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October 28th-November 1st

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1 October 28th-November 1st
Essential Questions October 28th-November 1st

2 ALA Standards Standard 3: Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Skill: Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners. 3.1.3 Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively. Standard 4: Pursue personal and aesthetic growth 4.1.3 Respond to literature and creative expressions of ideas in various formats and genres.

3 Essential Question 10/28 5th & 6th
What are the Big Six Skills? Explain in your own words End of lesson

4 10/28 Essential Question 2nd Grade
What are character traits? (Chart comparing inside and outside characteristics Story: The Grufflo

5 10/28 Essential Question Kindergarten and First grade
What are the 3 super skills?

6 10/28 Essential Question 3rd and 4th Grade
How can you use the Big Six skills to write an effective paper?

7 Essential Question 7th& 8th
What is task definition according to the Big Six Skills? How can defining your task help you produce a higher quality research paper?

8 Essential Question 5th&6th
What does information seeking strategies mean? Explain in your own words.

9 2nd Grade Essential Question
What are the Super 3 skills?

10 Kindergarten and 1st Grade
What is the first super skill and why is it important? Plan

11 Essential Question 3rd and 4th Grade
Why are the Big Six Skills important when researching? Explain in your own words and from your notes from last class.

12 Other Websites grade lesson 3-5th grade lesson R is for Research Story 2nd-K -second grade

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