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Monitor exposure transition modify adjustment.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitor exposure transition modify adjustment."— Presentation transcript:

1 monitor exposure transition modify adjustment

2 adjustment = adaptation
One adjustment I can make to have healthier eating habits is…

3 I could go to _______ to get exposure to art from around the world!
exposure = contact I could go to _______ to get exposure to art from around the world!

4 modify = change / adjust
I would like to modify the content of our social studies curriculum so that we learn about _______.

5 monitor = check Clearly, parents __________
monitor computer use because… should / shouldn’t

6 The transition from fifth to sixth grade was _______ because
transition = shift The transition from fifth to sixth grade was _______ because easy / difficult

7 transition = shift It’s hard for soldiers to transition from military to civilian life because…

8 Adjustment Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Small change
Forms: adjusting, adjusted, adjustmental Sentence: Mr. K made adjustments to make his lesson plan better.

9 Exposure Part of Speech: Noun Definition: to be on display; attention
Forms: exposed, exposing Sentence: Too much exposed skin can lead to sunburns! Ouch!

10 Modify Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to make change
Forms: modifiable, modifiability Sentence: In many video games, you can modify your weapons to make them better

11 Monitor Part of Speech: verb/noun
Definition(v): to check; to keep track of Definition(n): a person that keeps track of Forms: monitors, monitoring Sentence: Several students are still developing the skills needed to monitor their voices in class.

12 Transition Part of Speech: Noun and Verb
Noun Definition: change process Verb Definition: to adjust to; to change or move from one condition to another Forms: Transitional, transitioning, transitioned, transitions Sentence: It was a big transition for students when Mr. Wills-Begley cut his hair.

13 Word Generation Vocabulary
adjustment small change ~ adaptation Vote with your fingers! 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

14 Word Generation Vocabulary
Many schools want to reduce skin _______. They do not want to see short t-shirts or tank tops. adjustment small change ~ adaptation 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

15 Word Generation Vocabulary
Many students do not want the school to _____ what they wear. adjustment small change ~ adaptation 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

16 Word Generation Vocabulary
Some schools are trying to make an ________ from a dress code to uniforms. adjustment small change ~ adaptation 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

17 Word Generation Vocabulary
Many parents are in favor of a ______ to a dress code. adjustment small change ~ adaptation 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

18 Word Generation Vocabulary
Students want to ______ the dress code. They want to be able to express themselves. adjustment small change ~ adaptation 2) exposure contact 3) modify change or adjust 4) monitor check 5) transition shift

19 Comic time! 1 transition 4 adjustment 2 modify 5 exposure 3 monitor
You are going to make a short comic that shows an example of the word. Above the comic, write the word in BIG, BOLD letters, then write a short definition. If you can, use more than just YOUR word in your comic! 1 transition 4 adjustment 2 modify 5 exposure 3 monitor

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