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Developing a Progressive Response Protocol

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Progressive Response Protocol"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Progressive Response Protocol
This powerpoint is a culmination of lots of other topics and focuses on putting these pieces together into a cohesive system. If you have not looked at other topics such as Restorative Practices Basics, Lenses Overview, PROMPT, or Defining Youth Behavior, please do so before continuing.

2 Before (PROACTIVE) Before we begin our systems, we need to be sure we are taking a look at our work through our lenses. Do we have a focus on bringing implicit bias out in the open? Do we use trauma informed practices to provide the most supporting learning environment? Do we use positive practices to put money in the bank and build relationships with and amongst youth so that we can use these relationships to build skills? Do we have high expecations of our youth and do they know what they are? All of this should be taken into account before beginning other systems work.

3 During (Progressive Response)
Using PROMPT and a teaching interaction (the last step of the PROMPT strategy) helps staff to progressively respond to youth behavior as they continue to not respond to staff direction. Consequences, discussed more later, are a part of this restorative system.


5 Example Protocol

6 Progressive Response to Challenging Behavior Flowchart
Proactive Strategies Proximity Redirection Ongoing Monitoring Prompting Teaching interaction with a warning Behavior includes: Staff managed teaching interaction with consequence SC managed teaching interaction with consequence Behavior includes: Record of event Record of event Use this template to fill in what proative strategies you have (examples: RP circles, good behavior game, greeting at the door), what behavior is managed by line staff (blue) and which should require immediate support from a site coordinator (red), as well as what consequences (not always punitive) are possible outcomes. Communicate Communicate Consequences include: Consequences include: Follow Up Follow Up Reconnect, Repair, and Plan

7 Proactive Strategies

8 Teaching Interactions
Proximity Redirection Ongoing Monitoring Prompting Teaching Interactions Teaching Interactions

9 Defining Behavior as Staff Managed vs. SC Managed
Determine Who Should Respond

10 Corrective Consequences
Use the consequences you have within the system. Use the Corrective Consequences page to generate new ideas. Ensure that consequences meet long-term objectives and not just short-term goals.

11 Following Challenging Behavior
Communicate Follow-Up

12 Reconnect and Repair Start putting more money in the bank
Check where your response was in the window Repair harm by rebuilding community in the afterschool space Talk about what happened with all involved to clear the air

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