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Liceo Classico Statale “C.Colombo”

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1 Liceo Classico Statale “C.Colombo”
The oldest school in Genova

2 Who we are Our school is a “Liceo Classico”, which is a very demanding school specializing in Humanities, but at the same time preparing students to attend any kind of University Faculties. Almost all the students, who after graduation go to University, (the choice of the faculty is irrelevant ) get their degree.

3 How many we are About 50 teachers work in our school.
We have about 700 students and about 30 different classes. Our students are 14 – 19 years old. At the end of the five year course students have to pass a final State Exam consisting of three written papers and an oral test.

4 Where we are Our school premises are inside an old building in the heart of Genova, close to all the main tourist, cultural and business attractions of the town. At the moment the school is under renovation and in a short while we will have better premises within the charm of historical walls.

5 This is where our school is
Our school in the town This is where our school is

6 Our history Our school is the oldest lyceum in town dating back to the Napoleonic years. It was founded in 1573 as a boarding school for a Jesuit Seminary. It was established as Imperial Napoleonic High School in 1808 and turned into a Savoy Royal College in 1816. In 1892 it was named after Cristoforo Colombo. From that time dates the statue of the Admiral making a fine show in the main courtyard.

7 What we teach During the five years our students spend in our school they study: Italian language and literature English language and literature Latin language and literature Ancient Greek language and literature History Philosophy History of Arts Maths Physical Education Science

8 Our weekly time table Subject/Year I II III IV V Italian 4 Latin 5
Greek 3 English History - History & Geography Philosophy Mathematics 2 Physics Science History of Art Pysical Education Religion 1 Total lessons 27 31

9 Our students curriculum
Students are expected not only to refer to texts they have studied, but also to be able to translate what they have never analysed before. Actually, one of the three written papers of the final State Exam requires them to translate a text, which is the same for all Italian students on that Exam Day in the country.

10 The Music course We also offer a Music Education course.
Some of its students also attend the Academy of Music, while others attend music theory lessons . At the end of the school year, a musical evening is put on and several of our students – not only from the music course - play their instruments or sing in the school chorus , which also includes some teachers.

11 Other activities Our school is a ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence ) test centre Every year a lot of our students get certifications from the University of Cambridge; most of them the Pet, others the First certificate. We have a Drama Team: students meet in the afternoon with professional actors who teach them to act. At the end of the year they perform on stage and more than once they have won awards. We have a Sports Team: students play not only against school mates but also against students from other schools.

12 Our famous students In more than 200 years our school has had students who later on became famous. For instance we remember: Giuseppe Mazzini (1805–1872) one of the fathers of our country

13 Giulio Natta ( ) who won the Nobel prize for Chemistry Fabrizio De Andrè ( ) singer /songwriter

14 Emaunele Luzzatti ( ) painter/illustrator

15 Some pictures The entrance The statue of Columbus and the cloister

16 Some other pictures The ICT lab The assembly hall

17 The End

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