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Progress Since 2012 Noumea Workshop

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1 Progress Since 2012 Noumea Workshop
Presented By Chandler K. Ngirmeriil Office of Planning & Statistics, Bureau of Budget & Planning Republic of Palau

2 Palau Trade Data Users -Students -Lawmakers -Embassies -Individuals
-Government offices and agencies -International Community -Development Partners *Statistics Office ONLY disseminate Import Data on a quarterly and annual basis -Quarterly Economic Indicators -Annual Statistical Yearbook -Website ( *Export data are disseminated ONLY upon request.

3 MOU between Customs and Statistics Office
“Therefore it is agreed that the Bureau of Customs & Border Protection will provide to the Office of Planning and Statistics on a monthly basis a download from the Customs database…”

4 Processing System used by OPS
The Statistics office, on a monthly basis, receives an Access file which is then linked to our database. The OPS database was developed by the US Graduate School external consultants (Glenn & Mark)

5 Valuation of Imports and Exports
Imports are annually published with CIF Value Exports are not published Imports are quarterly published with FOB value

6 Trade Indices Palau has no Trade Indices
OPS has limited staff to take on the task No users


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