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TGn Opening Report – November 05

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Presentation on theme: "TGn Opening Report – November 05"— Presentation transcript:

1 TGn Opening Report – November 05
doc.: IEEE /1029r0 November 2005 TGn Opening Report – November 05 Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

2 This Opening Report 05-1154 Administrative Intro
November 2005 doc.: IEEE /1029r0 November 2005 This Opening Report Administrative Intro Attendance server Is not available Mark attendance at registration desk Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

3 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
November 2005 doc.: IEEE /1029r0 November 2005 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – May 2004 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

4 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings
November 2005 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

5 November 2005 Additional Guidance After a patent letter of assurance (LoA) has been accepted by PatCom, it is allowable for a presenter to state that an LoA has been filed by a Patent Holder, accepted by PatCom, and listed in the online listing of LoAs at Anyone seeking a copy of the accepted LoA should contact the PatCom Administrator. Discussion of the content of accepted, submitted, or proposed LoAs is prohibited. Discussion of licensing terms and conditions is prohibited. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

6 Attendance, Voting & Document Status
November 2005 Attendance, Voting & Document Status If you have Attendance questions during the session talk to Harry Worstell Questions on Voting status, Ballot pool, Access to Reflector – see Harry Worstell – Make sure your badges are correct Make sure your submissions contain no company logos or advertising Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

7 Attendance Recording -802.11
November 2005 Attendance Recording A sign-in sheet will be located at the 802 Concierge desk Each member must sign-in “once” (1) per day, between the hours of 0800 and 1700 local time Participants must “sign” their name in the appropriate place and state of attendance for that day in terms of AM1/AM2, PM1/PM2, EV1 (if an evening meeting exists) Only “sign-in” for yourself, do NOT “sign-in” for and other participate. Attendance will be checked against other 802 groups. Those found abusing the honor system will lose ALL credit for that day. These sheets are provided daily. If you don’t sign up during the “regular sign-in” hours, you will NOT be given credit for that day. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

8 November 2005 TGn Quick Review of events prior to this meeting up to September 05 Meeting in Garden Grove, California, USA Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

9 Historical Background
November 2005 Historical Background We left the May meeting with a serious deadlock. In subsequent discussions with the 3 proposal groups they indicated that they would agree to participate in a joint proposal activity. When TGn met in July we agreed to proceed with a merger activity that would continue through the November session. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

10 Selection Procedure (continued)
November 2005 Selection Procedure (continued) During steps 9, 16 and 18, mergers will be allowed between remaining proposals, and between remaining proposals and proposals that have been eliminated. Mergers will not be allowed between eliminated proposals only. The TGn chair will provide an opportunity for the task group to decide by simple majority whether proposals that have merged or that have technical changes require normal time for consideration prior to a down-selection vote (4 meeting hours) or require extended time. Time extension beyond 24 hours shall require support of 2/3 of the voting members present. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

11 November 2005 Motion: Moved: Because the TGn selection process allows proposals to ask for time to complete mergers prior to consideration, M&T&W are granted time to complete a merged Joint Proposal (JP) that will replace the current three remaining TGn proposals. The time line is: July 2005: Provide time this week (ref 5557R0 Bruce’s opening report) for these groups to go work on this effort. Sept 2005 JP draft will be provided to TGn; Q&A sessions on JP to that time. November 2005: JP replaces current 3 proposals; Confirmation vote on JP. Vote: 195/2/3 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

12 September Agenda Plans and Accomplishments
November 2005 doc.: IEEE /1029r0 November 2005 September Agenda Plans and Accomplishments Between now and September Partial merged proposal draft posted to server & announced on reflector by Monday Sept 12 Question submission via Thursday Sept 15 Responses will be presented beginning Monday Sept 19 September Meeting Plan (Monday = September 19) Merged proposal Presentation & Discussion Coexistence Assurance status update ( a, a, cordless phones) Review Document linkage for changed FR Formulate and Consider WFA liaison request Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

