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Figurative Language is also called figures of speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Figurative Language is also called figures of speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figurative Language is also called figures of speech.
It changes the literal meaning of words • to express complexity, • to capture a physical or sensory effect, or • to extend meaning. There are a number of figures of speech. Some of the more common ones are:

2 Simile Making a comparison between unlike things, using “like” or “as.” Forrest Gump’s famous simile is “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

3 Metaphor Making a comparison between unlike things without the use “like” or “as.” An example is, “Your eyes are the windows to your soul.” – Immanuel Kant.

4 Tone The attitude an author takes toward the audience, subject or character. The tone is conveyed through the author’s words and details. “I’m so excited that he called! I’ve been hoping to hear from him.” Vs. “Why is that weirdo calling me again?”

5 Theme A theme is the main idea of a story, or the message the author is conveying. This message is usually about life, society or human nature. THREE LITTLE PIGS: Hard work pays off

6 Flashbacks A scene in a narrative that returns to an earlier time.

7 Irony is a literary device to show meaning by saying the exact opposite of what is really meant. There are several types of Irony: Verbal: Its raining cats and dogs outside.. You express, “This weather is just lovely.” Situational: The police station gets robbed Dramatic:In a scary movie, the character walks into a house and the audience knows the killer is in the house.

8 Mood Mood is the emotion that YOU feel while you’re reading. MOOD= ME
Examples: makes you feel sad, others joyful, still others angry.

9 Stanza When a poem is divided into groups of lines, often with a regular pattern, these groups are known as stanzas or verses.

10 Plot Plot- The sequence of events in a story
Exposition-The introduction: gives the setting, the characters, and other facts necessary for understanding the story. Rising Action-Events that occur leading up to the climax Climax-The highest point of interest or suspense in the story; Falling Action-Events that occur after the climax Resolution-The way the story turns out; the final outcome

11 Point of View Point of View-The perspective from which the story is told. It is either a narrator outside of the story or a character in the story. First Person- Told by a character who is in the story and uses the first person pronouns, I me, my, we. Third Person Limited-Told by a narrator using the pronouns he, she, they; inner thoughts and feelings of only one character. The narrator is a character in the story. Third Person Objective- Told by a narrator using pronouns he, she, they; There is no feelings or thoughts. Third Person Omniscient-Told by a narrator using pronouns he, she, they; the narrator is outside of the story and knows and tells what each character thinks and feels.

12 Combining Sentences Sentences can be combined by using three punctuation marks: the dash (-), the colon (:), the semi-colon (;). You can also use coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, so) To combine sentences (clauses) that are grammatically equal.

13 is used to add more information about some part of your sentence.
Combining Sentences A dash (-) is used to add more information about some part of your sentence. It is rather informal and although you may see it when you read, it is better to avoid this punctuation in your writing.

14 Combining Sentences A colon (:)
is also used to add more information and especially to give examples of something in the sentence. What follows a colon may be a clause (He is a great athlete: he plays soccer, baseball and basketball.) or a group of words that cannot stand by themselves (He plays many sports: soccer, baseball and basketball.)

15 Combining Sentences A semi-colon (;)
is used to connect clauses and is the most important punctuation mark for combining sentences. It can be used alone to connect clauses (He’s not heavy; he’s my brother.) It can also be used to connect clauses together with special linking words such as however, moreover, therefore.

16 Combining Sentences Sample Question: Choose the answer that is the most effective substitute for each underlined part of the sentence. If no substitution is necessary, choose “Leave as is.” The Alaska rivers are clear and sparkling in summer however; they are frozen in winter. (A) in summer, however they are frozen in winter. (B) in summer, however, they are frozen in winter. (C) in summer: however they are frozen in winter. (D) Leave as is.

17 before it. The correct answer is B.
Combining Sentences Solution: What punctuation mark joins the two thoughts into one sentence? A semicolon joins them, but the semicolon is in the wrong place. “However” goes with the second sentence, so the semicolon needs to be placed before it. The correct answer is B. The Alaska rivers are clear and sparkling in summer however; they are frozen in winter. (A) in summer, however they are frozen in winter. (B) in summer, however, they are frozen in winter. (C) in summer: however they are frozen in winter. (D) Leave as is.

18 There are three strands:
Writing on the CAHSEE There are three strands: Writing Strategies Writing Conventions Writing Applications

19 Combining sentences is included
Writing on the CAHSEE Writing Strategies 12 test questions that ask you to read a rough draft of an essay and make modifications to improve the thesis statement or topic sentences. You will also have to use synthesize information or revise the writing to improve the logic and coherence of the paragraph. Combining sentences is included in this section.

20 Writing on the CAHSEE Writing Conventions
15 test questions that test your understanding of grammar and your knowledge in the mechanics of punctuation (e.g. semicolons, colons, ellipses, hyphens). You will also have to identify and use clauses and understand sentence construction (parallel structure, proper placement of modifiers, etc.).

21 Biographical Narrative Response to Literature
Writing on the CAHSEE Writing Application On the writing portion of the CAHSEE exam, you will be given a “Writing Task” which is an essay question. You may be asked to do one of the following: Biographical Narrative Response to Literature Expository Essay Persuasive Essay Business Letter

22 Biographical Narrative:
Writing on the CAHSEE Biographical Narrative: This writing is often about a real person who is important to you.

23 Writing on the CAHSEE Response to Literature: You read a passage [literature], and write an essay [response] based on that passage.

24 Writing on the CAHSEE Expository Essay:
Exposition is most often nonfiction, meaning that it deals with real people, things, events and places. The question may ask you to write about a moment in history and its importance in today’s world.

25 An issue is something about
Writing on the CAHSEE Persuasive Essay: A persuasive essays ask you to defend a position or issue you support. An issue is something about which people disagree. The individuals who score these essays want you to include arguments of those who disagree with you, then explain why your argument is stronger. A sample question may ask you to write an essay for your school paper in which you convince the readers of the importance of getting rid of the trash and making the school more attractive.

26 Writing on the CAHSEE Business Letter: When you’re writing a
your purpose may be to inform, to suggest, to complain or to argue.

27 Writing on the CAHSEE #1. Remember Make sure to answer all parts
of the writing task. If the question is asking you to describe the main characters personality and emotions, make sure to address both.

28 Vary your sentences to make your writing more interesting.
Writing on the CAHSEE # 2. Remember Make sure you have the correct structure with a strong introduction, body and conclusion. Use specific details and examples from the passage to demonstrate your understanding of the main idea’s and the author’s purpose. Vary your sentences to make your writing more interesting.

29 Writing on the CAHSEE # 3. Remember Check for mistakes
in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and sentence formation.

30 response to literature.
Writing on the CAHSEE Other Key Points Always include the name of the story, article, or essay when you write a response to literature.

31 Writing on the CAHSEE Other Key Points When you give evidence
to support your argument, it should be explicit and direct (or specific textual details and quotes to support the thesis and main idea) instead of implicit or indirect (in the form of summary).

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