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The challenge of European Research

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1 The challenge of European Research

2 Current situation Entering “Century of knowledge”
Research and technology at the root of 25-50% of economic growth But… European Research mainly concentrates so far on funding research projects Research policies need to form a coherent whole Europe invests less and less in research

3 Why a “European Research Area”?
Today: European research = (15 MS +EU) Level of RTD funding insufficient EU Enlargement prospects Thus: Need to improve use of scarce resources Need to improve organisation of research Need to move to a real European research policy

4 European Research Area
Proposal January 2000 Broad support in political, scientific and industrial circles Implementation ongoing European Research Area National programmes A European policy for research “Open coordination” Framework Programme European organisation

5 European Research Area
What should be done: Networking existing centres of excellence Creation of “virtual” European laboratories European approach to infrastructures Co-ordination national/European programmes Greater mobility of researchers Greater coherence of research activities Improving the attraction of Europe for researchers from other parts of the world

6 European Research Area
How to get there? Improve links: public/private European/national/local Comparison and benchmarking of activities (e.g. funding, mobility) Ensuring RTD’s place in knowledge-based society Different timing for different actions Broad debate

7 A SCENARIO FOR ACTION Basis: Commission Communication of 4 October 2000 "Making a reality of the European Research Area" setting out a plan for concrete actions.

8 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal 21.2.2001
General principles: Concentration of efforts Creation of real European added value Improving links with policies and schemes of national and regional authorities of other European actors Mobilising research in support of European policy making Use of new instruments Simplification of management and implementation Budget inside limits of Agenda 2000 (EU financial perspectives) The new Framework Programme = An essential tool in support of the move towards the European Research Area

9 Framework Programme - the budget over time -

10 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
Proposed budget of €17.5 billion 17% nominal increase as compared to FP5 8.8% real increase as compared to FP5 3.9% of the EU’s total budget (2001) +/- 6% of all public (civilian) R+D spending in the EU

11 6 questions for European research
Finding the right balance: Concentration  limited number of priorities Present priorities  future needs Basic research  applied research Industrial competitiveness  other EU policies Established centres  new teams Efficient management  European dimension

12 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal

13 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
Structuring the European research area FOOD SAFETY AERONAUTICS & SPACE GLOBAL CHANGE NANO- TECHNOLOGIES CITIZENS & GOVERNANCE GENOMICS & HEALTH INFORMATION SOCIETY ANTICIPATING S+T NEEDS Strengthening the foundations of the European research area Integrating European research

14 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Priority thematic areas Genomics and biotechnology for health Information society technologies Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, new production processes Aeronautics and space Food safety and health risks Sustainable development and global change Citizens and governance Anticipating scientific/technological needs

15 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Priority Thematic Areas Anticipating scientific/technological needs Research for policy Frontier research, unexpected developments Specific SME activities Specific international cooperation activities JRC activities

16 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Priority thematic areas Information society technologies Integrating research into technological areas of priority interest for citizens and business Communication and computing infrastructures Components and micro-systems Information management and interfaces.

17 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Anticipating the EU's scientific and technological needs research necessary for Community and EU policies research responding to needs in new areas (e.g. to cope with unexpected major developments) activities to include in particular specific research activities for SMEs and specific international co-operation Working principles targeted projects of limited scale networking of research activities carried out at national level Commission to chose research topics following consultation two step procedure (expression of interest followed by call for proposals)

18 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRUCTURING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Research and innovation Activities to qualify for support networking of stakeholders in the innovation system encouragement of trans-regional co-operation experimentation with new tools and approaches establishment / consolidation of information services economic and technological intelligence analysis and evaluation of innovation activities All activities to complement related actions to be undertaken under “Integrating research”.

19 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRUCTURING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Actions planned for Human resources and mobility support for institutions hosting European and “third country” researchers individual support measures for researchers searching mobility mechanisms promoting return to regions / countries of origin and professional (re)integration support of regional or national schemes promoting mobility of researchers from other European countries support of outstanding European research teams working at the cutting edge of research scientific prizes for outstanding work carried out by researchers, beneficiaries of EU mobility grants. To be covered: all fields of science and technology.

