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Warm Ups: Unit 4 wary (adj): watchful; being on one’s guard

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1 Warm Ups: Unit 4 wary (adj): watchful; being on one’s guard
The sagacious detective was wary of his surroundings as he tracked the thief through the alley. Synonym(s): Antonym(s): subtle (adj): describing something that is elusive or hard to detect The perfume company tried to emulate the subtle scent of roses in its new fragrance. Monday

2 Warm Ups: Unit 4 3. capricious (adj): done with little thought or planning; flighty While the diligent student planned out her project carefully, a capricious classmate kept changing the topic of his research. Synonym(s): Antonym(s): 4. amphibious (adj): able to function both on land and in the water A frog is an example of an amphibious creature. Wednesday

3 Warm Ups: Unit 4 5. restrained (adj): held back or kept in control Jonah restrained his rancor toward the player who taunted him on the field. Synonym(s): Antonym(s): 6. hackneyed (adj): commonplace or overused The use of shadows and eerie music is a hackneyed element of scary, cryptic movies. Friday

4 Warm Ups: Unit 4 7. emaciated (adj.): abnormally thin or weak, particularly caused by extreme hunger or starvation The dieter abstained from eating well and began to look rather emaciated. Synonym(s): Antonym(s): 6. antagonist (n): one who opposes or goes against another There was an altercation between the protagonist and the antagonist in the story.

5 Warm Ups: Unit 4 9. pretentious (adj.): making an exaggerated or showy display of something (such as wealth, skill, possessions, etc.) The wealthy businessman lived in an opulent home and drove a fancy car which made him appear to be quite pretentious. Synonym(s): Antonym(s): 10. intuitive (adj): inferred through what one believes to be true (through intuition) rather than based on facts or reason The Intuitive teacher was able to infer that the students were not ready for their test and gave them a few extra minutes to study.

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