13 Key Documents from Sept Session
November 2005 Key Documents from Sept Session r2 Wireless VoIP Eldad Perahia, Brett Douglas r1 JP Status Report (Monday) r0 JP Status Report (Thursday) r3 TGn Opening Report r0 TGn September Minutes r0 TGn Closing Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

14 November 2005 Questions Considered Given the current joint proposal status , can we still expect a complete draft to be posted before the November meeting? Is there anything the chair or membership can do to further expedite or facilitate the process? Was the pause for merger the correct decision? What happens if the merged proposal is not completed on time? Decided to continue with JP plan as previously agreed Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

15 November 14-18, 2005 Vancouver Agenda Plan
doc.: IEEE /1029r0 November 2005 November 14-18, Vancouver Agenda Plan Between now and November No teleconference calls for SS or CA will be needed No teleconferences or interim meetings of TGn will be needed Merged proposal draft posted to server & announced on reflector by Monday, Nov 07 (1 week prior to meeting) Questions submitted via by Thursday Nov 10 Technical Proposal and Responses will be presented beginning Monday Nov 14 November Meeting Plan (Monday = November 14) Merged proposal Presentation & Discussion , Q&A 1st Confirmation vote, “no” vote explanations & remedies if <75% “yes” Technical Editor Election Coexistence Assurance status update Review Timeline Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

16 Procedure from doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/665r9
November 2005 Procedure from doc.: IEEE /665r9 Step 16: Rounds of voting will be held that successively eliminate one candidate proposal at a time. On each round of voting, the candidate proposal that receives the least number of votes shall be eliminated from consideration. In the event of a tie for the least number of votes, a separate vote shall be held to select which of the candidates receiving the least votes shall be eliminated in the current round. The other candidate(s) shall remain for the next round. Between rounds of voting, presenters will again have the opportunity to merge proposals and/or make technical changes to their proposals. If a merger occurs or if technical changes are made to a proposal, all presenters shall have the opportunity to present the details of their proposal again. If two or more proposals are left, time permitting and at the discretion of the TGn Chair there may be a Panel Discussion with all the remaining Presenters. The rounds of voting will continue until only one candidate proposal remains. The order in which the proposals are eliminated will be recorded in the minutes. This ordering will serve as the ranking of the eliminated proposals needed in step 18. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

17 September TGn Minutes 05-1029r0
November 2005 September TGn Minutes r0 Executive Summary Executive Summary (also see Chairs’ meeting doc r3 and closing report doc r0): Only 3 out of the allotted 8 hours of session time was used to allow the JP as much time as possible to meet F2F. The JP gave two reports, an Opening Report ( r1) in which reviewed the scope of the task, itemized the progress they have made since July and the topics currently being worked on as well as the topics remaining to be addressed, and a Closing Report ( r0) in which they described the progress made during the week and presented a time line. The JP time line indicated that their goal remained to deliver a baseline draft to the TG November 7. TGn chair, using the ‘draft in November’ assumption projected a best case scenario of ratified standard in April [See r3] One technical presentation on Wireless VoIP Design Considerations was made by Eldad Perahia, doc r2 The TGn chair presented a strawman agenda for the Nov meeting which was highly dependent on progress made between now and November by the JP team. JP team will give a status update after their Oct. F2F. If a draft is presented in November a confirmation vote could be held and a call for LB made at the November meeting. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

18 November 2005 Approve Minutes Motion to approve September TGn minutes as contained in r1 Move: Jon Rosdahl Second: Jim Petranovich Approved unanimously Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

19 November 2005 Plans for November Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

20 November 2005 Agenda Plan -November Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

21 TGn – Initial November Schedule
Meeting Room: Regency C Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 X 4 10:30-12:30 6 10 13:30-15:30 8 12 16:00-18:00 2 19:30-21:30 am 1 am 2 pm 1 pm 2 eve Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

22 TGn – Proposed November Schedule Monday
TASK GROUP N AGENDA - Monday Nov 14th : : time block duration start time 1 II Meeting Call to Order - KRAEMER / LI 5 16:00 2 Chair's Status Update & Review of IEEE 802 & Policies and Procedures (IP, Voting, Previous minutes, etc) 15 16:05 3 Plans for the week 30 16:20 4 MI Approve or Modify the Agenda 10 16:50 DT Proposal Presentations VARIOUS 60 17:00 6 Recess for the day 18:00 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

