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Open Archives Initiative

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1 Open Archives Initiative
How it Works & Who Uses It David Palmer HKU

2 Definition OAI is an initiative to develop and promote interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content OAI for Beginners “Archive” not in the “Archival” sense. “Repositories”

3 Background 1999, Santa Fe Convention, Paul Ginsparg
Herbert van de Sompel

4 More Funded by, Began as a solution for eprints Based on XML & HTTP
The Digital Library Federation (DLF) Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) National Science Foundation (NSF) Began as a solution for eprints Quickly used for others also Based on XML & HTTP Allows rapid deployment

5 Types of Searching Cross Over or Harvest ? Cross Over
Distributed Searching Federated Searching Examples: Z39.50 broadcast searching MetaFind Digital library experience suggested that cross searching does not scale well, at least partly because the search service degrades to the level of the slowest and least reliable server in the cross search set. For example, NCSTRL found that distributed searching of a small number of nodes was viable, but that performance was very bad over 100 nodes. In the UK, the Resource Discovery Network (RDN) was finding that even with only five subject gateways in its cross search there were problems of poor performance and in the provision of a browse interface, and developers were looking for a feasible centralised database solution. The more servers are cross-searched, the higher are the chances of encountering one or more slow or unreliable servers.

6 Cross Over Model Database Database Database End User

7 Harvest Harvest local databases to build Union Database Examples:
WorldCat OhioLink Melvyll HKALL

8 Union Databases Database Database Database Union Database End User

9 The OAI World Data Providers Service Providers
Expose their data, allowing harvest Service Providers Harvest from Data Providers Build Repository of Metadata only (not object) Build a Search Engine Allow search

10 OAI compliant







17 Some Basics Data Providers Service Providers
Put data into Dublin Core or other Metadata OAI Interface Allows harvesting in OAI-PMH v. 2.0 On-the-fly, not stored Rights Management? Programmer, 2 days? Service Providers SP is only harvesting. Search engine is different Computer Officer, 2 weeks?

18 Tools Freely available Data Providers Service Providers
Data Providers VTOAI OAI-PMH Perl2 Implementation Others Service Providers Harvesting UIUC Metadata Harvester Search Engines UM’s XPAT Oracle Greenstone VTOAI OAI-PMH2 PERL Implementation

19 Dublin Core Content Intellectual Property Instance Title Subject
Description Language Relation Coverage Creator Publisher Contributor Rights Source Date Type Format Identifier

20 The Bigger Picture New pattern for scholarly communication
Institutional Repositories DSpace, etc. Google DSpace Universities, Apr 04 Yahoo’s Content Acquisition Program, Mar 04 OAIster NPR LC UCLA’s Cuneiform DL others

21 Communities of Interest
OAIster 3.5M records 351 repositories (7 Oct 04) Scope: all possible repositories User-group-specific Service Providers becoming the norm project Open Language Archives Community Sheet Music Consortium National Science Digital Library OLAC – “a worldwide virtual library of language resources”

22 5 Western states (WY, CO, UT, KS, NE), Libraries & Museums
5 Western states (WY, CO, UT, KS, NE), Libraries & Museums. Use OAI among other protocols.

23 29 major archives, hosted at U of Penn, developed own Metadata standard.

24 4 consortium members, hosted at UCLA.

25 San Diego Supercomputer Center


27 PRDLA sites in OAI ? Academia Sinica Australian National University
Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese Australian National University Australian National University EPrints2 Archive DSpace at The Australian National University The Chinese University of Hong Kong Scholarly Information Repository Hong Kong Baptist University HKBU Theses & Dissertations National University of Singapore NUS Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Peking University The Peking University Ancient Book Digital Library San Diego Supercomputer Center National Science Digital Library University of California, Berkeley Survey for California and Other Indian Languages The University of Hong Kong HKU Theses Online (HKUTO) University of Oregon DSpace at the University of Oregon University of Washington DSpace at The University of Washington Structural Informatics Group, University of Washington (UW-SIG) Eprint Archive

28 Multipurposing One database can be harvested many times. Thesis
Language materials Education Regional Interests ..  PRDLA OAIster Yahoo Google Etc.

29 谢谢 ! Thank you !

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