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Discovery of Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC
Intensity Frontier (Sep 26, 2016) UW-Madison (Aug 17, 2016) Planck-2016 (May 25, 2016) Univ. of Vienna (May 10, 2016) TUM (May 3, 2016) MPI-Heidelberg (Apr 25, 2016) SNU (Dec 10, 2015) IHEP (Nov 24, 2015) C. S. Kim (Yonsei University) Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Discovery of Light Sterile Neutrino (M_N<M_W) at the LHC
Talk based on arXiv: (PRD 92 (2015) ) C Dib, C S Kim arXiv: (PRD 94 (2016) ) C Dib, C S Kim, K Wang, J Zhang Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
“Physics – Spotlighting Exceptional Research”
APS News (Nov 18, 2015) for “Physics – Spotlighting Exceptional Research” Particles & Fields SYNOPSIS: LHC Data Might Reveal Nature of Neutrinos A long-standing question over whether the neutrino is its own antiparticle might be answered by looking at decays of W bosons. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Outline 1. Introduction Probing Majorana Neutrinos via (a) 0nuBB
(b) at the LHC 2. Discovery of Light Sterile Neutrino at LHC 2.-1 Counting out Dirac Sterile Neutrinos 3. Summary & Conclusions **4. K, D, Ds, B, Bc meson RARE decays **5. A few Issues in probing experimentally Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
1. Introduction Neutrinos are massless in the SM
No right-handed ’s Dirac mass term is not allowed. Conserves the SU(2)_L gauge symmetry, and only contains the Higgs doublet (the SM accidently possesses (B - L) symmetry); Majorana mass term is forbidden. BUT, Neutrinos are massive. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Why are physicists interested in neutrino mass ?
Window to high energy physics beyond the SM! How exactly do we extend it? Without knowing if neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana, any attempts to extend the Standard Model are not successful. Effective Observability of Difference between Dirac and Majorana Nu is proportional to Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Possible range of (Sterile) Nu mass
From neutrino oscillation and WMAP: from neutrino oscillation from WMAP and Astrophysics from nuMSM (a model) (b) From dark matter searches: from nuMSM, warm DM, … from DAMA, CDMS, XENON, … from SUSY, EDM, … (C) From BAU and Inflation (D) From usual see-saw (E) We can assume any value of , which will be determined by experiments. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Possible bound of (Sterile) N mixing:
PMNS Mixing Sterile N Mixing In nuMSM, see-saw with (light RH sterile) N gives: We can assume any value of , which will be determined by experiments. Present bounds for heavy N [Nardi etal, PLB327,319] Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
A. Atre et al, JHEP05(2009)030 Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
* Probing Majorana neutrinos
Lepton number violation by 2 units plays a crucial role to probe the Majorana nature of ’s, (a) The observation of 0 Black Box 0 , Provides a promising lab. method for determining the absolute neutrino mass scale that is complementary to other measurement techniques Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
the half-life time, ,of the 0nbb decay can be factorized as :
In the limit of small neutrino masses : the half-life time, ,of the 0nbb decay can be factorized as : : Nuclear matrix element : phase space factor : effective neutrino mass (model independent) depends on neutrino mass hierarchy
Large uncertianties in NME
Uncertainties (O.Cremonesi, 05) Large uncertianties in NME About factor of 100 in NME affect order 2-3 in |< mn>| Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
(b) Probing Majorana Neutrinos at LHC
In accelerator-based experiments, neutrinos in the final state are undetectable by the detectors, leading to the “missing energy”. So it is desirable to look for charged leptons in the final state. It is hard to avoid the TeV-scale physics to contribute to flavor-changing effects in general whatever it is, SUSY, extra dimensions, TeV seesaw, technicolor, Higgsless, little Higgs Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
transition rates are proportional to
Basic process we consider transition rates are proportional to Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Testability at the LHC Two necessary conditions to test at the LHC:
-- Masses of heavy Majorana n’s must be less than TeV -- Light-heavy neutrino mixing (i.e., MD/MR) must be large enough. LHC signatures of heavy Majorana ’s are essentially decoupled from masses and mixing parameters of light Majorana ’s. Non-unitarity of the light neutrino flavor mixing matrix might lead to observable effects. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Nontrivial limits on heavy Majorana neutrinos can be
derived at the LHC, if the SM backgrounds are small for a specific final state. L = 2 like-sign dilepton events j j =2 well isolated energetic jets; N=Majorana, M(N)>100 GeV If N=Dirac and/or M(N)<100 GeV Large Background Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Collider Signature Lepton number violation: like-sign dilepton events at hadron colliders, such as Tevatron (~2 TeV) and LHC (~14 TeV). collider analogue to 0 decay N can be produced on resonance dominant channel Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Some Results Cross sections are generally smaller for larger masses of heavy Majorana neutrinos. [ Han, Zhang (hep-ph/ ) ] Signal & background cross sections (in fb) as a function of the heavy Majorana neutrino mass (in GeV) : [ Del Aguila et al (hep-ph/ ) ] *Background could be much larger by soft-piling up !! Tevatron LHC Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
2. Discovery of light sterile N at LHC
C Dib, CS Kim, arXiv: (PRD92(2015)093009) In previous works for LHC, covered. Is a way to cover ? Cosmology & astrophysics motivate strongly GeV. How about on-shell W leptonic decays? Possible problems Large radiative decays, we choose from W+ decay (no radiative bg) Final neutrino flavor not observed or LNV (Majorana N) or LNC-LFV (Maj./Dirac N) Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
vs two competing processes (for ) : LNV (only Majorana neutrino N)
