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Lower limb.

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1 Lower limb

2 Muscles of lower limb muscles of iliac region muscles of thigh
anterior femoral muscles midial femoral muscles posterior femoral muscles muscles of gluteal region muscles of leg muscles of foot

3 # iliaccus # psoas major # psoas minor
Muscles of iliac region M. of iliac region # iliaccus # psoas major # psoas minor Post.View

4 iliopsoas Origin Insertion Action
M. of iliac region Origin inner surface of upper iliac fossa transverse processes of L1-L5 vertebral bodies of T12-L4 Insertion lesser trochanter of the femur Action hip flexion lateral rotation Nerve : medial femoral circumflex artery Blood : femoral nerve, L3,4 / ventral rami, L1,2,3

5 Muscles of thigh anterior femoral muscles # rectus femoris
# vastus lateralis # vastus intermidius # vastus midialis # sartorius Ant.View

6 rectus femoris Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin anterior head: anterior inferior iliac spine posterior head: ilium just above the acetabulum Insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action extends knee flexes hip Nerve : lateral femoral circumflex artery Blood : branches of femoral nerve, [L2],3,4v

7 vastus lateralis Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin greater trochanter lateral lip of linea aspera lateral intermuscular septum Insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action extends knee can abnormally displace patella Nerve : lateral femoral circumflex artery Blood : branches of femoral nerve, [L2],3,4v

8 vastus intermidius Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin Ant. lateral aspect of the femoral shaft Insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action extends knee Nerve lateral femoral circumflex artery Blood branches of femoral nerve, [L2],3,4v

9 vastus midialisv Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin intertrochanteric line of femur medial aspect of linea aspera Insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action extends knee Nerve descending genicular artery femoris artery Blood femoral nerve, [L2],3,4v

10 sartorius Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin anterior superior iliac spine Insertion upper medial surface of body of tibia Action flexes hip and knee laterally rotates thigh if flexed at the hip Nerve femoral artery descending genicular artery Blood femoral nerve, L2,3

11 Muscles of thigh medial femoral muscles # pectineus # adductor longus
# adductor brevis # adductor magnus # gracilis Ant.View(deep)

12 pectineus Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin pectineal line of the pubis superior pubic ramus Insertion the pectineal line of the femur Action flexes hip adducts thigh medially rotates thigh Nerve : medial femoral circumflex artery Blood : femoral nerve L3,4 obturator nerve L2,3,4

13 adductor brevis Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin body & inferior ramus of pubis Insertion superior portion of linea aspera Action adducts thigh aids in flexion of thigh may laterally rotate thigh at the hip Nerve femoral artery Blood obturator nerve L2,3,4

14 gracilis Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin body of pubis & inferior pubic ramus Insertion medial surface of proximal tibia, inferior to tibial condyle Action adducts thigh flexes knee medially rotates tibia Nerve obturator artery Blood obturator nerve L2,3,4

15 adductor longus Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin anterior surface of pubis Insertion medial lip of linea aspera on middle half of femur Action adducts thigh flexes thigh may laterally rotate thigh at the hip Nerve femoral artery Blood obturator nerve L2,3,4

16 adductor magnus Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood
muscles of thigh Origin inferior pubic ramus ischial tuberosity Insertion proximal 1/3 of linea aspera adductor tubercle Action adducts the thigh extend and laterally rotate thigh Nerve femoral artery Blood obturator nerve L2,3,4 / tibial nerve


18 Muscles of thigh posterior femoral m. # biceps femoris
# semitendinosus # semimembranosus Post.View

19 biceps femoris Origin Insertion Action Blood : gluteal artery
muscles of thigh Origin ischial tuberosity lateral lip of linea aspera & the lateral intermuscular septum Insertion head of fibula maybe to the lateral tibial condyle Action flexor at the knee(mainly short head) laterally rot. thigh if flexed at the knee extends hip(long head) Blood : gluteal artery Nerve : tibial nerve, L5,S1,2 / common peroneal nerve, L5,S1

20 semitendinosus Origin Insertion Action Blood Nerve ischial tuberosity
muscles of thigh Origin ischial tuberosity Insertion medial aspect of tibial shaft Action extends hip flexes knee medially rotates tibia Blood gluteal artery branches of profunda femoris Nerve tibial nerve of sciatic bundle, L5,S1,2

21 Semimembranosus Origin Insertion Action Blood
muscles of thigh Origin ischial tuberosity Insertion posterior medial aspect of medial tibial condyle Action flexes knee extends hip medially rotates tibia pulls medial meniscus posterior during flexion Blood gluteal artery branches of profunda femoris Nerve : tibial nerve of sciatic bundle, L5,S1,2

22 Muscles of thigh muscles of gluteal region # gluteus maximus
# gluteus medius # gluteus minimus # tensor fascia lata Lateral View

