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Transforming Maternity Services Mini-Collaborative

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1 Transforming Maternity Services Mini-Collaborative
January progress 1000 Lives Plus is a five year programme to improve patient safety and reduce avoidable harm, waste and variation across NHS Wales. It will support organisations in achieving their local aims for reducing avoidable harm and mortality. What is a mini-collaborative? A time-limited effort of multiple organisations who come together with a faculty lead and programme manager to learn about and create improved processes in a specific topic area, via the implementation of agreed evidence based interventions. Maternity Mini-Collaborative - Aim To improve both experience and outcomes for mothers, babies and their families within Welsh Maternity services. Interventions The interventions were chosen at a recent National Steering Group Meeting following application of the following criteria to the identified potential options: Will this intervention address a particular identified problem? Will this enable us to improve safety for our users? Is there a strong evidence base? Can we deliver the aim - measurable process and outcomes? Is the improvement feasible within a 1 yr timeframe? Are there links with national/local priorities? DRIVER DIAGRAM Drivers Interventions will include: To implement the following within hospital setting: Early Warning Systems Admission Bundle (to include VTE risk assessment) Recognition Bundle Response Bundle (to include appropriate thromboprohylaxis) Sepsis Care Bundle Reliable communication – use of SBAR AIM To improve experience and outcomes for mothers and babies within Welsh Maternity Services Improve the recognition and response to the acutely deteriorating woman. Reducing harm and death from venous thrombo-embolism in pregnancy and the puerperium. The above Driver Diagram represents the initial interventions within a hospital setting. It is imperative that this work spreads out into the community setting. Community interventions are under development. This work will be based upon the Transforming Care Framework. Each Maternity Unit has been invited to take part within this project. It was also agreed that work should be undertaken to determine if an additional intervention could be introduced at a later late: Improved recognition and management of women at risk of stillbirth via implementation of standard management for diminished fetal movement and small for gestational age babies. The group considered that this was a major issue that needed national consensus on a standard method/interventions. The Collaborative will be launched on Thursday 3rd March 2011 at the RCM/HOMAG Conference in Cardiff: ‘Midwifery 20:20 The Challenges of Delivering Expectations’ Webex calls all 4-5pm Thurs 10th Feb 2011 Introductory Call Thurs 14th April 2011 Thurs 14th July 2011 Learning Session 1- Friday 4th March 2011 Learning session 2 – Tuesday 7th June 2011 Learning Session 3 – Tuesday 6th Sept 2011 (Full days all being held in Cardiff) Dates for the diary! Each Health Board within Wales is invited to join the collaborative, nominate a team and attend the above sessions. This team will implement and spread changes within their unit. For further information please phone Programme Manager, Cath Roberts or or Faculty Lead: Mr Philip Banfield:

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