20 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRUCTURING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Research infrastructures support of access to research infrastructures support of the establishment and operation of co-operation networks; support of joint research projects; support with the purpose of raising the level of performance of a given infrastructure support of feasibility studies in preparation of the creation of new European scale infrastructures limited support for the development of new infrastructures. To be covered: all fields of science and technology.

21 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRUCTURING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Science and society Bringing research closer to society Responsible use of scientific and technological progress Stepping up science/society dialogue Support planned for networking and creation of structural links between actors at all levels exchange of experience and good practice carrying out specific research initiatives raising awareness (such as prizes and competitions) creation of data- and information bases and commissioning of studies.

22 The regional dimension
General activities Support of technological dynamics at regional level Less developed regions: possible support from Structural Funds (in addition to FP) Via “research and innovation” Encouragement of trans-regional cooperation Via networks of excellence Integration of research capacities of European regions Via “human resources and mobility” Financial participation in regional programmes supporting mobility

23 SMEs General activities Specific actions
At least 15% of total budget earmarked for SMEs Special consideration to be given to economic and social particularities of regions Specific actions “Cooperative research”: by research centres for SMEs or by high-technology SMEs themselves in cooperation with research centres and universities “Collective research”: carried by research centres for entire industrial sectors where SMEs are predominant

24 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE ERA Actions planned Stepping up co-ordination of research activities at national and European level through support for opening-up of national programmes networking of research activities conducted at national level scientific and technological co-operation happening in other co-operation frameworks (COST, ESF) collaboration and joint initiatives of organisations, such as CERN, EMBL, ESO, ESA Development of research and innovation policies

25 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE ERA Actions planned Stepping up co-ordination of research activities at national and European level through support for ... Development of research and innovation policies analyses and studies, foresight, statistics and indicators support of specialised working groups for concertation and debate benchmarking of research and innovation policies mapping of scientific and technological excellence.

26 Budget (million euros)

27 Budget (million euros)
Framework Programme Commission proposal Budget (million euros) INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Genomics and biotechnology for health 2 000 Information society technologies 3 600 Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, new production processes 1 300 Aeronautics and space 1 000 Food safety and health risks Sustainable development and global change 1 700 Citizens and governance Anticipating scientific/technological needs 2 345 STRUCTURING THE ERA STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF ERA

28 Budget (million euros)
Framework Programme Commission proposal Budget (million euros) INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH STRUCTURING THE ERA Research and innovation Human resources Research infrastructures Science and society STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF ERA Coordination of activities Development of policies

29 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
New instruments Networks of excellence lasting integration of existing research capacities towards common programmes of activities expected impact: “virtual” centres of excellence of significant dimension great management autonomy selected following calls for proposals Integrated projects EU participation in jointly implemented national programmes (Treaty, Article 169)

30 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
New instruments Networks of excellence Integrated projects large scale activities preferably public-private partnerships precisely defined objectives in terms of products and processes but also: production of scientific / technological knowledge size of projects: up to several tens of millions of euros selected following calls for proposals EU participation in jointly implemented national programmes (Treaty, Article 169)

31 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
New instruments Networks of excellence Integrated projects EU participation in jointly implemented national programmes (Treaty, Article 169) specific implementation structure to be created harmonised work-programmes development or use of joint infrastructures common, joint or co-ordinated calls for proposals

32 Framework Programme 2002-2006 Commission proposal
Implementation Objective: simplification, streamlining, increased efficiency Aim: fewer projects of bigger size Greater autonomy and flexibility for participants Integrated projects to be authorised to involve other partners define small-scale projects as components of their activities to adapt their work-programme to changing needs without having to wait for prior authorisation by Commission Certain activities to be entrusted to external organisation.

33 Provisional calendar 02 / 2001
Provisional calendar 02 / 2001 Commission proposal: Framework Programme / 2001 Commission proposal: specific programmes 06 / 2001 Research Council / 2001 (?) First reading: European Parliament / 2001 Common position: Council 03 / 2002 Second reading: European Parliament Spring 2002 Conciliation procedure (if needed) 06 / 2002 Adoption “Specific programmes” and “Rules for participation” to be proposed, debated and adopted in parallel.

34 Information General information
General information on research Information about research programmes Information requests

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