23 gluteus maximus Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin outer rim of ilium (medial aspect) dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx sacrotuberous ligament Insertion IT band (primary insertion) gluteal tuberosity of femur Action powerful extensor of hip laterally rotates thigh upper fibers aid in abduction of thigh IT band stabilize a fully extended knee Nerve : inferior/superior gluteal artery Blood : inferior gluteal nerve, L5,S1,2v

24 gluteus medius Origin Insertion Action Nerve : superior gluteal artery
muscles of thigh Origin outer aspect of ilium upper fascia Insertion superior aspect of greater trochanter Action anterior & lateral fibers abduct medially rotate the thigh posterior fibers may laterally rotate thigh stabilizes the pelvis prevents free limb from sagging during gait Nerve : superior gluteal artery Blood : superior gluteal nerve, L4,5,S1

25 gluteus minimus Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin outer aspect of ilium Insertion greater trochanter articular capsule of hip joint Action abduct and medially rotate the thigh stabilizes the pelvis prevents free limb from sagging during gait Nerve : superior gluteal artery Blood : superior gluteal nerve, L4,5,S1

26 tensor fascia lata Origin Insertion Action
muscles of thigh Origin anterior aspect of iliac crest anterior superior iliac spine Insertion anterior aspect of IT band, below greater trochanter Action hip flexion medially rotate & abduct a flexed thigh support femur on the tibia during standing Nerve : superior gluteal artery/femoral artery Blood : superior gluteal nerve, L4,5,S1

27 muscles of thigh short external rotators

28 nerves of anterior thigh

29 arteries

30 Muscles of leg anterior crural muscles # tibialis anterior
# extensor digitorum longus # peroneus tertius # extensor hallucis longus

31 tibialis anterior Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin lateral tibial condyle proximal 2/3 of anteriolateral surface of tibia Insertion medial & plantar surface of base of 1st metatarsal medial & plantar surface of the cuneiform Action strongest dorsiflexor inverts & adducts the foot Nerve : anterior tibial artery Blood : deep peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

32 extensor digitorum longus
muscles of leg Origin lateral condyle of the tibia upper anterior surface of fibula Insertion dorsal surface of the bases of the middle & distal phalanxes of the 2nd-5th rays Action extends the lateral 4 toes weak dorsiflexor & everts foot Nerve : anterior tibial artery Blood : deep peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

33 extensor hallucis longus
muscles of leg Origin medial aspect of the fibula interosseous membrane Insertion dorsal surface of base of proximal and distal phalanx of hallux Action extends distal phalanx of big toe weak dorsiflexor weak inversion & adduction Nerve : anterior tibial artery Blood : deep peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

34 peroneus tertius Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin distal 1/3 of anterior fibula distal & lateral aspect of extensor digitorum Insertion dorsal surface of base of 5th metatarsal Action extends the 5th toe weak dorsiflexor & everts foot Nerve : anterior tibial artery Blood : deep peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

35 Muscles of leg posterior crural muscles posterior crural muscles
[superficial group] # gastrocnemius # soleus # plantaris posterior crural muscles [deep group] # flexor digitorum longus # flexor hallucis longus # posterior tibialis # popliteus

36 gastrocnemius Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin just above medial/lateral condyle of femur Insertion calcaneus via lateral portion of calcaneal tendon Action plantarflex the ankle knee flexion (when not weight bearing) stabilizes ankle & knee when standing Nerve : popliteal / peroneal / posterior tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, S1,2

37 soleus Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin upper fibula soleal line of tibia Insertion calcaneus via medial portion of calcaneal tendon Action plantarflex the ankle knee flexion (when not weight bearing) stabilizes ankle & knee when standing Nerve : popliteal / peroneal / tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, S1,2

38 plantaris Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin above the lateral head of gastrocnemius on femur Insertion calcaneus, medial to calcaneal tendon Action like a weak gastrocnemius Nerve : popliteal / peroneal / tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, S1,2

39 posterior compartment (superficial)

40 flexor digitorum longus
muscles of leg Origin posterior surface of tibia Insertion plantar surface of bases of the 2-5th distal phalanges Action primarily flexes 2nd - 5th toes weak plantarflexor weak inversion & adduction of foot Nerve : peroneal / tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, L5,S1

41 flexor hallucis longus
muscles of leg Origin posterior, inferior 2/3 of fibula Insertion plantar surface of distal phalanx of hallux Action flexes big toe (hallux) weak plantarflexion of the foot weak inversion & adduction of foot Nerve : peroneal / tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, L5,S1,2

42 posterior tibialis Origin Insertion Action
muscles of leg Origin posterior, proximal tibia medial surface of fibula Insertion navicular tuberosity (principle) all 3 cuneiforms (plantar surface) cuboid / bases of 2-4 metatarsals Action stabilizes ankle inversion & adduction of foot prevents hyperpronation while in gait weak plantarflexion of ankle Nerve : peroneal / tibial artery Blood : tibial nerve, L5,S1

