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Unit One Vocabulary Week Eight.

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1 Unit One Vocabulary Week Eight

2 Decimate (verb) destroy In war one side tries to decimate the other. .

3 doggedly (adverb) single-mindedly Jim doggedly pursued his dreams.

4 doppelganger (noun) twin/look-alike Though Tom isn’t Mick’s brother you might swear he was Mick’s doppelganger.

5 enamored (adjective) charmed Kyle was enamored by the princess.

6 ersatz (adjective) fake
Did you actually think you could fool me with a set of ersatz pearls?

7 introspective (adjective)
thoughtful/inward-looking It is always a good idea to save a few minutes for introspective thinking.

8 menial (adjective) unskilled
Work hard in school, so you don’t have to spend your life doing menial work.

9 Remediation (noun) the act of correcting a fault
Dan is an expert at mechanical remediation.

10 requisition (noun) written request
. I sent a requisition form to the office for more requisition forms.

11 throttle (verb) strangle Sometimes Homer tries to throttle Bart.

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