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SEM monitors tests PSI February MeV protons

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Presentation on theme: "SEM monitors tests PSI February MeV protons"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEM monitors tests PSI 17..19 February 2006 62 MeV protons
Previously irradiated standard SEM PSI New SEM with grounded plates around ceramics C II F type SEM with no ceramics between HV and SIGNAL F type

2 F type BLM_S

3 F type BLM_S

4 Ceram II (CII)

5 BLM_S Geant4 Simulation Secondary Emission Yield 0. 057 e-/primary @ 1
BLM_S Geant4 Simulation Secondary Emission Yield GeV

6 SEM Foil Geant4 Simulation Secondary Emission Yield 0
SEM Foil Geant4 Simulation Secondary Emission Yield GeV From Calibration: 0.036! 450 GeV

7 HV scan F Type Transverse with 1cm collimator 7e8p+/s/cm2

8 BLM_S Linearity from May 06 in PSB (1 point per bunch)

9 Simultaneous measurement with SEM and ACEM (SEM directly in the beam)




13 Transient effect when changing HV in transverse position – effect on the CERAMICS?




17 19 FEB 2006 F SEM COLLIMATOR position scan

18 19 FEB 2006 F SEM HV scan with Cu collimator

19 Ceram II Beam on Connectors shielding removed

20 F Type Beam on connectors
HV Beam I Beam II F Type Beam on connectors 80pA/cm2 16pA/cm2

21 Attempt to calculate SEY from Bethe Bloch

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