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Geography: It’s Nature and Perspectives

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Presentation on theme: "Geography: It’s Nature and Perspectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography: It’s Nature and Perspectives
Thinking Geographically

2 Movement Diffusion

3 Cultural Diffusion Movements of people, goods, or ideas

4 Independent Invention
Same cultural trait invented in two different places

5 Types of Diffusion

6 A. Expansion Diffusion IDEA moves- idea spreads from one place to another

7 A. Expansion Diffusion 1. Contagious Diffusion: nearly all adjacent individuals are affected

8 initial

9 A. Expansion Diffusion 2. Hierarchical Diffusion: main channel  of diffusion is some segment of those who are susceptible to or adopting whatever is being diffused


11 Airline Route Networks

12 Fashion

13 Expansion diffusion 3. Stimulus Diffusion: when something is not readily adopted by a receiving population but later on as the result of some sort of stimulus, is adopted or is accepted by receiving population in a different use

14 Big Mac rejected, then accepted


16 Often with food

17 Chinese porcelain – introduced
Desired, but cost was too expensive for it to catch on European manufactures copied process, making something similar Affordable, caught on

18 B. Relocation Diffusion
PEOPLE move – the actual movement of individuals who have already adopted an idea or innovation and carry it to a new location where they proceed to disseminate it

19 language

20 religion

21 Space-Time Compression, 1492-1962
Fig. 1-20: The times required to cross the Atlantic, or orbit the earth, illustrate how transport improvements have shrunk the world.

22 AIDS Diffusion in the US, 1981-2002
Fig. 1-22: New AIDS cases were concentrated in three nodes in They spread through the country in the 1980s, but declined in the original nodes in the late 1990s.

23 New AIDS Cases, 1981 (per 100,000 population)

24 New AIDS Cases, 1993 (per 100,000 population)

25 New AIDS Cases, 2002 (per 100,000 population)

26 Cumulative AIDS Cases, 1981-2002

27 The AIDS Memorial Quilt

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