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Moves to European Unity Date:

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1 Moves to European Unity Date:
Objective Examine what was going on in Europe when America and The Soviet Union were at each other’s throats. See what peace, as opposed to war, creates. Examine the highest living conditions in the world. Warm-up: Note the following and respond. ‘Co-operation is the best guarantee for future peace’. Do you agree? Why/why not?

2 Notes Europe was devastated by war in the twentieth century. Millions of people were dead, cities were in ruins from attacks and people were without work, food or hope. In 1948, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg set up an economic Union called the BENELUX. The free movement of goods, people and money would inspire the birth of a common market. Questions 1-4 page 100 when finished writing each slide.

3 Notes In 1949, ten democratic governments, including Ireland, set up the Council of Europe to help democracy and the respect of human rights. They drew up the European Convention on Human Rights which included: The right to a fair trial The right not to be tortured The right to privacy The right to travel. Questions 1-4 page 100 when finished writing each slide.

4 Notes In 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community was established. France and Germany would share these resources. This would not only help their economy, it would discourage conflict, as these materials were central to waging war. Questions 1-4 page 100 when finished writing each slide.

5 Notes Finally, in 1957, The Treaty of Rome would help countries co-operate in other economic areas. Farming: the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) gave farmers guaranteed prices. Europe went from a starving landscape to one with food surplus within ten years. Social Policy: Rich countries would help poorer countries set up infrastructure (roads, telephones, etc)

6 Notes On the 1st January 1958 the European Economic Community (EEC) came into existence. Note from your book: The names of the institutions on page 100 The Council of Ministers, The European Commission The European Parliament The European Court. Questions 1-4 page 100 when finished writing each slide.

7 Cooldown I think.... Write one I know.... sentence with
I wonder.... these at the start

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