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The unspoken hero: “Covalent Bond”

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Presentation on theme: "The unspoken hero: “Covalent Bond”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The unspoken hero: “Covalent Bond”
Bonding The unspoken hero: “Covalent Bond” Covalent Bonding

2 Metallic Bonds Formed between atoms of metallic elements
Electron cloud around atoms Strong bonds Good conductors at all states, lustrous, very high melting points Examples; Na, Fe, Al, Au, Co Metals do not combine with metals. They form Alloys which is a solution of a metal in a metal. Examples are steel, brass, bronze and pewter.

3 Metallic Bonds: Mellow dogs with plenty of bones to go around.

4 Review Ionic Bonds In Ionic bonds electrons are transferred (“given up” or “stolen away”) This type of “tug of war” between a METAL and NONMETAL is called an IONIC BOND, which results in a SALT being formed


6 Molecular Compounds Covalent Bonds are atoms held together by SHARING electrons between NONMETALS

7 Salt versus Molecules A metal cation and nonmetal anion are joined together by an ionic bond called SALT A group of atoms joined together by a covalent bond is called a MOLECULE A Compound is a group of two or more elements bonded together (Ionic or Covalent).

8 Monatomic vs. Diatomic Molecules
Most molecules can be monatomic or diatomic Diatomic Molecule is a molecule consisting of two atoms There are 7 diatomic molecules (SUPER 7) – N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, H2 You can also remember them as: H2O2F2Br2I2N2Cl2

9 Properties of Molecular Compounds
Liquids or gases at room temperature Lower Melting Points than Ionic Compounds (which means that they are weaker than ionic)

10 Molecular Formulas The Molecular Formula is the formula of a molecular compound It shows how many atoms of each element a molecule contains Example H2O contains 3 atoms (2 atoms of H, 1 atom of O) C2H6 contains 8 atoms (2 atoms of C, 6 atoms of H)

11 Practice How many atoms total and of each do the following molecular compounds contain? H2 CO CO2 NH3 C2H6O

12 Practice: True or False
All molecular compounds are composed of atoms of two or more elements. All compounds are molecules. Molecular compounds are composed of two or more nonmetals. Atoms in molecular compounds exchange electrons. Molecular compounds have higher melting and boiling points than ionic compounds. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE


14 Ionic versus Covalent IONIC COVALENT Bonded Name Salt Molecule
Bonding Type Transfer e- Share e- Types of Elements Metal & Nonmetal Nonmetals Physical State Solid Solid, Liquid, or Gas Melting Point High (above 300ºC) Low (below 300 ºC) Solubility Dissolves in Water Varies Conductivity Good Poor

15 Chapter 8.2 – Covalent Bonding
Remember that ionic compounds transfer electrons in order to attain a noble gas electron configuration Covalent compounds form by sharing electrons to attain a noble gas electron configuration Regardless of the type of bond, the Octet Rule still must be obeyed (8 valence electrons)

16 Single Covalent Bond A Single Covalent Bond consists of two atoms held together by sharing 1 pair of electrons (2 e-)

17 Electron Dot Structure

18 Shared versus Unshared Electrons
A Shared Pair is a pair of valence electrons that is shared between atoms An Unshared Pair is a pair of valence electrons that is not shared between atoms

19 Practice Lewis Dot Structures
Chemical Formula # of Valence Electrons Single Line Bond Structure # of Remaining Electrons Lewis Dot Structure Octet Check All Atoms=8 Hydrogen=2 F2 H2O NH3 CH4

20 Double Covalent Bonds Sometimes atoms attain noble gas configuration by sharing 2 or 3 pairs of electrons A Double Covalent Bond is a bond that involves 2 shared pairs of electrons (4 e-)

21 Triple Covalent Bond A Triple Covalent Bond is a bond that involves 3 shared pairs of electrons (6 e-)

22 Covalent Bonds

23 Practice Lewis Dot Structure
Chemical Formula # of Valence Electrons Single Line Bond Structure # of Remaining Electrons Lewis Dot Structure Octet Check All Atoms=8 Hydrogen=2 O2 CO2 N2 HCN

24 Naming binary covalent compounds

25 Naming binary covalent compounds
The last element in the compound is generally the element with the higher electronegativity. It is given the suffix –ide, just as in binary ionic compounds. The prefix is used to indicate how many atoms of that element are in the molecule. The prefix mono- is used for the second element when only one atom of that element is present.

26 Naming binary covalent compounds
The last element in the compound is generally the element with the higher electronegativity. It is given the suffix –ide, just as in binary ionic compounds. The prefix is used to indicate how many atoms of that element are in the molecule. The prefix mono- is used for the second element when only one atom of that element is present.