23 TGn – Proposed November Schedule Tuesday
TASK GROUP N AGENDA - Tuesday Nov 15th : : time blocks duration start time 7 II Meeting Call to Order - KRAEMER / LI 08:00 8 DT Technical presentations VARIOUS 120 9 MI Recess for break 30 10:00 10 Technical presentations + Q & A session # 1 10:30 11 Recess for the day 60 12:30 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

24 TGn – Proposed November Schedule Wednesday
TASK GROUP N AGENDA - Wednesday Nov 16th : : time block duration start time 12 II Meeting Call to Order - KRAEMER / LI 13:30 13 DT Technical presentations + Q & A session # 2 VARIOUS 120 14 MI Recess for the day 15:30 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

25 TGn – Proposed November Schedule Thursday
TASK GROUP N AGENDA - Thursday Nov 18th : : time blocks duration start time 15 II Meeting Call to Order - KRAEMER / LI 10:30 16 DT Joint Proposal Presentation Current Status and submission of Proposal to TGn VARIOUS 60 17 Confirmation, technical editor and other votes as necessary 11:30 18 MI Recess for lunch 12:30 19 Status report of .19 and Coexistence LI 30 13:30 20 Plans for January + approval of telecons 14:00 21 Any other business 15:00 22 Adjourn for session 15:30 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

26 New Documents posted for Nov meeting
November 2005 New Documents posted for Nov meeting Submissions r0 JP Opening Report r0 JP Advanced Coding Timeline r1 JP MAC Presentation r2 JP MAC Proposal Text r0 JP PHY Presentation r2 JP PHY Proposal Text r0 JP Closing Report r0 TGn Minutes for Nov meeting Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

27 Any other Presentations Any other Business
November 2005 Any other Presentations Any other Business Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

28 November 2005 Approve Agenda Motion to approve November TGn agenda as contained on slides and 25 of this document. Move: Jim Petranovich Second: Jon Rosdahl Approved unanimously Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

29 First Presentation Joint Proposal Status Report 05-1051
November 2005 First Presentation Joint Proposal Status Report Collaborative status presentations from proposal groups: WWiSE TGn Sync MITMOT No questions Questions from the floor only – none made Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

30 November 2005 End of Opening Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

31 November 2005 Questions Given the current joint proposal status, can we still expect a complete draft to be posted at the January meeting? Is there anything the chair or membership can do to further expedite or facilitate the process? Was the pause for merger the correct decision? What happens if the merged proposal is not completed on time? Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

32 November 2005 Topics for Thursday Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

33 Selection Procedure (continued)
November 2005 Selection Procedure (continued) During steps 9, 16 and 18, mergers will be allowed between remaining proposals, and between remaining proposals and proposals that have been eliminated. Mergers will not be allowed between eliminated proposals only. The TGn chair will provide an opportunity for the task group to decide by simple majority whether proposals that have merged or that have technical changes require normal time for consideration prior to a down-selection vote (4 meeting hours) or require extended time. Time extension beyond 24 hours shall require support of 2/3 of the voting members present. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

34 Motion Move: Jon Rosdahl Second: Jim Petranovich Approved unanimously
November 2005 Motion (from r0) Move to continue the time to complete the merger of MITMOT, TGn Sync and WWiSE proposals until the end of the Jan 2006 meeting. Move: Jon Rosdahl Second: Jim Petranovich Approved unanimously Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

35 Coexistence Assurance
November 2005 Coexistence Assurance Status Update and plans Presentations on coexistence issues and mechanisms in P802.11k, P802.16h Review of CA on P b Review of coexistence assurance methodology in Voted to create SG to produce PAR and 5 Criteria for recommended practice on CA Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

36 November 2005 Timeline Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

37 Only change is to initial WG LB Approved without objection
November 2005 Updated Timeline Only change is to initial WG LB Approved without objection Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

