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Getting and Keeping Chapter Participants

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1 Getting and Keeping Chapter Participants

2 Agenda Your chapter, affiliation models Beyond Support
Active / Passive “Recruitment” Retention Open Discussion

3 Your Chapter (affiliation models)
√ Partners: Always √ Members: Occasionally (Part of a whole) √ Volunteers: Arm-twisting (Performs or offers to perform service) √ Participants: Wait & See (Shares or takes part)

4 2. Beyond Support * 2.1 At first sight… * 2. 2 Spruce or Lose
* 2.3 Something Old, Something New…. * 2.4 Fun, Fun, Fun * 2.5 Be Serious

5 Beyond Support 2.1 At first sight…
Point of Contact * How did the person feel after talking to you? * Looked forward to attending? * Too much/little info? * Compassionate, Caring, Concise, Clear. * Organized : log call, return calls, follow-up * Listen The place, The place * Location * Conveniences * Clarity of Directions

6 Beyond Support 2.2 Spruce or Lose
Room set-up Welcome Desk, “greeter” Literature Table Circular set-up, spacing Name tags Structure – informal, but not too casual Security & Confidentiality Take a Break! Closing – summarize, feedback Up-to-date website

7 Beyond Support 2.3 Something Old, Something New…
Foundation / Structure * Comfort & Consistency Extension / Expansion * Looking for New ideas * Willing to change, experiment * Technology * Planned growth, outreach, mission

8 Beyond Support 2. 4 Fun, Fun, Fun…
Information & Support are not enough What makes a new participant look forward to the next meeting? * A place to “belong” * Networking, connections * Speaker series * Social events * Appreciation, recognition * FOOD!

9 Beyond Support 2.5 Be Serious
Diligence and punctuality Meticulous arrangements for all events, small or large. Your dedication, effort and enthusiasm are contagious. People follow by example rather than following orders. Good organization makes groups and meetings easier to run.

10 3. Active/Passive “Recruitment”
3.1 Why grow / recruit? 3.2 Active, passive, both? 3.3 Creative publicity 3.4 Dedication,Determination, Pragmatism

11 3.1 Why grow / recruit? Peer support is recognized as an effective component of treatment Mood disorders affect 10% of the population – DBSA groups reach 100,000 or so people Reaching out to others is rewarding to oneself DBSA wants – needs - you to!

12 3.2 Active, Passive, Both? Active : Go Get ‘em | Passive : Sit & Wait
Active recruitment is recommended * Challenge yourself, others - “5 for 5” * Start a new sub-group * Partner with other groups, organizations - visit * Publicize : flyers, business cards, notices: Library, Post Office, Shops, Community Agencies, Hospitals, Professionals, Churches/Temples etc, United Way, Websites/groups, MHA,MHB, local cable TV, local papers, other groups, YMCA, Letter to Editor, word-of-mouth, newsletters, booths at conferences, health events, supermarkets, public service radio announcement, local concerts, poetry readings, community college, neighborhood mailboxes, personal s (no spam)…..

13 3.3 Creative Publicity Pens Keychains Magnets Letter Openers
Hand towels Bags Coin collector at pizzeria Candy & flyer at health fair

14 3.4 Dedication, Determination,Pragmatism
Do the best you can Do involve others Do be optimistic, but have realistic expectations Don’t be discouraged Don’t “sell” Don’t burn out

15 Retention 4.1 INFORMED – INTERESTED - INVOLVED 4.2 Volunteerism
4.3 Membership 4.4 Growth & Creativity

16 4.1 Informed - Interested - Involved
New participants: learn about illness & treatment plans Regulars: what is happening with the group Partners: how to manage, improve and grow group A feeling of belonging keeps people interested. An opportunity to give back and feel good about oneself gets & keeps people involved.

17 4.2 Volunteerism 89% of American households give to a non-profit in a year (avg. $1,620/yr) 44% of adults do some volunteer work (Of the 56% who don’t, most said “No one asked me”) 71% said if they were asked, they would serve as a volunteer Source: The Independent Sector (“Giving & Volunteering in America”)

18 4.2 Volunteerism Four things people want to know:
* What will be expected of me? * What kind of training will be involved? * Who else volunteered – how many? * How many hours per week?

19 4.3 Membership Know your regulars – most want to do more:
People who will attend, be supportive, but not help. People who cannot attend regularly due to work or childcare problems (creative childcare solutions?) People who will help if you ask them, but only if it motivates them (eg social event but not board) Group tries to meet everyone’s needs

20 4.4 Growth & Creativity Planned, phased growth Having an office helps
Newsletter, website Special events


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