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Allusion and Foreshadow

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1 Allusion and Foreshadow
This presentation has been created to aid students in developing their knowledge and their ability to recognize allusion and foreshadow within a text. Act III, Scene ii-iii

2 Text on page 825 Lined paper Writing Utensil
ON YOUR DESK: Text on page 825 Lined paper Writing Utensil This presentation has been created to aid students in developing their knowledge and their ability to recognize allusion and foreshadow within a text.

3 Allusion Act III, Scene ii

4 Definition: Allusion Allusion: A direct or indirect reference to a significant person, event, time or work of literature. Students should copy down this note. Texts that are typically referenced through allusion: Bible, Judeo-Christian Religious Text Paradise Lost, Milton Metamorphosis, Ovid The Iliad and Odyssey, Homer Aeneid, Virgil

5 Allusion: Act III, Scene ii
Read Lines 36-89 What news does Nurse bring to Juliet? Who does Juliet think has been killed? What allusion is being made in these lines? What is the effect of Juliet’s allusion to hell in these lines? 2. Nurse tells Juliet that Tybalt has been killed by Romeo. 3. Juliet thinks that Romeo has been killed. 4. Juliet uses language from the Bible to reference Nurse… “What devil art thou…” (43) “Be roared in dismal hell…” (44) 5. Juliet thinks Romeo has been killed. This news is so devastating to her that she thinks she must be in hell and her Nurse must be the devil because only in hell could she feel as terrible as she does.

6 Foreshadow Act III, Scene iii

7 Definition: Foreshadow
An occurrence, feeling, or object that forewarns of an event and which is only fully understood in hindsight Students should copy down this note. Fore- Situated or placed in front Forward Foreground Forewarn Shadow: The dark outline of oneself created by the sun

8 Foreshadow: Act III, Scene iii
Read Romeo’s monologue (29-51) What is being foreshadowed within this excerpt? Provide the citation that answers question two. 2. Romeo is foreshadowing his eventual suicide. 3. ”Hadst thou no poison mixed, no sharp-ground knife,/No sudden mean of death, though ne’er so mean” (44-45)

9 Foreshadow: Friar’s Monologue, Act III, Scene iii
Explain why this is an example of foreshadowing: “Wilt thou slay thyself? And slay thy lady that in thy life lives, by doing damned hate upon thyself?”( ) How to Respond: This excerpt from Friar Lawrence’s monologue is an example of foreshadowing because… 1. This excerpt from Friar Lawrence’s monologue is an example of foreshadowing because it indicates that Romeo will kill himself, and in his death, Juliet will also commit suicide.

10 Homework: One Paragraph
How has foreshadowing allowed you to understand the ending of Romeo and Juliet? Explain this question as well as the details of how you think Romeo and Juliet will die. Homework

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