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Chapter 2 Review Regular rules No notes no books

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1 Chapter 2 Review Regular rules No notes no books
Top Group gets 5 points extra credit 20 QUESTIONS

2 QUESTION 1 Basic unit of Matter ANSWER- Atom

3 QUESTION 2 What holds atoms in compounds together?
ANSWER- Chemical Bond

4 QUESTION 3 True or false, Strong bases have a pH value ranging from 11 to 14 Answer- True

5 Question 4 Answer- Amino Acids
Proteins are polymers of molecules called _________ _____ Answer- Amino Acids

6 Question 5 What is released or absorbed whenever chemical bonds form or are broken? Answer-Energy

7 Question 6 Compound that forms hydrogen ions in solution Answer – Acid

8 Question 7 Mixtures of water and nondissolved substances are known as ______________ Answer- Suspensions

9 Question 8 Answer- Adhesion
__________- an attraction between molecules of different substances Answer- Adhesion

10 Question 9 Element or compound that enters into a chemical process
Answer- reactants

11 Question 10 A water molecule is ______ because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms Answer- Polar

12 Question 11 Answer- Atomic Number
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the __________ ___________ Answer- Atomic Number

13 Question 12 Negatively charged subatomic particle Answer- Electron

14 Question 13 Answer- pH Scale
Chemists designed the _____ _______to indicate the concentration of H+ ions in a solution Answer- pH Scale

15 Question 14 Answer- Enzymes
Proteins that act as biological catalysts are called _______ Answer- Enzymes

16 Question 15 Monomer of Proteins Answer- Amino Acid

17 Question 16 Answer- Element
An __________ is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical or physical means Answer- Element

18 Question 17 Answer- Substrates
The reactants of enzyme-catalyzed reactions are known as _____________ Answer- Substrates

19 Question 18 Answer- Chemical Reaction
A __________ __________ is a process that changes, or transforms one set of chemicals into another Answer- Chemical Reaction

20 QUESTION 19 Answer- Activation Energy
Chemists call the energy needed to get a reaction started the ________ _________ Answer- Activation Energy

21 Question 20 (Last) Answer- Bonds
Chemical reactions always involve changes in chemical ______ Answer- Bonds

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