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Reconstruction 1865-77.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction 1865-77."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction

2 Understand the events of Reconstruction
Understand the differences of Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction I can show the differences between Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction. Understand the events of Reconstruction I can list the events including legislation.

3 What does Reconstruction

4 Presidential Reconstruction

5 Lincoln’s Original Plan
Very lenient Suffrage African American males Plan was for educated voting End of 3/5 Compromise Population = representatives 10 percent plan Arkansas Louisiana Tennessee

6 Things would have gone well…Except
Lincoln was shot! …He died on April 15, 1865

7 Andrew Johnson V.P Southern from Tennessee Democrat
This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men Democrat Chosen why? Tried to follow Lincoln’s plan Allowed southern states to hold elections 1865 Former Confederates elected weren’t allowed to sit Started downward slide of relations

8 Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction
Radical Republicans Revenge Freedman Wanted power Johnson’s governments in the south Passed Black codes Carpetbaggers Northerners sent to the south South was a mess! Needs some help s

9 Important Legislation of Reconstruction
13, 14, 15 Amendments Johnson tried to block 14 Civil Rights Act make and enforce contracts sue and be sued own property. Freedman’s Bureau Johnson vetoed Federal assistance Reconstruction Acts (1867-8) South divided into 5 military districts Congress approves Must ratify 14th Amendment Civil Rights Act of 1875

10 Impeachment of Johnson
Tenure of Office Act President can replace a cabinet member while Congress is not in session Must approve If not, have to reinstate Replaced the Secretary of War Wouldn’t reinstate after the new one was denied Trial 3 months “High crimes and misdemeanors” Stayed in office ONE VOTE

11 U.S. Grant –New Pres Focus Reconstruction is getting old! Corruption
“Let us have peace” Limit federal involvement Rights of freedman Reconstruction is getting old! By 1876, Republicans had control of only 3 states Corruption

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