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ESSA Committee of Practitioners
April 26, 2018
Agenda Committee Business Executive Director’s Update
Approval of Minutes Membership CDE Office of ESEA Programs Staff and Organizational Changes Executive Director’s Update ESSA State Plan Support Coordinators Technical Assistance Schools Identified for Improvement EL Redesignation Guidance Licensure Updates + Possible Professional Development Grant Opportunity Guidance Update Supports for New Directors Consolidated Application Application Platform + Trainings Grant Award Letters Joint CoP and Monitoring Stakeholders Workgroup Meeting
Minutes from January 2018 and February 2018 meetings
Committee Business Minutes from January 2018 and February 2018 meetings CoP Bylaws: Membership Office of ESEA Programs: Staff and Organizational Changes
Executive Director’s Update
ESSA State Plan Supports Coordinators
Did staff in your district/BOCES utilize the rubric?
Supports for Schools Identified for Improvement: Comprehensive Support Plans Did staff in your district/BOCES utilize the rubric? Was the rubric helpful throughout the planning process? What are your suggestions for improvement?
Supports for Schools Identified for Improvement: Targeted Support Plans
Where are your schools in developing TS improvement plans? How have you been supporting the schools in this process? Which parts have you been supporting? Who is involved in the development? What process are you going to use for review and approval before schools implement their plans? Who will be involved in the review and approval? If process has been determined, please describe the review and approval process. What are your plans for monitoring implementation of the TS improvement plans? Who will be involved? If monitoring plans have been developed, please describe your monitoring plans. If applicable, what is the BOCES role in supporting member districts and schools in the development, implementation, and monitoring of TS plans?
Is the document easy to read and understand?
Supports for Schools Identified for Improvement: Opportunities for Support CDE has prepared a document outlining supports available to schools based on their identification under the state and federal accountability systems compared to their status as a Title I served school. Is the document easy to read and understand? What additional information would be helpful for planning?
English Learners: Redesignation Guidance
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education and the Exceptional Student Services Unit have partnered to work with a group of stakeholders in developing updated redesignation guidance to ensure CDE provides meaningful information and supports to district staff and ensures we meet the requirements under section 3113(b)(2).
English Learners: Redesignation Guidance - Feedback
Guiding Questions to discuss with staff in your districts/BOCES: Is the narrative understandable? What should be further clarified? Do the tables and decisions trees make sense? Would you be able to utilize this guidance to make informed decisions? If not, what should be further clarified or changed? What training needs do you anticipate (content or frequency)? How can CDE best support you in this? Comments may be sent to Morgan Cox or Fran Herbert
English Learners: Professional Development Pathways
At the request of the Colorado State Board of Education, a group of educators, district leaders, BOCES members, and educator preparation team members gathered many times during the and school years. This stakeholder group was tasked with examining a challenge -- grappling with the issues of acquiring the skills to teach our English learners, which include educator professional development, equity and diverse student needs, rural and urban contexts, etc. -- and identifying professional development pathways for all pre-service and in-service core endorsed educators to acquire these skills. Rules have been proposed and the Board of Education is seeking feedback on a highly flexible approach to providing educators with the knowledge and skills they need to support English learners.
English Learners: Possible Professional Development Grant Opportunity – Purpose
Title III of the ESSA requires ongoing professional development for educators of ELs. This funding opportunity is an attempt to provide small and/or rural districts with an opportunity to develop regionally appropriate professional development to help meet the PD requirements under ESSA Title III. Funds must be used to provide high-quality, effective professional development to classroom teachers, principals, instructional staff, and administrators that is: designed to improve the instruction and assessment of ELs; designed to enhance the ability of educators to understand and implement curricula, assessments, and instructional strategies for ELs; effective in increasing English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of teachers of ELs; and of sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers’ performance in the classroom.
English Learners: Possible Professional Development Grant Opportunity – Eligible Applicants
Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES) that are currently administering Title III funds from FY are eligible to apply. BOCES may apply on behalf of their member districts, but may also invite other districts within their region to participate in this funding opportunity. Multiple BOCES may also apply as a BOCES Consortium. If applying as a BOCES Consortium, one BOCES must be designated as the fiscal agent in order to receive funds from the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). Applications will not be accepted from individual districts.
New ESEA Directors: Toolkit and Supports
CDE is currently working to develop and organize information and guidance to support new ESEA directors and administrators through the first year in a new position and would like your feedback regarding: High priority content coverage Organizational suggestions Delivery format(s) Communication stream(s)
District Managed Activities
Guidance Update District Managed Activities Guidance regarding allowable use of funds Waiver required for applicants proposing to exceed 20% limitation Carryover for Equitable Services to Non-public Schools Guidance outlining the requirement to obligate funds in the current fiscal year and process for requesting to carryover funds in extenuating circumstances
Consolidated Application: Platform Availability and Rescheduled Trainings
The Consolidated Application platform will be available for LEAs and BOCES beginning May 4, In-person trainings have been rescheduled for the following dates and locations: May 7 – Greeley May 14 – Rifle May 18 – Durango May 22 – Castle Rock
Consolidated Application: Platform Updates
Added transferability options on the Funds Allocations page; Updated display feature on the School Profile page; Added narrative response options for updating the LEA Plan under Cross Program and Title I, Part A questions; Updated method for provision of narrative response under Title II, Part A, Title III, Part A, and Title IV, Part A; Added feature to calculate the per-pupil allocation for each school served under Title I, Part A on the Locations Total page; and, Additional edit checks to prevent submission of an incomplete application on the Summary page.
Consolidated Application: Manual
Released draft version of the comprehensive manual to support applicants through the submission and approval process during the webinar on April 18. A final version has been posted online: The manual will continue to be updated to reflect changes in the application platform, as well as updated CDE policies and procedures.
Consolidated Application: Grant Award Letters
The grant award notification (GAN) process has been updated to reflect the most recent state requirements and will now be referred to as grant award letters (GALs).
Break for Lunch
Joint CoP & Monitoring Stakeholders Workgroup: Agenda
Review Process and Protocols Document Review Revised Indicator Format and Language Refine Prioritized Indicators down to Universal Desk Review Indicators Review Existing Resources Determine Next Steps
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