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Writing Effective 504s to Maximize Student Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Effective 504s to Maximize Student Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Effective 504s to Maximize Student Learning
Southwest Plains Regional Service Center

2 Individual Student Growth Model
How students will demonstrate they have learned What students will do when they have learned What students are expected to learn What students and teachers will do differently if the students don’t learn

3 Where Does 504 Fit? How students will demonstrate they have learned
What students will do when they have learned What students are expected to learn What students and teachers will do differently if the students don’t learn

4 How Does 504 Fit? Students who need extra help All Students 504
Special Ed

5 Who Needs a 504? Any student with a disability that limits a basic life activity Learning Reading Writing Math Calculations Walking Breathing Seeing Hearing Speaking Manual tasks Working Caring for Oneself Common Disabilities ADD Dyslexia Diabetes Severe Allergies Tourette’s Syndrome Epilepsy Behavior Disorders

6 Why Do a 504? Remediate Instruction and Adapt Learning Environment
Modification Reinforcement Reteaching Accommodations Presentation Response Timing/scheduling Setting

7 What is an Effective 504 Plan?
Details student’s disability Life areas it affects How student, parents, school will adjust so student will be successful Review to determine effectiveness 504s do NOT reduce learning expectations

8 What is the difference between Special Education and 504s?
Special Education gives help in addition to the regular classroom 504s makes sure students are included in the regular classroom

9 When is a 504 appropriate? Integrated part of student improvement process (preassessment) Consistent, general interventions

10 Theoretically Assessment Curriculum Instruction

11 Ideally Assessment Planning Student Curriculum Instruction

12 Reality Assessment Curriculum Instruction

13 504s are one avenue to STUDENT-BASED INSTRUCTION

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