43 popliteus Origin Insertion Action Nerve : peroneal artery
muscles of leg Origin lateral femoral condyle arcuate popliteal ligament lateral meniscus knee joint capsule Insertion posterior tibial surface Action insertion fixed: laterally rotates femur on tibia origin fixed: medially rotates tibia on femur Nerve : peroneal artery Blood : tibial nerve, L5,S1,2

44 Muscles of leg laterior crural muscles # peroneus longus
# peroneus brevis

45 peroneus longus Origin Insertion Action Nerve : peroneal artery
muscles of leg Origin head of the fibula proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula Insertion plantar surface of cuboid base of 1st & (2nd) metatarsal plantar surface of medial cuneiform Action eversion & abduction of the foot weak plantarflexion of the foot Nerve : peroneal artery Blood : peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

46 peroneus brevis Origin Insertion Action Nerve : peroneal artery
muscles of leg Origin distal 2/3 of lateral fibula Insertion tuberosity on lateral aspect of base of 5th metatarsal Action eversion & abduction of the foot weak plantarflexion of the foot Nerve : peroneal artery Blood : peroneal nerve, L4,5,S1

47 nerves

48 arteries

49 medial ankle

50 Muscles of foot dorsal muscles # extensor digitorum brevis
# extensor hallucis brevis

51 extensor hallucis brevis
muscles of foot Origin upper anterolateral calcaneus Insertion base of proximal phalanx of hallux Action extends hallux Nerve : dorsalis pedis artery Blood : peroneal nerve, L4,5

52 extensor digitorum brevis
muscles of foot Origin upper anterolateral calcaneus Insertion middle & distal phalanges of 2nd-4th rays Action extends 2nd-4th rays Nerve : dorsalis pedis artery Blood : peroneal nerve, L4,5

53 Muscles of foot medial plantar muscles # abductor hallucis
# flexor hallucis brevis # adductor hallucis

54 abductor hallucis Origin Insertion Action
muscles of foot Origin medial process of calcaneal tuberosity Insertion medial aspect of base of proximal phalanx Action flexes the big toe assist in abduction Nerve : medial plantar artery Blood : medial plantar nerve, L5,S1

55 flexor hallucis brevis
muscles of foot Origin medial aspect of the cuboid lateral cuneiform Insertion medial/lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of hallux Action flexes hallux at MTP Nerve : medial plantar artery Blood : medial plantar nerve, L5,S1

56 adductor hallucis Origin Insertion Action Nerve : plantar artery
muscles of foot Origin base of 2nd-4th metatarsals Insertion lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of hallux Action adduction of hallux at MTP flexes hallux at MTP Nerve : plantar artery Blood : lateral plantar nerve, S1,2

57 Muscles of foot lateral plantar muscles # abductor digiti minimi
# flexor digiti minimi brevis

58 abductor digiti minimi
muscles of foot Origin lateral & medial processes of the calcaneal tuberosity Insertion lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of 5th ray Action abducts 5th toe aids in flexing Nerve : lateral plantar artery Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

59 flexor digiti minimi brevis
muscles of foot Origin lateral & medial processes of the calcaneal tuberosity Insertion lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of 5th ray Action abducts 5th toe aids in flexing Nerve : lateral plantar artery Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

60 Muscles of foot central plantar muscles # flexor digitorum brevis
# quadratus plantae # lumbricales # interosssei plantares # interosssei dorsales

61 flexor digitorum brevis
muscles of foot Origin medial process of calcaneal tuberosity Insertion both sides of the bases of the mid. phalanx of rays 2-5 Action flexes toes 2-5 Nerve : medial plantar artery Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

62 quadratus plantae Origin Insertion Action
muscles of foot Origin medial/lateral calcaneus Insertion lateral margin of tendon of flexor digitorum longus(fdl) Action assists FDL in flexing Nerve : lateral plantar artery Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

63 lumbricales Origin Insertion Action Nerve : plantar artery
muscles of foot Origin tendons of FDL Insertion extensor tendons of EDL on dorsal foot Action flex proximal phalanges at MTP extend middle & distal phalanges at IP Nerve : plantar artery Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

64 interosssei plantares
muscles of foot Origin medial aspect of 3-5 metatarsals Insertion medial aspect of base of proximal phalanx of the same ray Action adduct toes 3-5 flex toes 3-5 at MTP Nerve : lateral plantar arch Blood : plantar nerve, L5,S1

65 interosssei dorsales Origin Insertion Action
muscles of foot Origin from both metatarsals between which they lie Insertion base of proximal phalanx Action abduct toes 2-4 flexes toes 2-4 at MTP Nerve : lateral plantar arch Blood : lateral plantar nerve S1,2

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