27 Example: CO There is only one carbon. Since carbon is the first element, the prefix mono- is not used. There is only one oxygen, but since this is the second element, the prefix mono- is used. Because oxygen is the second element, we add the suffix -ide. The name of this compound is: Carbon monoxide

28 Example: P4O6 There is are 4 phosphorus atoms in this compound. The prefix for 4 is tetra-. There are 6 oxygen atoms in this compound. The prefix for 6 is hexa-. Because oxygen is the second element, we add the suffix -ide. The name of this compound is: Tetraphosphorus hexoxide

29 Bond Dissociation Energy
Bond Dissociation Energy is the energy required to break a bond between two atoms A large bond dissociation energy corresponds to a strong bond which makes it unreactive Carbon has strong bonds, which makes carbon compounds stable and unreactive

30 Chapter 8.3 - Bonding Theories
So far, the orbitals we have been discussing are atomic orbitals (s, p, d, f) for each atom When two atoms combine, their atomic orbitals overlap and they make molecular orbitals A Molecular Orbital is an orbital that applies to the entire molecule, instead of just one atom

31 Molecular Orbitals Just as atomic orbitals belong to a particular atom, a molecular orbital belongs to molecules as a whole Each orbital is filled with 2 electrons A Bonding Orbital is an orbital that can be occupied by two electrons of a covalent bond (it’s the space in between the two atoms) There are 2 types of bonding orbitals: sigma and pi

32 S orbitals overlapping P orbitals overlapping end-to-end
Sigma Bond () A Sigma Bond is when 2 atomic orbitals combine to form a molecular orbital that is symmetrical around the axis S orbitals overlapping P orbitals overlapping end-to-end

33 P orbitals overlapping side-by-side
Pi Bond () Pi bonding electrons are likely to be found in a sausage-shape above and below the axis Pi bonds are weaker than sigma bonds because they overlap less P orbitals overlapping side-by-side


35 VSEPR Theory VSEPR Theory predicts the 3D shape of molecules
According to VSEPR, the repulsion of electrons causes the shape of the molecule to adjust so that the electrons are far apart

36 A Few VSEPR Shapes

37 Nine possible molecular shapes

38 VSEPR Theory Unshared pairs of electrons are very important in predicting the shapes of molecules Unshared pairs of electrons are very important in predicting the shapes of molecules Each bond (single, double, or triple) or unshared pair is considered a steric number Use the steric number to predict the molecular geometry VSEPR can only be used with the central atom

39 Methane (CH4) – tetrahedral Ammonia (NH3) – pyramidal
Practice Methane (CH4) – tetrahedral Ammonia (NH3) – pyramidal Water (H2O) – bent Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - linear

40 Hybrid Orbitals VSEPR is good at describing the molecular shapes, but not the types of bonds formed Orbital hybridization provides information about both molecular bonding and molecular shape In hybridization, several atomic orbitals mix to form hybrid orbitals


42 Bond Hybridization Hybridization Involving Single Bonds – sp3 orbital
Ethane (C2H6) Sigma bond Between C-C All C and H Sigma bond

43 Hybridization Involving Double Bonds – sp2 orbital
Ethene (C2H4)

44 Hybridization Involving Triple Bonds – sp orbital
Ethyne (C2H2)

45 Chapter 8.4 – Polar Bonds and Molecules
There are two types of covalent bonds Nonpolar Covalent Bonds (share equally) Polar Covalent Bonds (share unequally)

46 Polar Covalent

47 Non- polar Covalent

48 Polar Covalent A Polar Covalent Bond is unequal sharing of electrons between two atoms (HCl) In a polar covalent bond, one atom typically has a negative charge, and the other atom has a positive charge

49 Nonpolar Covalent Bond
A Nonpolar Covalent Bond is equal sharing of electrons between two atoms (Cl2, N2, O2)


51 Classification of Bonds
You can determine the type of bond between two atoms by calculating the difference in electronegativity values between the elements Type of Bond Electronegativity Difference Nonpolar Covalent 0  0.4 Polar Covalent 0.5  1.9 Ionic 2.0  4.0

52 Practice Your Turn To Practice
What type of bond is HCl? (H = 2.1, Cl = 3.1) Difference = 3.1 – 2.1 = 1.0 Therefore it is polar covalent bond. Your Turn To Practice N(3.0) and H(2.1) H(2.1) and H(2.1) Ca(1.0) and Cl(3.0) Al(1.5) and Cl(3.0) Mg(1.2) and O(3.5) H(2.1) and F(4.0)

53 Dipole No bond is purely ionic or covalent … they have a little bit of both characters When there is unequal sharing of electrons a dipole exists Dipole is a molecule that has two poles or regions with opposite charges A dipole is represented by a dipole arrow pointing towards the more negative end

54 Practice Drawing Dipoles
P- Br P = 2.1 Br = 2.8 P –Br  - Practice H(2.1) – S(2.5) F(4.0) - C(2.5) C(2.5) - Si(1.8) N(3.0) – O(3.5)

55 Attractions Between Molecules
Besides ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds, there are also attractions between molecules Intermolecular attractions are weaker than ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds There are 2 main types of attractions between molecules: Van der Waals and Hydrogen

56 Van der Waals Forces Van der Waals forces consists of the two weak attractions between molecules 1. dipole interactions – polar molecules attracted to one another 2. dispersion forces – caused by the motion of electrons (weakest of all forces)

57 Hydrogen Bond Hydrogen Bonds are forces where a hydrogen atom is weakly attracted to an unshared electron pair of another atom

58 Hydrogen Bond This other atom may be in the same molecule or in a nearby molecule, but always has to include hydrogen Hydrogen Bonds have about 5% of the strength of an average covalent bond Hydrogen Bond is the strongest of all intermolecular forces

59 Intermolecular Attractions
A few solids that consist of molecules do not melt until the temperature reaches 1000ºC or higher called network solids (Example: diamond, silicon carbide) A Network Solid contains atoms that are all covalently bonded to each other Melting a network solid would require breaking bonds throughout the solid (which is difficult to do)

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