeholders across your section of the survey? What positive trends do you see? What raises questions for you? What programmatic feedback would you give based on this survey data?

12 Partner Discussion Where do you see the most alignment or discrepancy amongst stakeholders across your section of the survey? What positive trends do you see? What raises questions for you? What programmatic feedback would you give based on this survey data?

13 Whole Group Share Where do you see the most alignment or discrepancy amongst stakeholders across your section of the survey? What positive trends do you see? What raises questions for you? What programmatic feedback would you give based on this survey data? SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

14 Next Steps There is still time to complete the survey! Before April 27th. Each district/school will receive a report for further review. Mentors will review survey data and set goals for next year. SC/SVNTP will review survey data to make adjustments for SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

15 Who Qualifies for Induction?
Purpose: To clarify the qualifications for a teacher to participate in Induction; to brainstorm ways to provide support to our teachers

16 Regulation Change New CTC Guideline: “Induction is Induction. You only have to go through it once.” Implications: No more PT3s beginning in Discussion: If no more Induction for those with a second credential, what might districts/schools need to do in order to support these teachers?

17 Who Qualifies for Induction?

18 Planning for Next Year Purpose: To share resources that may support districts/schools in planning for Induction success in

19 Role of the Site Administrator in Induction
On the Administrator tab of the website. Who is using this resource set? How? What needs updating/ adding?

20 Continuing With Talent in 18-19
Password protected video collection & annotation system. Mentors & teachers have own accounts to record & review the classroom practice of the new teacher. Letter on the Administrative page of the website with more information. If anything has changed in terms of release form needs, please let us know.

21 Teacher Professionalism
What are the challenges? How is your school/district addressing this? How might the SC/SVNTP assist?


23 18-19 Mentor Forum Schedule

24 Conscious Classroom Management
Flyer with registration links coming shortly

25 Save the Date: Fall Breakfast
November 16, 2018 8:30-11am Location TBD

26 Closure and Celebrations
Purpose: To review our outcomes and bring closure to our meeting; to celebrate the work of Dr. Emily Davis

27 Celebrating Dr. Emily Davis!
Thoughts from our Director, Melissa Roberts Group Share: Emily is….. Parting words from Emily SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

28 Emily is…. On a piece of paper, write down 1-3 words to describe Emily. Whip Around Share the words Group Remarks SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

29 Today we Analyzed preliminary data from the SC/SVNTP Annual Survey, considered trends in the data and possible next steps Clarified the qualifications for a teacher to participate in Induction; brainstormed ways to provide support to our teachers Shared resources that may support districts/schools in planning for Induction success in Celebrated the work of Dr. Emily Davis Review Agenda. SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

30 Thank you for your feedback!
SC/SVNTP Steering Committee

31 Closure + Next Steps

32 Where Is Information About SC/SVNTP?
The Administrator Tab of Our Website

33 Have a wonderful end to the school year!
We look forward to seeing you at our 1st Steering Committee Meeting 9/12/18 9:00am-11:00am The Foundation for Hispanic Education (Sobrato Hall West) Who might you invite to our first Steering Committee?

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