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Academic Leadership (Tips on Leading Leaders)

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2 Academic Leadership (Tips on Leading Leaders)
1 min – capture overall concept

3 Common Challenges in Academic Management
High volume of stakeholder’s needs Business objectives V’s academic objectives Conflict between departments, ie. Marketing & Academic Getting staff buy-in for operational change Getting staff & stakeholders to do what you need, the way you need it done Creating a consistent college culture Finding time to invest in your teams List my experience Any others? Concepts have been useful to me in all these areas

4 Facilitating leadership from your team members
1. Choose Connection 5. Guide your teams to self-regulate 2. Develop what is already there Facilitating leadership from your team members 4. Consciously build your culture together 3. Empower staff toward ownership

5 1. Choose Connection Every situation, every person, every time
Not humanly possible – when you reflect, go back to that person and acknowledge you were unable to hold your connection with their needs without your own taking over. Anecdote –?

6 Question your beliefs and behaviours
Know your fears and how you behave when afraid Active Listening Empathy Look to feelings and needs to find win-wins When in conflict, get closer Yourself: What conversations do you dread? Do you hate that moment standing in front of room full of you team resenting their teacher’s meeting? Do you dread that conversation with a teacher about their underperformance? Do you stay awake at night thinking about telling the casual staff member who you know has a sick kid there is no work next week? Or seeing ten students standing outside your door with a badly written petition in their hand... Try to reframe the opponent as the partner. Explain Active Listening Explain Empathy F & N’s are like bread crumbs

7 Solutions to all leadership problems
hinge on the quality of your relationships your communication and your courage. Be proactive

8 STOP and INVEST Your strategic priorities and planning Yourself
Yourself – covered Involve, can seem like work, at first it is, fun creative collaborative work Use these times to be electric! Facilitate. Hopefully you were a teacher. One on one’s – time is hard, but so appreciated. I did it with 50 teacher teams Your one on one communication with your team Your team meetings

9 2. Develop what is already there
Introduce the idea of self actualisation

10 ‘People don’t do what you tell them to do,
they only do what they feel engaged with’ Margaret Wheatley Introduce Margaret Wheatley, born to self-actualise, telling staff the same direction again more passionately. Really understand your stakeholder. What matters to them? What authentically drives their action? Find a compatible role in your team for their authentic drive. EXAMPLE

11 Story Curiosity Humour Empathy Community
Mafalda example -culture responds to fun, caring, strongly empathetic group, creative appreciation.

12 3. Empower staff toward ownership

13 Believe in people, support their success
Offer projects that hold meaning Clear boundaries and intended outcomes Training wheels Let go Check in Monitor outcomes Feedback all the way Eg – If ABILITY English was a person, what are they like? Keep asking the question ‘who are we?’ in different ways

14 Develop what is already there 3. Empower staff toward ownership
1. Choose Connection 2. Develop what is already there 3. Empower staff toward ownership 4. Consciously build your culture together 5. Guide your teams to self-regulate

15 4. Consciously build your culture together

16 Develop an organisational identity together Articulate the identity
Involve all stakeholders Ensure this identity guides all action Recruit to that identity Proactively confront deviation Eg – If ABILITY English was a person, what are they like? Keep asking the question ‘who are we?’ in different ways Know the values – recruit to those values

17 CHAOS ORDER Exercise – order/chaos. Where is your organisation?
Anecdote – Where I try to sustain the organisation, transparency, if not maintained, more penal solution with explanation

18 Exercise – order/chaos. Where is your organisation?
Anecdote – Where I try to sustain the organisation, transparency, if not maintained, more penal solution with explanation

19 teams to self-regulate
5. Guide your teams to self-regulate Anecdote – teacher feedback survey

20 Give recognition when the team aligns Confront deviation
Choose connection – curiosity over criticism Zero tolerance for blame culture Zero tolerance for ‘us & them’ culture Build individually and collectively – one on ones, fortnightly meetings, strategy sessions

21 Facilitating leadership from your team members
1. Choose Connection 5. Guide your teams to self-regulate 2. Develop what is already there Facilitating leadership from your team members 4. Consciously build your culture together 3. Empower staff toward ownership

22 Thank you

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