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Accountability Update

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1 Accountability Update
January 9, 2014 Accountability Update

2 Updates for… Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR)
Campus Report Cards Public Education Grant (PEG) List Priority/Focus Schools

3 TAPR Overview Due to changes in legislation, the performance report formerly known as the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report is now the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) AEIS was published from to Archived AEIS reports may be found on the AEIS Archives page through TEA The TAPR provides information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.

4 Differences from previous AEIS reports
STAAR Proficiency and STAAR Progress Measures results are shown Inclusion of two new postsecondary indicators Replacement of financial profile section with direct HTML link to Financial Actual Report

5 Accessing the TAPR Report
1 [Insert District Website Link] Campus Libraries or Offices 2 3 Insert appropriate district/campus website links.

6 2013 TAPR Content District/Campus Performance
STAAR Performance at Phase-in Level II or above Disaggregated by grade level, subject, and student group Aggregated by passing standard and progress measure Progress of Prior Year Failures TAKS Exit-Level cumulative Student Success Initiative Current year ELL Students disaggregated by subject and Bilingual/ESL service delivery model Explain district’s Bil/ESL service delivery model. Campus reports will not include data disaggregated by ELL student group.

7 2013 TAPR Content District/Campus Performance (continued)
Participation Rate Attendance Rate Annual Dropout Rates Graduation Rates

8 2013 TAPR Content District/Campus Performance (continued)
College Readiness Indicators RHSP and DAP Graduates Advanced Courses/Dual Enrollment Texas Success Initiative (TSI) College-Ready Graduates AP/IB Results, SAT/ACT Results Graduates Enrolled in a Texas Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Gradates in a Texas IHE Completing One Year Without Remediation

9 2013 TAPR Content District/Campus Profile
Student Information Demographics, Graduates, Retention Rates, Class Size Staff Information Demographics, Experience, Salary Information Programs Student Enrollment, Teachers by Program Budget Link to Actual Financial Data report

10 2013 TAPR Reporting Requirements
Publishing an Annual Report Include: TAPR PEIMS Financial Standard Reports Campus Performance Objectives Report of Violent or Criminal Incidents Information from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Hold Public Hearing within 90 calendar days from Widely disseminate report within 2 weeks of the hearing

11 School Report Cards Contains information from both the TAPR and the Accountability Rating System Will be released on the TEA website to districts in January 2014 Schools are required to disseminate SRCs to parents or guardians within six weeks of report More information regarding district and campus responsibility for disseminating the SRC is provided with the report card release

12 Public Education Grant (PEG)
What is the PEG list? A program created by the 1995 Legislature to permit parents to request transfers for their children to other districts Districts must notify parents by February 1 Students will be allowed to transfer for the school year Was posted on TEASE on and will be posted on TEA website on 1-9

13 Public Education Grant (PEG)
How does a campus get on the list? A campus has 50 percent or more of the students did not pass any of the TAKS/STAAR subject in any two of the preceding three years OR Was rated Academically Unacceptable in 2011 or 2010

14 Public Education Grant (PEG)
What are district responsibilities? Notify parents of campuses that appear on the PEG list Provide a clear and concise explanation of PEG to parents Inform parents of how to obtain a transfer

15 Public Education Grant (PEG)
Where can I find more information? FAQ

16 Priority and Focus Schools
Portion of THE Waiver that focuses on identification of low performing schools Title I campuses only Will receive additional $* Schools that are already identified as Improvement Required continue requirements as outlined in the 8-14 TAA*

17 Priority Schools Identification Identified 5% of Title 1 campuses ~300
Texas Title I Priority Schools (TTIPS) Schools with graduation rates < 60% Lowest performing schools based on System Safeguard target of 75%

18 Priority Schools Interventions Priority TTIPS Priority non-TTIPS
continue to implement current TTIPS requirements and engage in the Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS) process Ensure ESEA turnaround principles continue to be addressed in all plans and activities as required through the TTIPS grant Priority non-TTIPS Engage in the TAIS process Designate a District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) Participate in required trainings* Evaluate current campus staff Create a plan that addresses the ESEA turnaround principles (submit at the end of the school year and fully implement in the school year)*

19 Focus Schools Identification Identified 10% of Title 1 campuses ~600
Lowest performing schools based on widest gaps between performance and System Safeguard target of 75%

20 Focus Schools Interventions Review ESEA turnaround principles
Designate a district contact person for focus schools In the campus improvement plan, Identify, implement, and include no less than one instructional intervention specifically targeted to meet the deficiencies of the campus Include reasons for identification and targeted instructional interventions in the CIP that will be fully implemented in

21 Have Questions? Jonathan Delgado Trent Sharp System Support
Accountability Region XIII Trent Sharp System Support Turnaround Region XIII Jennifer Womack System Support Region XIII

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