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Charlie James Pickering

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Presentation on theme: "Charlie James Pickering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlie James Pickering
Martin Luther Charlie James Pickering

2 Who was Martin Luther? Teaching at the university of Wittenberg and in 1512 was made a doctor of theology.

3 What did Martin Luther do?
Luther studied at the University of Erfurt. He joined a monastic order becoming an Augustinian friar. He was ordained in 1507 began teaching at the university of Wittenberg.

4 When was was Martin Luther?
Martin Luther was born on 10 November 1483

5 When did Martin Luther do the important things he did?
On 31 October he published his 95 thesis.

6 Where was Martin Luther born?
In eisleben.

7 Where was Martin Luther do the important things he did?
In 1510 he visited Rome on behalf of a number of Augustinian monasteries and was appalled by the corruption he found there.


9 Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church?
Luther became increasingly angry about the clergy selling indulgences - promised remission from punishments for sin. Either for someone still living or for one who had died.

10 How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church?
He published his 95 thesis attacking papal abuses and the sale of in diligences.

11 How did the Catholic Church try and stop Martin Luther?
In January 1521 the pope Leo x kick out Martin Luther. He was the summoned to appear at diet.

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