LNC but LFV (Majorana or Dirac neutrino N) ** We cannot indentify the final neutrino flavor, or Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Comments: Same processes
and their C.C. (as long as no + - for the same flavor) Comparison of vs. need well isolated energetic 2 jets (same for ) (otherwise large background from WW, instead of WWW) m(N) > ~ m(W) for W -> l l j j m(N) < m(W) for W -> l l l nu 3. arXiv: considered only not (flavor of final nu unidentifiable) 4. Reconstruction of on-shell W at LHC (hadronic colliders) or for m(nu)~0 reconstructable event-by-event by using p(l) and m_T. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Reconstruction event-by-event from on-shell W
Even with missing neutrino, assuming p_T(W) = 0: Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
LNV, Pure Majorana, Process:
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
LNC but LFV, Pure Dirac, Process:
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Numerical studies and discussions
(A) branching ratios: reduced BR for Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
(B) Spectrum analysis to separate Majorana from Dirac neutrino:
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
2.-1 Discovery of light Sterile Neutrino at the LHC when Hierarchical Mixing
When |U_N e| <<, >> |U_N mu| arXiv: (PRD94 (2016) ) (C Dib, C S Kim, K Wang, J Zhang) Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
LNC but LFV, Pure Dirac, Process:
ALWAYS !! Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
LNV, Pure Majorana, Process:
Only if Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Counting out Dirac Sterile Neutrinos
If N=Majorana, N decays as Dirac or as Majorana, THEREFORE: If N=Dirac, If N=Majorana, Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
C.L. of excluding Dirac N Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
3. Summary and Conclusions
Knowing that neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana is THE MOST important to go beyond the SM. We have discussed a new way to probe Majorana/Dirac neutrinos with much less uncertainty for mass ranges of , from the rare leptonic decay of on-shell and We investigated Br(W^+ e^+ e^+ mu^- nu) as well as the energy spectrum of the decays to separate the Majorana neutrino from Dirac one. Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Extra Slides Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
**4. Probe of Majorana neutrinos via
rare decays of mesons (G.Cvetic, C. Dib, S.Kang, C.S.Kim, arXiv: (PRD82,053010,2010)) Taking mesons in the initial and final state to be pseudoscalar (M : K, D, Ds, B, Bc / M’=pi, K, D,…) Not involve the uncertainties from nuclear matrix elements in 0bnn Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Effective Hamiltonian:
Decay Amplitude: Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
transition rates are proportional to
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
For example, leptonic current :
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Model Independence of Effective Theory approach
This could be any gauge boson, e.g ,… This could be any Majorana particle, e.g neutralino, heavy N,… Propagator changed Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Intermediate mass scale neutrino case
dominant contribution to the process is from the “s-type” diagram because the neutrino propagator is kinematically entirely on-shell Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Effective amplitude at meson level:
If we neglect charged lepton masses; Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Br for as function of mN, with lepton mixings divided out
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
Sterile N at LHC C S Kim
**5-1. Issues on Displacement of Vertices
CSK et al Gronau et al, PRD29(1984)2539 When in a) N is on mass-shell b) Two charged leptons at displaced vertices c) Possibly 2ndary vertex fall outside of detector = 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
Life time of N, Present bound For , Therefore, for
Atre et al, JHEP05,035 Life time of N, CSK et al Present bound For , Therefore, for Need consider vertex displacement 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
Correct Branching Ratios
1 Theoretical BR w/ unlimited detectability 2 However, experimentally observed BR where probability for N to decay inside detector (size ) 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
Huge implication to the present bounds on
3 Therefore, the correct (theoretical) BR is Ex) KEKB (3.5 on 8 GeV), Ex) CERN LHC, m(N)~ GeV, P_N ~1 Huge implication to the present bounds on 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
**5-2. Issues on vs. What Belle/BaBar had done: Need recalculate this
G Cvetic, CS Kim, YJ Kwon, PRD 93(2015) What Belle/BaBar had done: Need recalculate this 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
[ gone] Need to consider: Due to long lifetime of N, (and small )
When you see , is the event or ? (where massive sterile (Dirac or Majorana) particle) tau decay involves neutrinos, so m(nu) cannot be constrained. 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
Need new numerical analysis (possibly 4 cases)
1 Within SM, 2 With new physics (eg. 2HDM) with 3 Within SM with sterile N, 4 With new physics (eg. 2HDM) with Br(B^+ tau^+ + missing)_exp= (PDG average)= ( ) X 10^-4 Br(…)_SM= (CKMfitter)= ( ) X 10^-4 All parameter values from CKMfitter 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
|B_tauN| from DELPHI, ZPC74(1997)57
Recent LHC (ATLAS, CMS) Results for charged Higgs boson NPB(Proc.Suppl.) 253(2014)171 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
Numerical analysis 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
**5-3. Issues of CP Violation in decays
CSK et al JHEP02(2015)108 CSK et al **5-3. Issues of CP Violation in decays CERN-SPSC (arXiv: [hep-ex]) : CERN SPS Proposal to search Heavy Neutral Leptons through CPV in at a new fixed target exp. Theoretical background: nuMSM model [T. Asala etal, PLB631,151; M. Shaposhnikov, PLB639,414, …] Experimental bounds for HNLs 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
CSK et al CP Violation in decays CPV in 12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
12/6/2018 IHEP Seminar C S Kim
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