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Primary Assessment and Progress

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Assessment and Progress"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Assessment and Progress
Summer 2017 Louise Mallin, David Street

2 The story so far... New national curriculum, The Assessment Commission, end of levels Everyone looking for replacement systems Everyone different Proving progress? Commercial systems- reinventing point score and levels? Reviewing what we have implemented

3 LA Guidance Telling schools what to do? One system does not fit all
Ofsted Summer 17- Trying to be more helpful... making suggestions... this is what we would do… but it’s up to you...

4 Quality assessment systems... Does your system do all this?
State the proportions of children at age related expectations (WTS, EXS, GRD) for all subjects, in each cohort and for each specific pupil group at set points in a year State the progress of the above Highlight any pupil underperformance Are accurate and time efficient Are well understood by all staff/pupils/parents/governors Paint the true picture of T+L at the school Does your system do all this?

5 In addition quality systems... Does your system do this?
Extend the EYFS principle of only assessing against the end of year standard at the end of the year Does your system do this?

6 Curriculum Principles you will need...
My school curriculum is challenging and set up to ensure mastery of the national curriculum My curriculum map/long/medium term plans contains annual and termly ‘I can statements’ for each year group in every subject

7 A suggested Attainment and Progress Tracker...

8 How it works... Use your baseline to set end of year targets in line with pupil potential (but not forgetting national averages) Hold pupil progress meetings, work scrutiny and moderation (in house and across partnerships) 2,3,4 times per term supported by HT and SL

9 How it works... Make TA judgements at the end of each term for attainment and progress Monitor the quality of TA Report to governors Begin interventions and continue to monitor

10 Quality assessment systems...
State the proportions of children at age related expectations (WTS, EXS, GRD) for all subjects, in each cohort and for each specific pupil group at set points in a year State the progress of the above Highlight any pupil underperformance Are accurate and time efficient Are well understood by all staff/pupils/parents/governors Paint the true picture of T+L at the school

11 Key Principles You have a challenging curriculum
‘Good’ progress is dependant on a child meeting their potential Desire to develop, support and empower quality TA and judgements (with back up in quality books and quality monitoring and quality moderation)

12 Issues Terminology E,D,S,M or WTS,EXS,GDS Current systems, time
Might come up with something better next week ?

13 What next... ...It’s up to you! Carry on as you are Change to this
Somewhere in between ...It’s up to you!

14 Attainment and progress recording, tracking and reporting
Training Attainment and progress recording, tracking and reporting September 17 £25 for SLA members £125 for non SLA members

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