38 11n - Overall timeline 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 November 2005 HT SG
Formed Publication PAR Approved TGn Formed ExCom RevCom Stds Brd Approval Selection Process & Criteria First Sponsor Letter Ballot Call for Proposals First WG Letter Ballot First Proposal Presentations Down Select Joint proposal Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

39 Balloting to Publication Process (part 1)
November 2005 Balloting to Publication Process (part 1) Draft 1.0 Complete Mar ‘06 Submit documentation to 802 ExCom Submit documentation to RevCom Standards Board Approval Conduct WG Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Letter Ballot Completed No Approved? Yes Sep ‘06 Sep ‘06 Conduct Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Sponsor Ballot Completed No Approved? Yes Jan ‘07 Publication Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

40 Balloting to Publication Process (part 2)
November 2005 Balloting to Publication Process (part 2) Draft 1.0 Complete Submit documentation to 802 ExCom 30 days prior to Plenary Submission ExCom June, Jul 17-21, 2006 Oct, Nov 13-17, 2006 Feb, Mar 12-16, 2007 May, Jul 16-20, 2007 Letter Ballot Submit documentation to RevCom 40 days prior to Standards Board meeting sequence Submission RevCom Stds Board August 4, Sep Sep 16, 2006 Feb 9, Mar Mar 22, 2007 April 27, Jun Jun 28, 2007 Aug 17, Sep Sep 27, 2007 Sponsor Ballot Publication (+30 days) April ‘07 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

41 Process Backup Material
November 2005 Time Line Process Backup Material Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

42 RevCom (Standards Review Committee)
November 2005 RevCom (Standards Review Committee) All requests for approval of a standard shall be reviewed by RevCom prior to submission to the IEEE SA Standards Board to ensure that the submittal is complete and that appropriate IEEE procedures are followed completely and correctly (see the IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards). The IEEE-SA Standards Board has assigned to RevCom the review of standards submittals and the responsibility for recommending final approval to the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Approval or adoption of a standard requires a consensus of RevCom that the requirements of the procedures of RevCom and those of the IEEE-SA Standards Board (IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws and IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual ) have been satisfied. Specifically, this means that the final results of the ballot and statements submitted by balloters who participated in the development of the standard indicate that consensus has been achieved and unresolved negative ballots have been properly considered, together with reasons why the comments could not be resolved. All IEEE standards shall be approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board prior to publication. Approval requires a majority vote of the IEEE-SA Standards Board . 3 Meetings per year : March, June, September Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

43 IEEE-SA Standards Board
November 2005 IEEE-SA Standards Board The Board consists of no fewer than 18 nor more than 26 voting members, who are Members or higher grade of the Institute. A liaison from the IEEE Technical Activities Board serves as a voting member. Nonvoting members who may attend meetings include two Members Emeriti. David J. Law Daleep C. Mohla Paul Nikolich Ted W. Olsen Ronald C. Petersen Gary S. Robinson Frank Stone Malcolm V. Thaden Richard L. Townsend Joe D. Watson Richard V. Cox, Member/TAB Rep Jay Forster, Member Emeritus Joseph L. Koepfinger, Member Emeritus Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative Chairman: Steve M.Mills Vice Chairman: Richard H. Hulett Past Chairman: Don Wright Secretary: Judith Gorman Members: Mark D. Bowman Dennis B. Brophy Joseph Bruder Bob Davis Joanna N. Guenin Mark S. Halpin Raymond Hapeman William B. Hopf Richard H. Hulett Lowell G. Johnson Hermann Koch Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

44 NesCom (New Standards Committee)
November 2005 NesCom (New Standards Committee) This committee examines PARs and makes recommendations to the IEEE-SA Standards Board regarding their approval. responsible for ensuring that proposed standards projects are within the scope and purpose of the IEEE, that standards projects are assigned to the proper Society or other organizational body, and that interested parties are appropriately represented in the development of IEEE standards. The NesCom secretary is Jodi Haasz. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

45 November 2005 January Plans Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

46 November 2005 Any Other Business? Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

47 November 2005 Motion to Adjourn? Bruce Kraemer, Conexant

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